If Biden wins in November, what will policing in America look like?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Will the left wing still support Biden after he said he would not disband the police departments?
You'll be on your own -

There will be no election in nov

The men will be busy locking up the whole deep state and making logic tests for voting
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?

Apparently your Trumpy pals don't like Canucks who weigh in on US politics.
Or is that only if they're "lefties"?
Gosh, this is only the 189th post on the bogus assertion that Dems want to "defund" or "abolish" cops.
Nope, Uncle Joe has made it quite clear that he's for REFORMS only.
Know what this reminds me of? When your Orange Clown tried to claim that positions of "The Squad" would be adopted by progressives.
Nope, that didn't happen. Think you must be smoking to much of that Sticky Icky! :cool:

it is not good enough just to elect Joe Biden. We’ve got to continue the movement in this country for transformative change
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
No change. Biden is an establishmentarian. He has no new ideas and is completely controlled by the transnational capitalist class.

Don’t buy the scare mongering from the right. It’s propaganda.
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Biden has already stated he does not believe in "disbanding" the police.

Disbanding the police does not mean no more cops. It supposedly means not making cops social workers any more and let them be cops. It means diverting some policing money toward social services.

I will give you an example. I have done a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and other unfortunates. I started two non-profits to help people in dire straits through no fault of their own.

One of the people I have tried to help over the years is a man who is quite plainly mentally ill. And yet my state does not have mental hospitals to deal with such people. We have addiction treatment centers, and hospitals which will take care of you for a couple weeks if you are feeling suicidal. But absolutely nothing for the seriously mentally ill.

Let me tell you about this guy. He used to be an athlete. A serious athlete. He was the number one ranked athlete in his particular field in the United States. He was no slouch. A friend of mine recognized this guy and told me about him, so I looked him up. Sure as shit. Number one in the USA.

But something unbelievably horrible was done to him. I won't go into specifics. He also has a brother who is autistic and his parents strike me as being pretty bent themselves.

So after this incident, this man who was going places literally lost his mind. He needs serious help. He is a full blown paranoid schizophrenic and has been diagnosed as such.

Every six months or so, he suffers a psychotic break. On one particular occasion, he had me seriously worried. He was delusional and tell me that 50 cars were following him everywhere he went and that a man with an ax was in one of those cars. He said all the cars were trying to box him in so he could be axed to death. His delusions got so bad that he had begun running out into traffic and pointing the cars. People were having to slam on their brakes and shit.

One of those people knew who he was and knew I was trying to help him, so they called me.

After a couple minutes with him, I knew he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

So I called 911. I told them very specifically what was going on and that they needed to send an ambulance and take him to a hospital.

You know who they sent instead?

The police.

The cops were very familiar with my man and they blew him off. They told me they knew homeless people who were even crazier than he was, so they paid him no mind.

They paid him no mind because they believed he was non-violent. But imagine if this number one athlete decided to get violent and how that would have turned out for him.

I told them that it was just a matter of time before someone stops at a traffic light next to this guy and he hallucinates they are out to get him and he will attack them.

Remember, this guy is fit. A serious athlete who still worked out every day by riding his bikes for dozens of miles. He could seriously hurt someone.

The cops STILL blew him off. I then warned them it was just a matter of time before something very bad happened.

The police are not trained social workers. They are faced with this shit every single day. Hordes of mentally ill people on the streets and NOWHERE TO TAKE THEM.

Sure enough, a few months later, my man attacked a teenager. Another mentally ill kid. And he beat the living shit out of this kid. Put him in the hospital.

So now the guy is arrested, and goes to jail? Good, right? Except they cut him loose in less than 24 hours.

I was hoping he would do a stretch in jail. Because in jail they at least medicate the crazy people.

That's our current mental health system. Cops and jails.

So yeah. If "disband the cops" means more mental hospitals and getting these poor sick people off the street and getting them the health they need, the better off and safer we will all be.

I sincerely believe it is just a matter of time before my friend is shot like a dog in the street.
Gangs hired by the Dimms to keep the opposition in check!
Think Venezuela, think Maduro, think a lawless Banana Republic!! :banana:
Do you believe EVERY word spoken by Sean Hannity and Mark Levin?
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Biden has already stated he does not believe in "disbanding" the police.

Disbanding the police does not mean no more cops. It supposedly means not making cops social workers any more and let them be cops. It means diverting some policing money toward social services.

