If socialism is so great, why has almost every country that tried it abandoned it?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Half the world used to be socialist, but now people in those countries have abandoned socialism and are now enjoying the fruits of the capitalist system.

Why should the United States convert to a system that's a proven failure?

Let's tell Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC that if they like socialism so much, they can move to Cuba.
This socialism vs capitalism thing is just a red herring to distract democrats and republicans alike from the real issues, IMO.
This socialism vs capitalism thing is just a red herring to distract democrats and republicans alike from the real issues, IMO.
Socialism is real issue when two of the top candidates of one of the major political parties are advocating for it.
Half the world used to be socialist, but now people in those countries have abandoned socialism and are now enjoying the fruits of the capitalist system.

Why should the United States convert to a system that's a proven failure?

Let's tell Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC that if they like socialism so much, they can move to Cuba.
Every nation on Earth, including the US, is socialist to some degree.

Heres a fun fact: as much as you asshats like to cherry pick examples of failed socialist states like Venezuela, you should know that Venezuela has a private economy.
Half the world used to be socialist, but now people in those countries have abandoned socialism and are now enjoying the fruits of the capitalist system.

Why should the United States convert to a system that's a proven failure?

Let's tell Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC that if they like socialism so much, they can move to Cuba.

I don't understand this shit either. After thousands of years, humanity pulls itself out of feudalism and begins setting up systems where the little guy gets to be king of his own castle in stead of everyone being the serfs of the people in power, only to decide that we need to set up yet ANOTHER system where those in power decide everyone else's occupation and pay scale. Brilliant. I'm sure that the fact that THESE dictators will be elected will keep 'em honest. Just like how politicians currently who are beholden to democratic systems are all honest, AMIRITE!?
When the government is the sole provider of health care, it literally controls every aspect of your life.
Not every nation. The Venezuelans and Cubans might be suffering from socialism but they still think it works. It's just being prevented from being fully successful
It's a cycle, and it keeps happening because people are too stupid to read history. Everyone thinks they can "do it better" which is why, when you point out all the failed socialist states, the standard leftist retort is: "Well that wasn't real socialism!"

In the words of Alexander Tytler -

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

We're in the apathy stage now. Our debt is enormous, our social welfare programs are insolvent... we can't even run the goddamn Postal service without bleeding red ink. And we keep piling it on.

It's all going to go *poof*. Then the government will announce that it has a plan to save everyone, people will fall for it, become completely dependent on them (10s of millions already are) and we'll be thrust back into bondage under authoritarian rule.
This socialism vs capitalism thing is just a red herring to distract democrats and republicans alike from the real issues, IMO.

No... Socialism and Capitalism, are fundamental ideologies that have long track records, from which we can make educated conclusions about what is... and what is not.... a solution to the real issues.

It's fundamental in dealing with real issues. Socialism does not work, never has in all human history, and never will. So a socialist solution to a real issue, is a bad idea. Capitalism, on the other hand, has succeed every single time it has ever been tried in all human history.... so a capitalism solution to a real issue, is a good idea we should try.
Heres a fun fact: as much as you asshats like to cherry pick examples of failed socialist states like Venezuela, you should know that Venezuela has a private economy.

The "private economy" they have isn't where it matters. The state controls fuel, energy, communication, and the food & water supply. Mom and pop stores selling household goods do not sustain a nation.
Heres a fun fact: as much as you asshats like to cherry pick examples of failed socialist states like Venezuela, you should know that Venezuela has a private economy.

The "private economy" they have isn't where it matters. The state controls fuel, energy, communication, and the food & water supply. Mom and pop stores selling household goods do not sustain a nation.
So.....who in the US controls water, energy, and communications? I mean it’s both the government and the private economy lol.
Heres a fun fact: as much as you asshats like to cherry pick examples of failed socialist states like Venezuela, you should know that Venezuela has a private economy.

The "private economy" they have isn't where it matters. The state controls fuel, energy, communication, and the food & water supply. Mom and pop stores selling household goods do not sustain a nation.
So.....who in the US controls water, energy, and communications? I mean it’s both the government and the private economy lol.

The government regulates these industries, it does not own them.

Companies exist to make a profit. In order to make a profit you have to produce a good product. Government does not need to make a profit, therefore there is no incentive to make a good product, and that is why every government industry is a mismanaged bureaucratic disaster that is constantly losing money.
Heres a fun fact: as much as you asshats like to cherry pick examples of failed socialist states like Venezuela, you should know that Venezuela has a private economy.

The "private economy" they have isn't where it matters. The state controls fuel, energy, communication, and the food & water supply. Mom and pop stores selling household goods do not sustain a nation.
So.....who in the US controls water, energy, and communications? I mean it’s both the government and the private economy lol.

The government regulates these industries, it does not own them.

Companies exist to make a profit. In order to make a profit you have to produce a good product. Government does not need to make a profit, therefore there is no incentive to make a good product, and that is why every government industry is a mismanaged bureaucratic disaster that is constantly losing money.
Lol the point is, that is no different from Venezuela.
How the fuck are you defining socialism? Universal healthcare = socialism ? Ok, Canada has that . Are they Venezuela?
Half the world used to be socialist, but now people in those countries have abandoned socialism and are now enjoying the fruits of the capitalist system.

Why should the United States convert to a system that's a proven failure?

Let's tell Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC that if they like socialism so much, they can move to Cuba.
lol. Because, Capitalism "died in 1929" and the right wing still doesn't understand the concept.
Why should the United States convert to a system that's a proven failure?
Are you guys still unaware of how the Left uses the term "socialism"?


Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway are still there. They haven't gone anywhere. They're doing okay, and their wealth disparities are lower. I'd bet their consumption of anti-depressants is lower. They operate under a different equilibrium between capitalism and socialism.

At what point do you guys allow this to sink in? Will this EVER sink in?
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How the fuck are you defining socialism? Universal healthcare = socialism ? Ok, Canada has that . Are they Venezuela?

We are the only country in the G7 that does not, so if socialized medicine makes a country socialist , then there are a shit ton of them out there

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