I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Your OP is based on a lie.
Comey's exact words were, " Oh Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

You just can't help yourself from lying. Following your Liar in chief.
A good catch. Lying in an OP or title of an OP not only indicates a liar, but someone desperate to spin reality into a lie. In short, Theowl32 is a low down, dirty fucking lying asshole.

Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
Trump attracts pathological liars just like himself.
He definitely has his fans. Most of his fans believe that votes for him were support for Trump. Trump's approval ratings since the election prove that most of Trump's voters, in fact most American voters, voted more against Hillary than for Trump. Sure, the Left Coast skewed the voting demographics, but the fact remains, regardless of the numbers, both candidates were seen by a majority of American voters as the most deplorable candidates in living history. If Hillary had won, I doubt her approval ratings would be much better than Trump's now.
One more time just to rub it one.
Their supreme commander:
"I'm going to repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One with something better and everyone will be covered."
Supporters : We believe our supreme leader. You wouldn't lie to us.
5 republicans are voting no on the Senate bill
It's DOA.

Not so easy replacing Obamacare eh wingnuts?
Not until they can come up with something better. The problem for the Republicans is that they ran on a ticket of "replacing Obamacare" rather than the less sexy and less dramatic "fixing Obamacare".
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Are you saying Trump's tweet about tapes was perfectly above board and honest?
Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
it wasn't? why not? you probably don't even know the tweet.

very good, at least you got the quote. now, tell me exactly what the issue is? And he never said he had tapes. ever, fk dude, you just posted what he said. there is no admittance of tapes. no where. maybe in a dream, a wet one at that.
Why? You obviously don't want to have a conversation. You attacked me claiming I didn't know what is obviously true, then when presented with the evidence, you quickly hop over it and go on the attack again. People like you is why the Republican Party is imploding. The only reason the RNC is still above water is because the DNC is more fucked up than they are. Most Americans have very little faith in either including me. Feel free to take your partisan bullshit and play it elsewhere.
wtf are crying about? dude, you made a claim. I merely asked you if you actually knew the details. what's wrong with that? it's a fking conversation right? you claimed he violated some law or something, I'm interested in what that is. so far you haven't stated such. implosion? dude, how do you figure that? just cause you make that statement? well son, it doesn't work that way in the real world. In the real world Trump is president. and he ain't going anywhere. where is the implosion there? bring on fking ten more investigators, there is no there there. everyone knows it. but you keep your wet dream.

And BTW, literally what a fking waste of tax payer money.
"wtf are crying about? ". LOL

Trump is his own worst enemy. This entire fucking "tape" bullshit would never have started if he wasn't such a big fucking moronic narcissist that he felt he had to intimidate Comey.
it was brilliant. I have an opinion as well.
5 republicans are voting no on the Senate bill
It's DOA.

Not so easy replacing Obamacare eh wingnuts?
Not until they can come up with something better. The problem for the Republicans is that they ran on a ticket of "replacing Obamacare" rather than the less sexy and less dramatic "fixing Obamacare".
they have no choice. they can't repeal without democrats.
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Are you saying Trump's tweet about tapes was perfectly above board and honest?
Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
it wasn't? why not? you probably don't even know the tweet.

very good, at least you got the quote. now, tell me exactly what the issue is? And he never said he had tapes. ever, fk dude, you just posted what he said. there is no admittance of tapes. no where. maybe in a dream, a wet one at that.
Why? You obviously don't want to have a conversation. You attacked me claiming I didn't know what is obviously true, then when presented with the evidence, you quickly hop over it and go on the attack again. People like you is why the Republican Party is imploding. The only reason the RNC is still above water is because the DNC is more fucked up than they are. Most Americans have very little faith in either including me. Feel free to take your partisan bullshit and play it elsewhere.
wtf are crying about? dude, you made a claim. I merely asked you if you actually knew the details. what's wrong with that? it's a fking conversation right? you claimed he violated some law or something, I'm interested in what that is. so far you haven't stated such. implosion? dude, how do you figure that? just cause you make that statement? well son, it doesn't work that way in the real world. In the real world Trump is president. and he ain't going anywhere. where is the implosion there? bring on fking ten more investigators, there is no there there. everyone knows it. but you keep your wet dream.