I will give you an example. I have done a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and other unfortunates. I started two non-profits to help people in dire straits through no fault of their own.

One of the people I have tried to help over the years is a man who is quite plainly mentally ill. And yet my state does not have mental hospitals to deal with such people. We have addiction treatment centers, and hospitals which will take care of you for a couple weeks if you are feeling suicidal. But absolutely nothing for the seriously mentally ill.

Let me tell you about this guy. He used to be an athlete. A serious athlete. He was the number one ranked athlete in his particular field in the United States. He was no slouch. A friend of mine recognized this guy and told me about him, so I looked him up. Sure as shit. Number one in the USA.

But something unbelievably horrible was done to him. I won't go into specifics. He also has a brother who is autistic and his parents strike me as being pretty bent themselves.

So after this incident, this man who was going places literally lost his mind. He needs serious help. He is a full blown paranoid schizophrenic and has been diagnosed as such.

Every six months or so, he suffers a psychotic break. On one particular occasion, he had me seriously worried. He was delusional and tell me that 50 cars were following him everywhere he went and that a man with an ax was in one of those cars. He said all the cars were trying to box him in so he could be axed to death. His delusions got so bad that he had begun running out into traffic and pointing the cars. People were having to slam on their brakes and shit.

One of those people knew who he was and knew I was trying to help him, so they called me.

After a couple minutes with him, I knew he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

So I called 911. I told them very specifically what was going on and that they needed to send an ambulance and take him to a hospital.

You know who they sent instead?

The police.

The cops were very familiar with my man and they blew him off. They told me they knew homeless people who were even crazier than he was, so they paid him no mind.

They paid him no mind because they believed he was non-violent. But imagine if this number one athlete decided to get violent and how that would have turned out for him.

I told them that it was just a matter of time before someone stops at a traffic light next to this guy and he hallucinates they are out to get him and he will attack them.

Remember, this guy is fit. A serious athlete who still worked out every day by riding his bikes for dozens of miles. He could seriously hurt someone.

The cops STILL blew him off. I then warned them it was just a matter of time before something very bad happened.

The police are not trained social workers. They are faced with this shit every single day. Hordes of mentally ill people on the streets and NOWHERE TO TAKE THEM.

Sure enough, a few months later, my man attacked a teenager. Another mentally ill kid. And he beat the living shit out of this kid. Put him in the hospital.

So now the guy is arrested, and goes to jail? Good, right? Except they cut him loose in less than 24 hours.

I was hoping he would do a stretch in jail. Because in jail they at least medicate the crazy people.

That's our current mental health system. Cops and jails.

So yeah. If "disband the cops" means more mental hospitals and getting these poor sick people off the street and getting them the health they need, the better off and safer we will all be.

I sincerely believe it is just a matter of time before my friend is shot like a dog in the street.

That was before Bidens campaign told him lefties want to defund cops.
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Biden has already stated he does not believe in "disbanding" the police.

Disbanding the police does not mean no more cops. It supposedly means not making cops social workers any more and let them be cops. It means diverting some policing money toward social services.

I will give you an example. I have done a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and other unfortunates. I started two non-profits to help people in dire straits through no fault of their own.

One of the people I have tried to help over the years is a man who is quite plainly mentally ill. And yet my state does not have mental hospitals to deal with such people. We have addiction treatment centers, and hospitals which will take care of you for a couple weeks if you are feeling suicidal. But absolutely nothing for the seriously mentally ill.

Let me tell you about this guy. He used to be an athlete. A serious athlete. He was the number one ranked athlete in his particular field in the United States. He was no slouch. A friend of mine recognized this guy and told me about him, so I looked him up. Sure as shit. Number one in the USA.

But something unbelievably horrible was done to him. I won't go into specifics. He also has a brother who is autistic and his parents strike me as being pretty bent themselves.

So after this incident, this man who was going places literally lost his mind. He needs serious help. He is a full blown paranoid schizophrenic and has been diagnosed as such.

Every six months or so, he suffers a psychotic break. On one particular occasion, he had me seriously worried. He was delusional and tell me that 50 cars were following him everywhere he went and that a man with an ax was in one of those cars. He said all the cars were trying to box him in so he could be axed to death. His delusions got so bad that he had begun running out into traffic and pointing the cars. People were having to slam on their brakes and shit.

