GAS (goofy alarmist syndrome) -- Do you suffer from it?

Procrustes Stretched

Welshing is such a Liability
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
GAS (goofy alarmist syndrome) -- Do you suffer from it?

It appears to be more common these days then at any time I can remember or have read about. It appears on both the left and the right. We see it on issues of the economy, issues of healthcare, issues of foreign affairs, we see it most everywhere?

Could it be the water, the gmo foods, the air we breath (global warming)? Or maybe it is an evil plot of our own government teaming up with most other governments all over the world? One where governments are trying to take away every person's liberties and freedoms?

If it is the latter one of governments teaming up, I have a message for them: For $37 million (US dollars) I know a much simpler way to do it without having to use so much energy, resources and manpower

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