And BTW, literally what a fking waste of tax payer money.
"wtf are crying about? ". LOL

Trump is his own worst enemy. This entire fucking "tape" bullshit would never have started if he wasn't such a big fucking moronic narcissist that he felt he had to intimidate Comey.
it was brilliant. I have an opinion as well.
5 republicans are voting no on the Senate bill
It's DOA.

Not so easy replacing Obamacare eh wingnuts?
Not until they can come up with something better. The problem for the Republicans is that they ran on a ticket of "replacing Obamacare" rather than the less sexy and less dramatic "fixing Obamacare".
they have no choice. they can't repeal without democrats.
Are you saying no Republicans knew this prior to 2016?
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that detrimentally affected lives?
Last edited:
I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes... ~ Theowl32

You cons are insanely stupid. Words enter your brain and come out the other end barely resembling their original form.

What Comey said was that he hoped there were tapes. Not, he hoped there were no tapes. :eusa_doh:

"Lordy, I hope there are tapes."
Yeah, you are all such deranged shit bags that you can't get my sarcasm in the title.




You poor thing, bless your heart. Try decaf.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.

LOL Lord P Grabbers intimidation tactics backfired and everyone knows it. Most of the Pseudo-conned don't care and have no ethics. They will try and provide what cover they can for the senile old pussy grabber in Chief.
No one knows what you are fucking talking about you fucking loser.

Hey BlindBoo, why don't you give the exact quote from Trump that indicates he lied.

Blindboo, you can't. You stupid fucking piece of shit.

BlindBoo, you and everyone like you are fucking deranged losers.

Cry for me bitch. Cry!

Did I say "The Grabber in Chief" lied about the tapes? I mean everyone knows he's a liar, but this little stunt about recordings or tapes got a special prosecutor assigned to the case.

You're funny though, keep up the good work.

Lynch and comey are in trouble because of that tweet.

Sure they are. Think they are afraid to testify? Think they are afraid to spell out their reasoning behind what they said and did? These are deliberative people in nearly all that they say and do. Unlike the so called President.

yes and yes.

Thanks for tacitly admitting Trump obstructed justice.
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Your OP is based on a lie.
Comey's exact words were, " Oh Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

You just can't help yourself from lying. Following your Liar in chief.
A good catch. Lying in an OP or title of an OP not only indicates a liar, but someone desperate to spin reality into a lie. In short, Theowl32 is a low down, dirty fucking lying asshole.

Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
Oh, did not post a lie? That is what I thought you fucking illiterate loser.

What you posted was not a fucking lie. There was no lie you stupid piece of shit.

Now, go away with your little tail tucked between your legs.
Proving once again that not only are you a fucking low-life liar, but that you put the "ooosh" in douche.

The fact remains your OP title is a fucking lie. Comey didn't say anything close to "I hope there are not tapes", in fact, he hoped there were tapes. Conversely, President Trump did tweet "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" for the entire fucking planet to see. The man's a twit, which explains why you are so enamored with him. I, OTOH, am looking forward to seeing President Pence sworn in sometime before the November 2018 elections.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
If this is how unhinged you get while things are going relatively well for Trump, you're fucked if Mueller finds he obstructed justice. That pulsating vein in your head is gonna pop.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.


:laugh: .. there's just no pleasing you Windy. What's your constructive and realistic solution, just wondering?
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that detrimentally affected lives?
IT WAS A LIST OF QUOTES... Not an opinion or analysis piece. Are you saying that the quotes they listed did not come out of Trumps mouth?
Your OP is based on a lie.
Comey's exact words were, " Oh Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

You just can't help yourself from lying. Following your Liar in chief.
A good catch. Lying in an OP or title of an OP not only indicates a liar, but someone desperate to spin reality into a lie. In short, Theowl32 is a low down, dirty fucking lying asshole.

Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
Oh, did not post a lie? That is what I thought you fucking illiterate loser.

What you posted was not a fucking lie. There was no lie you stupid piece of shit.