One of those people knew who he was and knew I was trying to help him, so they called me.

After a couple minutes with him, I knew he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

So I called 911. I told them very specifically what was going on and that they needed to send an ambulance and take him to a hospital.

You know who they sent instead?

The police.

The cops were very familiar with my man and they blew him off. They told me they knew homeless people who were even crazier than he was, so they paid him no mind.

They paid him no mind because they believed he was non-violent. But imagine if this number one athlete decided to get violent and how that would have turned out for him.

I told them that it was just a matter of time before someone stops at a traffic light next to this guy and he hallucinates they are out to get him and he will attack them.

Remember, this guy is fit. A serious athlete who still worked out every day by riding his bikes for dozens of miles. He could seriously hurt someone.

The cops STILL blew him off. I then warned them it was just a matter of time before something very bad happened.

The police are not trained social workers. They are faced with this shit every single day. Hordes of mentally ill people on the streets and NOWHERE TO TAKE THEM.

Sure enough, a few months later, my man attacked a teenager. Another mentally ill kid. And he beat the living shit out of this kid. Put him in the hospital.

So now the guy is arrested, and goes to jail? Good, right? Except they cut him loose in less than 24 hours.

I was hoping he would do a stretch in jail. Because in jail they at least medicate the crazy people.

That's our current mental health system. Cops and jails.

So yeah. If "disband the cops" means more mental hospitals and getting these poor sick people off the street and getting them the health they need, the better off and safer we will all be.

I sincerely believe it is just a matter of time before my friend is shot like a dog in the street.
What you typed is a can of worms. Social Justice has not involved the whole pie. And if there are social groups that we have seen and been uplifted, there are so many more. And they would be right to not ask, but demand the same social justice rights.
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Biden has already stated he does not believe in "disbanding" the police.

Disbanding the police does not mean no more cops. It supposedly means not making cops social workers any more and let them be cops. It means diverting some policing money toward social services.

I will give you an example. I have done a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and other unfortunates. I started two non-profits to help people in dire straits through no fault of their own.

One of the people I have tried to help over the years is a man who is quite plainly mentally ill. And yet my state does not have mental hospitals to deal with such people. We have addiction treatment centers, and hospitals which will take care of you for a couple weeks if you are feeling suicidal. But absolutely nothing for the seriously mentally ill.

Let me tell you about this guy. He used to be an athlete. A serious athlete. He was the number one ranked athlete in his particular field in the United States. He was no slouch. A friend of mine recognized this guy and told me about him, so I looked him up. Sure as shit. Number one in the USA.

But something unbelievably horrible was done to him. I won't go into specifics. He also has a brother who is autistic and his parents strike me as being pretty bent themselves.

So after this incident, this man who was going places literally lost his mind. He needs serious help. He is a full blown paranoid schizophrenic and has been diagnosed as such.

Every six months or so, he suffers a psychotic break. On one particular occasion, he had me seriously worried. He was delusional and tell me that 50 cars were following him everywhere he went and that a man with an ax was in one of those cars. He said all the cars were trying to box him in so he could be axed to death. His delusions got so bad that he had begun running out into traffic and pointing the cars. People were having to slam on their brakes and shit.

One of those people knew who he was and knew I was trying to help him, so they called me.

After a couple minutes with him, I knew he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

So I called 911. I told them very specifically what was going on and that they needed to send an ambulance and take him to a hospital.

You know who they sent instead?

The police.

The cops were very familiar with my man and they blew him off. They told me they knew homeless people who were even crazier than he was, so they paid him no mind.

They paid him no mind because they believed he was non-violent. But imagine if this number one athlete decided to get violent and how that would have turned out for him.

I told them that it was just a matter of time before someone stops at a traffic light next to this guy and he hallucinates they are out to get him and he will attack them.

Remember, this guy is fit. A serious athlete who still worked out every day by riding his bikes for dozens of miles. He could seriously hurt someone.

The cops STILL blew him off. I then warned them it was just a matter of time before something very bad happened.

The police are not trained social workers. They are faced with this shit every single day. Hordes of mentally ill people on the streets and NOWHERE TO TAKE THEM.

Sure enough, a few months later, my man attacked a teenager. Another mentally ill kid. And he beat the living shit out of this kid. Put him in the hospital.

So now the guy is arrested, and goes to jail? Good, right? Except they cut him loose in less than 24 hours.

