If it's "not PC", then why are those who preach PC still doing it?

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
Hollywood still has MALE and FEMALE roles, MALE and FEMALE actors, and MALE and FEMALE geared movie scripts.

Clothing companies are still manufacturing MALE and FEMALE clothing, and MALE and FEMALE shoes.

Advertising companies are still promoting "sex sells" with sexy women in ads for MEN, and sexy men in ads for WOMEN.

Public restrooms are STILL being labeled "WOMEN" and "MEN", instead of just "Public Restroom".

There are STILL MENS dressing rooms in department stores, and WOMENS dressing rooms in department stores.

There are STILL MENS and WOMENS hygiene products being manufactured.

MALE politicians still wear suits, not dresses. FEMALE politicians wear dresses and skirts (some pantsuits), not 3 piece suits.

MALE newscasters/journalists still wear mens suits. FEMALES wear dresses, skirts, and LOW cut tops!

Media still uses the terms "he", "she", "him", "her", "Mister", and "Misses", as do politicians and Hollywood script writers.

So........if the new "IT" generation is throwing fits about all of this "gender biased" stuff and the media is backing them, as well as big business, then WHY aren't these things being changed? Especially in Hollywood, in the news, and in politics?!!
So it's "it" now? I still haven't adjusted to one of my daughters claiming to be a "they" yet.
Hollywood still has MALE and FEMALE roles, MALE and FEMALE actors, and MALE and FEMALE geared movie scripts.

Clothing companies are still manufacturing MALE and FEMALE clothing, and MALE and FEMALE shoes.

Advertising companies are still promoting "sex sells" with sexy women in ads for MEN, and sexy men in ads for WOMEN.

Public restrooms are STILL being labeled "WOMEN" and "MEN", instead of just "Public Restroom".

There are STILL MENS dressing rooms in department stores, and WOMENS dressing rooms in department stores.

There are STILL MENS and WOMENS hygiene products being manufactured.

MALE politicians still wear suits, not dresses. FEMALE politicians wear dresses and skirts (some pantsuits), not 3 piece suits.

MALE newscasters/journalists still wear mens suits. FEMALES wear dresses, skirts, and LOW cut tops!

Media still uses the terms "he", "she", "him", "her", "Mister", and "Misses", as do politicians and Hollywood script writers.

So........if the new "IT" generation is throwing fits about all of this "gender biased" stuff and the media is backing them, as well as big business, then WHY aren't these things being changed? Especially in Hollywood, in the news, and in politics?!!
Clothing optonal would make doors on bathrooms to be silly. Stupid even. People inocently did what they did, with transgenderism under the strict fear giving laws that exist. Nudity will show that we are one or the other. Some are both. Some have a tail. Clothing worship made what is. The church encourage it.
Hollywood still has MALE and FEMALE roles, MALE and FEMALE actors, and MALE and FEMALE geared movie scripts.

Clothing companies are still manufacturing MALE and FEMALE clothing, and MALE and FEMALE shoes.

Advertising companies are still promoting "sex sells" with sexy women in ads for MEN, and sexy men in ads for WOMEN.

Public restrooms are STILL being labeled "WOMEN" and "MEN", instead of just "Public Restroom".

There are STILL MENS dressing rooms in department stores, and WOMENS dressing rooms in department stores.

There are STILL MENS and WOMENS hygiene products being manufactured.

MALE politicians still wear suits, not dresses. FEMALE politicians wear dresses and skirts (some pantsuits), not 3 piece suits.

MALE newscasters/journalists still wear mens suits. FEMALES wear dresses, skirts, and LOW cut tops!

Media still uses the terms "he", "she", "him", "her", "Mister", and "Misses", as do politicians and Hollywood script writers.

So........if the new "IT" generation is throwing fits about all of this "gender biased" stuff and the media is backing them, as well as big business, then WHY aren't these things being changed? Especially in Hollywood, in the news, and in politics?!!
Why? There is no method of refuting TRUTH.......its not from a lack of trying to propagate perversion, and racism/race baiting. Never watch BILL NYE the fake science guy? Never read the University of California's ROADMAP to TRANSISTION? Never read the state sponsored curriculum in states like Oregon and Washington that have a full curriculum of LGBT propaganda as required reading? As Hitler said, the Bigger the Lie.......the easier it is to get the masses to accept it as truth. Truth: sex is biologically established at birth, its "Binary": You are male or female........normally. Sex/gender is not a choice.......that choice stims from mental condition.
Why? There is no method of refuting TRUTH.......its not from a lack of trying to propagate perversion, and racism/race baiting. Never watch BILL NYE the fake science guy? Never read the University of California's ROADMAP to TRANSISTION? Never read the state sponsored curriculum in states like Oregon and Washington that have a full curriculum of LGBT propaganda as required reading? As Hitler said, the Bigger the Lie.......the easier it is to get the masses to accept it as truth. Truth: sex is biologically established at birth, its "Binary": You are male or female........normally. Sex/gender is not a choice.......that choice stims from mental condition.
The church is not mental not allowing people the freedom to walk around nude? You are missing that entirely. Would people think I can change my sex had the paranoid, fearful, mental church not attacked people who showed what God made? The church hates the binary. What kind of a response would you expect? People, scripturally, must not have a perverted tongue. They that have that will pervert scripture. They will be perverted in their ways.

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