Now, go away with your little tail tucked between your legs.
Proving once again that not only are you a fucking low-life liar, but that you put the "ooosh" in douche.

The fact remains your OP title is a fucking lie. Comey didn't say anything close to "I hope there are not tapes", in fact, he hoped there were tapes. Conversely, President Trump did tweet "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" for the entire fucking planet to see. The man's a twit, which explains why you are so enamored with him. I, OTOH, am looking forward to seeing President Pence sworn in sometime before the November 2018 elections.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
You need more than a few anger management classes.
Trump does attract the worse of our society.
That is clear..
He can't control himself, he's a deplorable.
Your OP is based on a lie.
Comey's exact words were, " Oh Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

You just can't help yourself from lying. Following your Liar in chief.
A good catch. Lying in an OP or title of an OP not only indicates a liar, but someone desperate to spin reality into a lie. In short, Theowl32 is a low down, dirty fucking lying asshole.

Give me the fucking quote! Go read Mary Poppins you miserable hack. Go to the clean debate board.

Him telling that fucking lawyer parading around as an FBI guy he better hope there are no tapes....is not saying there are tapes.

Get a fucking brain.

These fucking morons!
Oh, did not post a lie? That is what I thought you fucking illiterate loser.

What you posted was not a fucking lie. There was no lie you stupid piece of shit.

Now, go away with your little tail tucked between your legs.
Proving once again that not only are you a fucking low-life liar, but that you put the "ooosh" in douche.

The fact remains your OP title is a fucking lie. Comey didn't say anything close to "I hope there are not tapes", in fact, he hoped there were tapes. Conversely, President Trump did tweet "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" for the entire fucking planet to see. The man's a twit, which explains why you are so enamored with him. I, OTOH, am looking forward to seeing President Pence sworn in sometime before the November 2018 elections.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
If this is how unhinged you get while things are going relatively well for Trump, you're fucked if Mueller finds he obstructed justice. That pulsating vein in your head is gonna pop.
Agreed. OTOH, for the LWLs, watching Pence being sworn in as POTUS will cause a few veins to pop too! LOL

A good catch. Lying in an OP or title of an OP not only indicates a liar, but someone desperate to spin reality into a lie. In short, Theowl32 is a low down, dirty fucking lying asshole.
Oh, did not post a lie? That is what I thought you fucking illiterate loser.

What you posted was not a fucking lie. There was no lie you stupid piece of shit.

Now, go away with your little tail tucked between your legs.
Proving once again that not only are you a fucking low-life liar, but that you put the "ooosh" in douche.

The fact remains your OP title is a fucking lie. Comey didn't say anything close to "I hope there are not tapes", in fact, he hoped there were tapes. Conversely, President Trump did tweet "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!" for the entire fucking planet to see. The man's a twit, which explains why you are so enamored with him. I, OTOH, am looking forward to seeing President Pence sworn in sometime before the November 2018 elections.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
If this is how unhinged you get while things are going relatively well for Trump, you're fucked if Mueller finds he obstructed justice. That pulsating vein in your head is gonna pop.
Agreed. OTOH, for the LWLs, watching Pence being sworn in as POTUS will cause a few veins to pop too! LOL

Personally, Pence would be ok by me. I may disagree with his policies, but at least I'm not worried that he's too crazy to be president.
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.


:laugh: .. there's just no pleasing you Windy. What's your constructive and realistic solution, just wondering?
LOL. Oh, but there is pleasing me, sir. I just want Congress to do their fucking job. The one they swore to do when each of them assumed office. I know it's asking a lot these days, but if they did that, I'd be much happier. .....of course, as an American, I still reserve my right to bitch, but I'd certainly bitch a lot less. :D

The bottom line here is that the Founders were wise in dividing up power at the Federal government level. The Executive branch doesn't write laws, it can only pass laws given to it by the Legislative branch and even that has to pass a Constitutional test overseen by SCOTUS. As President Trump proved, Executive Orders are easily reversed with a signature. It's up to Congress, both sides, to make legislation. The problem here is Congress, not whoever sits in the WH.

Oath of Office | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

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