I was hoping he would do a stretch in jail. Because in jail they at least medicate the crazy people.

That's our current mental health system. Cops and jails.

So yeah. If "disband the cops" means more mental hospitals and getting these poor sick people off the street and getting them the health they need, the better off and safer we will all be.

I sincerely believe it is just a matter of time before my friend is shot like a dog in the street.

That was before Bidens campaign told him lefties want to defund cops.
They do not mean defund ALL cops, fool.
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?
Biden has already stated he does not believe in "disbanding" the police.

Disbanding the police does not mean no more cops. It supposedly means not making cops social workers any more and let them be cops. It means diverting some policing money toward social services.

I will give you an example. I have done a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and other unfortunates. I started two non-profits to help people in dire straits through no fault of their own.

One of the people I have tried to help over the years is a man who is quite plainly mentally ill. And yet my state does not have mental hospitals to deal with such people. We have addiction treatment centers, and hospitals which will take care of you for a couple weeks if you are feeling suicidal. But absolutely nothing for the seriously mentally ill.

Let me tell you about this guy. He used to be an athlete. A serious athlete. He was the number one ranked athlete in his particular field in the United States. He was no slouch. A friend of mine recognized this guy and told me about him, so I looked him up. Sure as shit. Number one in the USA.

But something unbelievably horrible was done to him. I won't go into specifics. He also has a brother who is autistic and his parents strike me as being pretty bent themselves.

So after this incident, this man who was going places literally lost his mind. He needs serious help. He is a full blown paranoid schizophrenic and has been diagnosed as such.

Every six months or so, he suffers a psychotic break. On one particular occasion, he had me seriously worried. He was delusional and tell me that 50 cars were following him everywhere he went and that a man with an ax was in one of those cars. He said all the cars were trying to box him in so he could be axed to death. His delusions got so bad that he had begun running out into traffic and pointing the cars. People were having to slam on their brakes and shit.

One of those people knew who he was and knew I was trying to help him, so they called me.

After a couple minutes with him, I knew he needed to be hospitalized immediately.

So I called 911. I told them very specifically what was going on and that they needed to send an ambulance and take him to a hospital.

You know who they sent instead?

The police.

The cops were very familiar with my man and they blew him off. They told me they knew homeless people who were even crazier than he was, so they paid him no mind.

They paid him no mind because they believed he was non-violent. But imagine if this number one athlete decided to get violent and how that would have turned out for him.

I told them that it was just a matter of time before someone stops at a traffic light next to this guy and he hallucinates they are out to get him and he will attack them.

Remember, this guy is fit. A serious athlete who still worked out every day by riding his bikes for dozens of miles. He could seriously hurt someone.

The cops STILL blew him off. I then warned them it was just a matter of time before something very bad happened.

The police are not trained social workers. They are faced with this shit every single day. Hordes of mentally ill people on the streets and NOWHERE TO TAKE THEM.

Sure enough, a few months later, my man attacked a teenager. Another mentally ill kid. And he beat the living shit out of this kid. Put him in the hospital.

So now the guy is arrested, and goes to jail? Good, right? Except they cut him loose in less than 24 hours.

I was hoping he would do a stretch in jail. Because in jail they at least medicate the crazy people.

That's our current mental health system. Cops and jails.

So yeah. If "disband the cops" means more mental hospitals and getting these poor sick people off the street and getting them the health they need, the better off and safer we will all be.

I sincerely believe it is just a matter of time before my friend is shot like a dog in the street.

That was before Bidens campaign told him lefties want to defund cops.
They do not mean defund ALL cops, fool.

Some do, some don't.

Once you can button down who 'THEY' is, maybe you'll get specific.
But then again, maybe not!
If Biden is somehow able to run away from his past and 40 years as a politician, how much will he have to cave to the alt-left on policing to get into office?

Apparently your Trumpy pals don't like Canucks who weigh in on US politics.
Or is that only if they're "lefties"?
Gosh, this is only the 189th post on the bogus assertion that Dems want to "defund" or "abolish" cops.
Nope, Uncle Joe has made it quite clear that he's for REFORMS only.
Know what this reminds me of? When your Orange Clown tried to claim that positions of "The Squad" would be adopted by progressives.
Nope, that didn't happen. Think you must be smoking to much of that Sticky Icky! :cool:

Ukraine joe is a reprobate retard.

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