If Brown wins in Mass, the GOP will need to act


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
The GOP will have to stop stone walling and actually come up with a health care reform bill with the Democrats, if Brown wins. I would like to see that happen. The Dem acting unilaterally is not the way Bills should be written. Let's see if the GOP will actually come up with something.
I just love when the lefties tell the Gop they have to act like this, do that, do this, blaa blaa blaa.:lol:

The people of this country have been asking the Progressive party lead by the Obama to stop with outlandish health care takeover, but have they listened, N0000000000000000000
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What the GOP wants is
1)Tort reform - no way the Dems will go for that
2)HSA support - current legislation kills them
3)nationwide competition on plans - again, the Dems say no
4) and end to goofy mandates. The current legislation is full of them, including slacker insurance to age 30

It will be hard to get a compromise when each side hates the plans of the other.
I hope the dems lose in Ma. Maybe this will be the thing to get them really going on this. Oh and how long did they hold up Frankens seat? hint hint.
People didn't want this reform, it was just not that important.

In short, its an old pet project of the DNC and will be again dead and buried, there will be no 'compromise' bill.

The Dems will be forced to actually govern the country instead of trying to morph it into Europe.
People didn't want this reform, it was just not that important.

In short, its an old pet project of the DNC and will be again dead and buried, there will be no 'compromise' bill.

The Dems will be forced to actually govern the country instead of trying to morph it into Europe.

I agree, people don't want this bill, but I think you're optimistic to think it would render this bill dead and buried. I have little doubt these assholes are going to cram this through with whatever loophole they can find to get it done with whatever number of votes they have.

I do hope you are right though!
The GOP will have to stop stone walling and actually come up with a health care reform bill with the Democrats, if Brown wins. I would like to see that happen. The Dem acting unilaterally is not the way Bills should be written. Let's see if the GOP will actually come up with something.
Defeatist talking point?

It doesn't fly.
The GOP will have to stop stone walling and actually come up with a health care reform bill with the Democrats, if Brown wins. I would like to see that happen. The Dem acting unilaterally is not the way Bills should be written. Let's see if the GOP will actually come up with something.

The GOP will act. They will shut down this worthless piece of legislation like the American people want.
The GOP will have to stop stone walling and actually come up with a health care reform bill with the Democrats, if Brown wins. I would like to see that happen. The Dem acting unilaterally is not the way Bills should be written. Let's see if the GOP will actually come up with something.

If Brown wins it will be because the Democrats let the Republicans obstruct the Democrats' agenda. The base wants blood. Hang a few Republicans and watch the Democrats' numbers soar.
The GOP will have to stop stone walling and actually come up with a health care reform bill with the Democrats, if Brown wins. I would like to see that happen. The Dem acting unilaterally is not the way Bills should be written. Let's see if the GOP will actually come up with something.

If Brown wins it will be because the Democrats let the Republicans obstruct the Democrats' agenda. The base wants blood. Hang a few Republicans and watch the Democrats' numbers soar.

LOL, you all are really going to still try and push that BS. the Republicans blocked it.
I think by now the American people realize that the Democrats have had a MAJORITY since the Obama was elected one year ago..
can you say, desperate:lol:
No, if the GOP shuts down the entire bill, the American people will smell hypocricy. The GOP will pay and lose their advantage in 2010. I expect there are some GOP Senators that do not want the challenge of actually trying to help write a bill.
Brown will bring some sanity to the GOP, I think, if he wins. If he wins, the Dems will either have to give up, try to get a pet Republican or three on board, or ram a very liberal public option bill through with 51+ votes. Dems won't give up, so it will be either 2 or 3.
If Brown wins it will be because the Democrats let the Republicans obstruct the Democrats' agenda. The base wants blood. Hang a few Republicans and watch the Democrats' numbers soar.

How have the Republicans obstructed the Democrats agenda when the Democrats have a filibuster proof majority? They haven't because they can't. What's happened is that the Democrats misread the results of the last election and have tried to implement a radical leftist agenda that the country is clearly rejecting, even in one of the most Democrat states in the country. Brown is winning because this Congress has been sneaky, underhanded, and corrupt and the folks in Massachusetts don't like what's being forced on them.
No, if the GOP shuts down the entire bill, the American people will smell hypocricy. The GOP will pay and lose their advantage in 2010. I expect there are some GOP Senators that do not want the challenge of actually trying to help write a bill.

how is it hypocrisy to vote against a bad bill?
No, if the GOP shuts down the entire bill, the American people will smell hypocricy.

Shutting down the bill is exactly what the majority of Americans want according to every poll out there that you and the Democrats in Congress seem to keep ignoring. This bill is not reform. It is in fact a harmful piece of legislation that will put most people worse off than they are today.

Obama and the radical leaders of his party are not interested in health care reform. They are interested in taking it over, ensnaring more people into having to rely on the Federal government for their well being, in an attempt to create a permanent majority in Congress for their party.
My opinion is that if brown wins the republicans will take it as a reforendum to kill the healthcare bill, the cap and trade bill and possibly some other bills. The republicans will then stop any comprimise and simply sit back and wait until nov, because the election tomorrow will be taken as a sign of what will happen then.
Could be wrong, but i just don't see the same 40 senators that opposed anything the democrats wanted changing their ways because a democrat lost. I see it quite the opposite.
I think if the republican wins they will go for blood in nov and hope to win as many seats in both houses of congress.
I don't see how a democratic loss would translate into a republican compromise- that is absurd.
A Republican victory tomorrow, I think, will result in the Dems pulling the "nuclear" option in the Senate, and they will pass a very liberal health insurance industry reform bill. If they do that, they will pass other bills with a 51+ majority in the Senate and a liberal House.

That will make the Democratic legislation the setpiece battle ground of the 2010 elections. The GOP is going to have to come up with some sensible plans of their own. They just can't say "no." I truly believe the Dems will carve the Republican candidates up if they can't offer something better.
Nuclear option means they have to have support for it. They don't.

This bill barely made it in the house.

And what goes around comes around. Which is why they haven't done it already. They don't want to be on the receiving end of it.

These guys want their jobs very very badly. Some are willing to go for principle, but this farce is not what folks would give up their jobs for.

They will come out on Wednesday with a better more principled deal with all the pork pulled out but the abortion stuff in, and they will lose in the house. The Dems are afraid of a Tsunami, and they don't want to be the ones washed away. Putting in the abortion stuff will be a face saving way to kill the thing.

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