Hydroxy hysteria: When saving lives collides with politics and bureaucracy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Hydroxy hysteria: When saving lives collides with politics and bureaucracy

10 Apr 2020 ~~ By Ramin Oskoui
Why is President Trump being ridiculed or condemned for at least spreading a ray of hope against a disease so new it would be impossible for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have its own officially approved treatment yet? Is the president promoting quackery, or worse? Nothing of the sort.
To start, hydroxychloroquine is not being used without any safeguards. The standard clinical trials proving its value against this disease have not been conducted — but hydroxychloroquine was tested and approved six decades ago, and it has an established record of efficacy and side effects that physicians can review. No doctor is prescribing it without following standard protocols observed for any drug or any patient.
While hydroxychloroquine may not be the best or ultimate cure against COVID-19, and while its use may be more experimental than proven at this stage, the fact is that this is not a normal situation. We face a new, dangerously infectious virus, and abnormal times can require abnormal measures. Hydroxychloroquine has shown promise in treating symptomatic cases of COVID-19, which is why many doctors are using it. And a recent survey of some 1,200 U.S. doctors found that 65 percent said they would prescribe it to treat or prevent COVID-19 in a family member.
Indeed, medical authorities have explained for years that off-label drug use — prescribing a medication for a health condition other than its normal purpose — can be an innovative way to broaden therapeutic tools in challenging medical situations.
In this crisis, the president rightly has become deeply involved in the details of public policy and is working closely with members of his White House coronavirus task force. You may disagree with his views or his style, but the establishment needs to be shaken up: The normal order of business will not be enough to defeat COVID-19. And even if you think we were unprepared for COVID-19, it was not simply the fault of one man. It is part of the problem with our national approach to solving challenges: too much regulation, too much cronyism, too much corruption.
This crisis is a wake-up call. We need to set aside the old ways of doing things in Washington, innovate together, put on our masks, and get our country back to work.

In January and February 2020, Dr. Fauci of the CDC was touting a different story about the emergence of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus.
In fact, on February 28, 2020, Dr. Fauci was one of three authors of an article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine which concluded that the overall consequences of the coronavirus "ultimately may be akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.." Yet morons blame Trump for not closing down the country in January or December. Fact is the country should never have been shut down at all.
Despite the recommendations by Dr. Fauci, on January 28, Trump closed all flights to and from China.
Meanwhile spokesmen for WHO were claiming there was no human-to-human transmission covering for China.... In less than a month they changed their position originally claiming a 3.5% death rate from the newly classed Novel Covid-19 virus.
To add insult to injury, the spokesman for WHO has sided with China and spread disinformation.
I notice that the FAKE NEWS is using the name PLAQUENIL to dissociate this beneficial medication from President Trump. In the meantime:

Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate - News

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