How "Tomorrowland" got it right (major movie spoilers)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Now that I'm into my 4th viewing and paying more attention to the dialogue it's dawned on me that the overriding premise of the film, while sci-fantasy and cheesy, is actually right about how we all seem to welcome doom n gloom because it's simpler or we're self-destructive. And a big part of why may be how we're completely saturated with that kind of information exposure. Violence is everywhere from videogames to recreational entertainment to news broadcasts. And I think there's a tipping point from where we begin desiring that kind of information and will reject good news or positive messages.

In the movie, the heroine asks one of her teachers having just given her the 3rd or 4th 'the world's screwed up and we're all gonna die' lessons, "What can we do to fix it?" And the teacher's speechless not even recognizing the question or that there might be an answer. I think that's a fairly good representation of how we are. In the climax of the movie, the obstensibly evil character played by Hugh Laurie of "Dr. House" fame explains how they in Tomorrowland tried to alert humanity to the dangers coming by inserting the information directly into their brains. And thus everyone has end of the world images and thoughts in their mind resulting in a self-perpetuating striving to bring that about. While in reality we don't have some machine beaming negative thoughts directly into our brains, we do voluntarily sit in front of tvs watching such fictional materials calling it entertainment, we do play such videogames, etc etc. So while the machine beaming singnals from another dimension is fictional, the reality is there are many very real machines and ways those same messages are getting into our brains.

We need to have a serious discussion about what we choose for our entertainment and ask what the long-term effects of it are. And ask whether this is really so healthy for us if a majority of our leisure time is spent filling our minds with negative images and ideas instead of positive ones.

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