Humor in Current Events


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Big Orly’s Diary and the Crumpler Report
The View From Up the Holler

An excerpt: I’m gonna do it anyway. Being as I’m just a West Virginia boy, and mostly barefoot, and don’t have much sense, a lot of folk say, maybe I shouldn’t be explaining the world. But the world don’t make even as much sense as I do, so guess I’ll stick my fork in.

I love a good sense of humor.

It’s hard to figure. We saw all these people busting up store windows because they want Social Justice, which I guess they keep in stores in Minneapolis. If they did that here they could find social justice real fast. It’s what a rope is for. But they was whooping and hollering like it was the Reverend McBilly Osfeiser’s Last Best Jesus Revival and Donut Social that comes every year to get Granny’s Social Security. Anyway, the people busting store windows say that ruining stores will help black folks who live there. Well, maybe, but I figure noddy but a damn fool is going to bring back a store to get looted again. So where’s the black folks going to buy stuff? Everybody that’s got money or the brains that god give a retard possum is going to go somewhere else to live. And then these dim lights want to get rid of the po-lice, so thieving rascals can look easier in stores for that social justice. It looks to me like they can’t tell the difference between social justice and a TV set.
I find most humor on politics/current events as rather lame. I'm pretty lazy at it myself. That was refreshingly good.

Anyway, women are taking over everything, most of them crazy. Along with Rachel Tension and Oprah, we’ve got that Clinton woman that’s even older than Ann Coulter and probably sleeps all day in some cave, hanging by her toes, and Elizabeth Warren, that used to be a Injun but cured it with a shot of DNA. And now we’ve got Joe Biden, who ain’t nothing but a titless Hillary on days when he can remember who he is, and pretty much nothing at all the rest of the time. Which might be a good reason to vote for him. We’ve had a long string of Presidents who did know who they were, and it ain’t been real satisfactory.
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