How will the GOP front runner handle the issue of ObamaCare?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Let's assume it survives the next SC battle.

Millions more will be insured through ACA by the time 2016 is in full swing. Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming president and the law is gaining support through the health insurance industry as well as healthcare providers with the millions of new customers they are getting. Over time, the majority of the public will begin to support the law. If the GOP wants to secure 2016 (god forbid) they will need to promise to keep ObamaCare.
They will attack it as it is expanding the public sector. It doesn't matter to them if it helps people or not.

My very Right Wing family changed their tune. They told me this week that their Health Insurance got raised by 30% every year but now it stopped this obsessive gaining.

I told them to watch the major flaws in it. If Ted Cruz shuts down the Gov, no one will have Health Insurance. Also one of Obama's biggest donors was a Health Insurance provider.
just one look at the amount of debt it adds, the opposite of what they said, and people will see the light of the truth.

except for leftist, they hate the country and more debt is better to them
just one look at the amount of debt it adds, the opposite of what they said, and people will see the light of the truth.

except for leftist, they hate the country and more debt is better to them

Yeah, lets have dirty food, air, water and no storm warning...Yeah, Let's let the 1% charge us a assload for a basic package of what we currently enjoy. Some government isn't your enemy..That is a fact.

Could we do better. Fuck yes, but think about it. I know for a fact that infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of this debt...We spent more in the 80's on them.
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Let's assume it survives the next SC battle.

Millions more will be insured through ACA by the time 2016 is in full swing. Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming president and the law is gaining support through the health insurance industry as well as healthcare providers with the millions of new customers they are getting. Over time, the majority of the public will begin to support the law. If the GOP wants to secure 2016 (god forbid) they will need to promise to keep ObamaCare.
If you really want to know how Teddy Cruz will handle Obamacare go to his website I think you'll find it quite revealing! :rofl:
just one look at the amount of debt it adds, the opposite of what they said, and people will see the light of the truth.

except for leftist, they hate the country and more debt is better to them

Yeah, lets have dirty food, air, water and no storm warning...Let's let the 1% pay a assload for us to get a basic package of what we currently enjoy. Some government isn't your enemy..That is a fact.

Could we do better. Fuck yes, but think about it. I know for a fact that infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of this debt...We spent more in the 80's on them.
Are you actually retarded?

You keep saying the dumbest shit, much of it has little to do with the op.

obama care has already added millions to our debt and with will add billions before it falls fully upon us

yall are just to fucking dumb to see it coming.
just one look at the amount of debt it adds, the opposite of what they said, and people will see the light of the truth.

except for leftist, they hate the country and more debt is better to them

Yeah, lets have dirty food, air, water and no storm warning...Let's let the 1% pay a assload for us to get a basic package of what we currently enjoy. Some government isn't your enemy..That is a fact.

Could we do better. Fuck yes, but think about it. I know for a fact that infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of this debt...We spent more in the 80's on them.
Are you actually retarded?

You keep saying the dumbest shit, much of it has little to do with the op.

obama care has already added millions to our debt and with will add billions before it falls fully upon us

yall are just to fucking dumb to see it coming.

You're a retarded economic loser and that is a fact. See both can insult! Obamacare isn't perfect but if the cost of healthcare is slowing that isn't a bad thing. I believe it needs reforms but I believe it is just foolish to throw all of it away.

I think someone that doesn't understand that unregulated capitalism is bad for this country is even dumber. Unless of course, you're part of the 1% and in such case I can understand your point. ;)
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Obamacare will be rather easy to shut down while the House kills it. All Cruz has to do is cancel the 30+ EOs that Obama signed trying to save it. He can do that his first week in office.
Obamacare will be rather easy to shut down while the House kills it. All Cruz has to do is cancel the 30+ EOs that Obama signed trying to save it. He can do that his first week in office.

What will you replace it with? There's good stuff in obamacare that the people support to a high percentage.
Government should not fund or support health care anymore then it should fund or support religion.
Don't even mention repealing it..even though it just might be the worst legislation to pass in our countries history, going backwards in not the answer.
1) Something must be done about the high is so high in ACA, that it really isn't insurance
2) Remind the liberals that Obamacare categorically failed them all. They wanted single-payer, universal care etc...and instead got a gun to their head telling them they have to pay more and get less.
3) Instead of forced insurance, give Americans a tax break if they have insurance, amount of tax break is directly tied to income. -- Why the f*ck Obamacare didn't do this is beyond me.
4) Open up states for cross border competition.
Let's assume it survives the next SC battle.

Millions more will be insured through ACA by the time 2016 is in full swing. Ted Cruz doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of becoming president and the law is gaining support through the health insurance industry as well as healthcare providers with the millions of new customers they are getting. Over time, the majority of the public will begin to support the law. If the GOP wants to secure 2016 (god forbid) they will need to promise to keep ObamaCare.
Obamacare has taken away health care insurance for more people than it has provided.
And without government subsidies Obamacare is too expensive for anyone to afford. You might as well pay cash.
Obamacare will be rather easy to shut down while the House kills it. All Cruz has to do is cancel the 30+ EOs that Obama signed trying to save it. He can do that his first week in office.

What will you replace it with? There's good stuff in obamacare that the people support to a high percentage.
What leads you to believe that it will be replaced with anything?
Frankly, I think the GOP is going to have to bite the bullet and conjure-up an even better national healthcare solution than ObamaCare currently provides.

They were, at one time, the Party of the Common Man.

The only way forward for them, is to rediscover their roots.

This would be a good place to start.

Trash the abortion known as ObamaCare, but put into place something far superior and far more beneficial to the Common Man, than what we see now.

It would be a challenge, alright, and a paradigm shift, from recent decades, but - what the hell - change is what makes life interesting.
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Obamacare has taken away health care insurance for more people than it has provided.
And without government subsidies Obamacare is too expensive for anyone to afford. You might as well pay cash.

And many are paying cash.
It is a damn crime that people who have had full time jobs for yeaaarrs now have no insurance.
Here in Indiana, a family of 4 has a $6,700 deductible, $13000 family deductible and over $1100 a month.
To get one red cent from the insurance company you will have to pay between $20,000 to $26,000 out of pocket first PLUS copay. That is not insurance. That is government mandated extortion.
Unless you have severe health problems you would have to be an idiot to pay that out.
They will attack it as it is expanding the public sector. It doesn't matter to them if it helps people or not.

You people are only happy when government expands, and it matters little as to the unintended consequences just so long as some people are helped.
just one look at the amount of debt it adds, the opposite of what they said, and people will see the light of the truth.

except for leftist, they hate the country and more debt is better to them

Yeah, lets have dirty food, air, water and no storm warning...Yeah, Let's let the 1% charge us a assload for a basic package of what we currently enjoy. Some government isn't your enemy..That is a fact.

Could we do better. Fuck yes, but think about it. I know for a fact that infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of this debt...We spent more in the 80's on them.

Why without the federal government, we would all be dying in the streets!

Fear mongering is great fun, isn't it?

Say, if Cruz gets elected are you kids going to turn into obstructionists?
They will attack it as it is expanding the public sector. It doesn't matter to them if it helps people or not.

You people are only happy when government expands, and it matters little as to the unintended consequences just so long as some people are helped.
That's called screwing the voter to buy votes.

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