I Have Officially Lost Faith In Our Elections

I'm not going to stop voting even though right now I think it's a waste because the Democrats are just going to keep winning and or cheating. We're never going to get our country back ever again. I'm calling it right now with the latest Democratic win. Apparently only a few people still even care and love about our country so America as we know it is dead forever. RIP. 😞

Or, nominate candidates who aren’t retarded. Then you’ll start winning again.

I think you missed the point that the election proved.

If you think it showed that few people care, you are wrong. The number for both early voting and voting on election day broke records here in GA. The voter turnout was amazing. Especially considering the weather was nasty on election day. But people got out and voted.
Yes, they did and our Federal Taxes will somehow have to be increased because there are still way too many poor people.
Eight other statewide Georgia Republicans candidates, not chosen or endorsed by Trump, all won last month. Each won by at least five points, and their average margin of victory was more than seven points. Not Walker. Why? Was it the lack of strength of the candidate? Was it because Trump chose him to be the candidate? Is Trump now the kiss of death for a candidate?
walker was just a poor choice ..trump's choice...the gop is beginning to eat their own and i am here for it
Not that ballot harvesting had anything to do with it.

Liberty one lol
With the constant attack on our rights by the Marxists/Democrats, you are so full of shit, and just a slave who wants more free stuff.

I'm not going to stop voting even though right now I think it's a waste because the Democrats are just going to keep winning and or cheating. We're never going to get our country back ever again. I'm calling it right now with the latest Democratic win. Apparently only a few people still even care and love about our country so America as we know it is dead forever. RIP. 😞

Lying about Democrats ‘cheating’ and idiocy about ‘getting the country back’ are just two of many reasons why the voters rejected Republican candidates.
I'm not going to stop voting even though right now I think it's a waste because the Democrats are just going to keep winning and or cheating. We're never going to get our country back ever again. I'm calling it right now with the latest Democratic win. Apparently only a few people still even care and love about our country so America as we know it is dead forever. RIP. 😞

So, you are on the ledge and about to jump because Walker didn’t win?

Well, Walker was a horrible candidate and didn’t deserve to win but you will disagree and proclaim he was the best of the best.

Anyone Trump endorses sounds alarms because you know very well that Candidate is the worse choice out there!
Losers? Do you like over 3 dollars a gallon of gas? Do you like high food prices and empty shelves? And Rafael Warnock just rubber stamp all those policies of Joe Biden that made it that way. There are stupid people, and then there are Joe Biden Voters.

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I am paying around $2.50 a gallon right now, and WTI Crude is trading around $72.00 a barrel, so I do not know where you live but shit is going down for now…
I am paying around $2.50 a gallon right now, and WTI Crude is trading around $72.00 a barrel, so I do not know where you live but shit is going down for now…
If the proverbial "Shit" is going down, why is the FED RESERVE still talking about hiking up interest rates? It is because inflation is still going up, not down. And more money is being printed and given out to 1. Illegals who are crossing the border in the 10s of thousands per month. 2. Dumbass poor, who wont get off their asses and work for a living. The elderly who did their time contributing to the country but now realized that their hard work cant keep up with inflation so get a boost to their Social Security because it is tied to inflation. More money printed and more people in this country means higher prices and less goods to purchase.
If the proverbial "Shit" is going down, why is the FED RESERVE still talking about hiking up interest rates? It is because inflation is still going up, not down. And more money is being printed and given out to 1. Illegals who are crossing the border in the 10s of thousands per month. 2. Dumbass poor, who wont get off their asses and work for a living. The elderly who did their time contributing to the country but now realized that their hard work cant keep up with inflation so get a boost to their Social Security because it is tied to inflation. More money printed and more people in this country means higher prices and less goods to purchase.
Wow, move the goal post when you get corrected, right?

Gas Prices have been declining for the last few weeks along with the Price of WTI Oil, so stuff is going down for NOW!

Did you notice I wrote for now or are you going to ignore that like usual?

The increase in prices on everything is tied to the Global Economics and inflation was going to happen no matter what!

Do you truly believe had Trump won that we would be living in a Utopia and if so how naive are you?

Fact is everyone could see inflation was coming and it will take time to get it under control!

With that written until the price of diesel comes down to the level it was at in 2020 you will not see lower costs on anything seeing Diesel powers the world economy!

Get diesel down and shit get lower!

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