I regret not getting vaxxed thread

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
That's like saying I regret not wearing a rubber when your partner gets knocked up. There is always a negative side with freedom of choice. It's up to the people to decide whether masks or rubbers or if vaccinations are really worth it, and then live with it. So far, I haven't seen any government guidance that's consistent or even worth listening to. Democrats have turned science into politics too.
How many are dead from the vax?


Left wing liars do NOT want you to know....

But if I survive the vax, I am immune from Covid, right?

Not exactly....

You can "test positive" for it, and "spread it," and "die from it."

And you still must wear a mask...

So what good is it???
A lot of people here in America are going to regret getting vaxed, if Sleepy Joe has his way.

Biden is planning to pay people to get a shot, but you won't be eligible for the payoff if you already did it.
I feel sorry for those who have all the excuses prepared not to get vaccinated but can't come up with a single reason to protect others. What a sad existence they must have where there is not one person in their lives they want to protect.
I feel sorry for those who have all the excuses prepared not to get vaccinated but can't come up with a single reason to protect others. What a sad existence they must have where there is not one person in their lives they want to protect.
If "others" want to be protected, they can get vaccinated. It has nothing to do with the unvaxxed, who are protecting themselves from an experimental gene therapy.

Pray for Phil !!

Indeed. I thought it would be better to collect all of these stories in one big thread. It will save spamming up the board.
First up is MAGA radio looon Phil Valentine.
I am still not vacced, still looking for that pesky little virus, but since my immune system isn't "gay", i guess the Kung Flu, isnt all cut out that the prog elites say it is..
That's like saying I regret not wearing a rubber when your partner gets knocked up. There is always a negative side with freedom of choice. It's up to the people to decide whether masks or rubbers or if vaccinations are really worth it, and then live with it. So far, I haven't seen any government guidance that's consistent or even worth listening to. Democrats have turned science into politics too.

More like not wearing a rubber and contracting AIDS is a better way to put it because getting knocked up usually does not kill but getting AIDS can and without proper medication you could die…
I feel sorry for those who have all the excuses prepared not to get vaccinated but can't come up with a single reason to protect others. What a sad existence they must have where there is not one person in their lives they want to protect.
Even being Vaccinated it does not stop the Delta Variant and you can still contract, spread and even die from the Delta Variant, or have you discovered something different?

It is true in most cases those that have been vaccinated are less likely to die but break through cases have happened which is why the CDC is sounding the alarm because the next mutation could mean the vaccine is worthless in that short amount of time…
If "others" want to be protected, they can get vaccinated. It has nothing to do with the unvaxxed, who are protecting themselves from an experimental gene therapy.
Thing is, you jerks have to preach. Making your "personal choice" into a crusade makes you culpable for the resulting death and sickness. I would have had a hard time living with myself had I contracted covid and spread it to others so I took every precaution. Can't imagine the level of self-absorption it takes to think your personal choice trumps the well being of others.
Thing is, you jerks have to preach. Making your "personal choice" into a crusade makes you culpable for the resulting death and sickness. I would have had a hard time living with myself had I contracted covid and spread it to others so I took every precaution. Can't imagine the level of self-absorption it takes to think your personal choice trumps the well being of others.

Welcome to America and you are free to leave whenever you and live your life as you want as long as you do not break any laws but you are not allow to tell others how to live because you feel you are mightier than them.
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Pray for Phil !!

Indeed. I thought it would be better to collect all of these stories in one big thread. It will save spamming up the board.
First up is MAGA radio looon Phil Valentine.

13-Year-Old Boy Dies Three Days After Taking Second COVID Shot​

Obsessed Med student dies suddenly weeks after second COVID jab

17-year-old diagnosed with heart condition after receiving COVID vaccine, father tells 'Fox & Friends'​

45 year old mom dies


‘This is not a hoax’

The last words of the late Curt Carpenter
You never hear if there is any preexisting conditions on those that die. Was the victim of the chinese virus queer and had HIV? that would definately cause the Fung Flu to kill them. Were they smokers or vapors whose lungs just couldnt handle the disease that attacks the respiratory system, which was damaged by such actions? We wont be told this because the prog elites demand that their slaves obey and shut down, mask up, and suck their dicks or kiss their asses....

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