Diamond Member
Though I think this outrage over the bonuses is bullshit, the CEO addressed Congress today and cried about his employees receiving death threats...and he blamed it on the media and the politicians. IMO, there are crackpots out there that send death threats as a matter of course, and Barney seemed the only one not impressed with the CEO's little tear jerker.
It sounds as if AIG is in much, much worse shape than anyone imagines...not just the division in question, but the insurance side as well.
This is some scary shit, and I hope Congress gets right on it.
It sounds as if AIG is in much, much worse shape than anyone imagines...not just the division in question, but the insurance side as well.
This is some scary shit, and I hope Congress gets right on it.
Far from being "healthy," as state insurance regulators, ratings agencies and other experts have repeatedly described the insurance side, Gober calls it "a house of cards." Citing numerous documents he has obtained from state insurance regulators and obscure data buried in AIG's own 300-page annual reports, Gober argues that AIG's 71 interlocking domestic U.S. insurance subsidiaries are in hock to each other to an astonishing degree.
One early sign of trouble came when Christian Milton, AIG's vice president of reinsurance from 1982 to 2005, was convicted last year in federal district court of conspiracy, securities fraud, mail fraud and making false statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission. (Milton was sentenced in January; his lawyers have indicated plans to appeal.)
Hirsh: The Next AIG Scandal? | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh | Newsweek.comBut if Gober is right, the implications are almost too awful to contemplate. Despite its troubles on Wall Street, AIG is still the largest insurance company in the United States, controlling both the largest life and health insurer and the second-largest property and casualty insurer. It has 30 million U.S. customers. AIG is also a major provider of guaranteed investment contracts and products that protect people in 401(k) plans, as well as being the leading commercial insurer in the U.S. It is one of the largest insurance companies in the world, with insurance and financial operations in more than 130 countries. These insurance businesses were once thought to be so solid that AIG was able to use the triple-A rating it was routinely awarded to start up its vast credit-default-swap business.