How people's negative opinion of Trump is based on false information

Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.
I cannot imagine being dumb enough to attend a political rally for ANY one. I don't care what illicit party they put after their name. I'm smarter than that. These political partisan crazies are the people hurting the nation.
Trump haters long for the days we had a smooth talking, politically correct President. Yes those were the days when Obama had our borders wide open, selling us out to the Chinese and the Middle East and doing everything he could to divide America. What a President! He smiled so nice and gave pretty speeches. He gave Liberals that warm squooshy feeling inside.

I agree. Trump is NOT a smooth talker. He loves America. His family. Law enforcement and military.
Trump would NEVER say or do what the "smooth talking" narcissist..(Proof of that..tell me what person would ever say the following upon their nomination: “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”
Then it goes even further by the MSM!!
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

Trump a "God"??? Hahaha... Trump is a boisterous. Braggart. Loud mouth. From Queens NY and I knew bosses like Trump.
You dislike them BUT they get things done! One thing for sure...Trump is NOT politically correct and for that he has my vote!

And Trump would never say or do what Obama said and did!
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.

You mean like Obama did and that was repeated when you do a google search on "Obama says 46 million uninsured "
420,000 results. And it was a LIE... Proof?
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.

You mean like Obama did and that was repeated when you do a google search on "Obama says 46 million uninsured "
420,000 results. And it was a LIE... Proof?
View attachment 335892

And this has what to do with your blob?
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.

You mean like Obama did and that was repeated when you do a google search on "Obama says 46 million uninsured "
420,000 results. And it was a LIE... Proof?
View attachment 335892

And this has what to do with your blob?

Well Obama told this LIE "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
And it is repeated 420,000 times in the Google search! THERE NEVER were 46 million uninsured.
And yet the MSM claim Trump has lied 18,000 times! Hmmm.. 420,000 lies "46 million uninsured" vs 18,000... and your dumb ass comment "because he lies constantly" Is a LIE and that's what it has to do with it! Obama lies are 420,000 and Trump 18,000.
Where were you when Obama was telling these lies over and over again?
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.

You mean like Obama did and that was repeated when you do a google search on "Obama says 46 million uninsured "
420,000 results. And it was a LIE... Proof?
View attachment 335892

And this has what to do with your blob?

Well Obama told this LIE "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
And it is repeated 420,000 times in the Google search! THERE NEVER were 46 million uninsured.
And yet the MSM claim Trump has lied 18,000 times! Hmmm.. 420,000 lies "46 million uninsured" vs 18,000... and your dumb ass comment "because he lies constantly" Is a LIE and that's what it has to do with it! Obama lies are 420,000 and Trump 18,000.
Where were you when Obama was telling these lies over and over again?

We did have that many uninsured people. Not everyone was uninsured because they couldn't afford insurance.

Anyway...please tell us again what this has to do with YOUR OP. Or are you just trying to derail your own thread now in hopes that someone will respond to your miserable pathetic loser existence?
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

The public opinion of your blob is low because he lies constantly.

You mean like Obama did and that was repeated when you do a google search on "Obama says 46 million uninsured "
420,000 results. And it was a LIE... Proof?
View attachment 335892

And this has what to do with your blob?

Well Obama told this LIE "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
And it is repeated 420,000 times in the Google search! THERE NEVER were 46 million uninsured.
And yet the MSM claim Trump has lied 18,000 times! Hmmm.. 420,000 lies "46 million uninsured" vs 18,000... and your dumb ass comment "because he lies constantly" Is a LIE and that's what it has to do with it! Obama lies are 420,000 and Trump 18,000.
Where were you when Obama was telling these lies over and over again?

We did have that many uninsured people. Not everyone was uninsured because they couldn't afford insurance.

Anyway...please tell us again what this has to do with YOUR OP. Or are you just trying to derail your own thread now in hopes that someone will respond to your miserable pathetic loser existence?
You didn't read the document did you?
A) 10 million were illegal aliens that leaves 36 million! called it "sloppy"
B) 14 million were already eligible for MEDICAID before ACA... the states/Obama didn't let them know! Who's fault?
C) 18 million were under age 34, made over $50k a year and didn't see a need to participate in employers' insurance.
That leaves out of 46 million NOT 46 million but 4 million! Even the architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber who called people that voted for ACA "stupid"... admitted after ACA went into effect 9 million of the ACA enrollees were eligible BEFORE ACA!
FACTS... READ them!


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Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

LOL. This is the best post I've seen today! Believe what some right wing hack writes but not my own eyes and ears. Too funny!
Trump flouts his ignorance and incompetence in full view of the nation on a daily basis. THIS is why there is a negative opinion of him, except amongst his sycophantic true believers.

Just choose one. Ok, people on left accused Trump of aiding the Russians, well it's known that the President of Crowd Strike, who looked at the DNC server, said they cannot definitavely say the Russians hacked the computer system or if any information was actually taken, yet at the same time, the DNC refused to let the FBI look at the servers but went with the private company. They were just more than happy to go along with the version they wanted and the media was more than happy to go along with their friends, the Democrat party in order to paint the picture.

Choose one what? What does any of this have to do with of how people's opinion of Trump is shaped? Their opinion of him is shaped by what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears every day. Not a media conspiracy. Trump's own words are there for all to read and hear. :)

You really got to be kidding me. The media and the Democrats have been distorting everything Trump for the last three years. take that recent Chinese American reporter who grandstands, insinuating Trump was singling her out in a racist way when he asks her to "Ask China". Then all the news outlets claim racism in lock step. Its a bunch of bull crap, the entire story of the virus pandemic revolves around the Chinese Government and their deception. The Democrats however have nothing bad to say about the Chinese government. Their main purpose has not changed no matter what they are reporting. How do we twist it to help get this Trump guy out of office?
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

LOL. This is the best post I've seen today! Believe what some right wing hack writes but not my own eyes and ears. Too funny!
Trump flouts his ignorance and incompetence in full view of the nation on a daily basis. THIS is why there is a negative opinion of him, except amongst his sycophantic true believers.

Just choose one. Ok, people on left accused Trump of aiding the Russians, well it's known that the President of Crowd Strike, who looked at the DNC server, said they cannot definitavely say the Russians hacked the computer system or if any information was actually taken, yet at the same time, the DNC refused to let the FBI look at the servers but went with the private company. They were just more than happy to go along with the version they wanted and the media was more than happy to go along with their friends, the Democrat party in order to paint the picture.

Choose one what? What does any of this have to do with of how people's opinion of Trump is shaped? Their opinion of him is shaped by what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears every day. Not a media conspiracy. Trump's own words are there for all to read and hear. :)

You really got to be kidding me. The media and the Democrats have been distorting everything Trump for the last three years. take that recent Chinese American reporter who grandstands, insinuating Trump was singling her out in a racist way when he asks her to "Ask China". Then all the news outlets claim racism in lock step. Its a bunch of bull crap, the entire story of the virus pandemic revolves around the Chinese Government and their deception. The Democrats however have nothing bad to say about the Chinese government. Their main purpose has not changed no matter what they are reporting. How do we twist it to help get this Trump guy out of office?

Seriously? A reporter asks a legitimate question, Trump then DOES proceed to single her out (jeez, you could even hear it in his tone of voice), and then storms off in a huff like a hurt teenager not asked to the prom? Wow, would you say that is showing leadership? Or even comporting yourself like an adult? Why do his supporters refuse to hold him accountable for anything? China is not responsible for our response to the virus in January. HE IS!! And he did nothing! The media reports what Trump says and does. The people in that audience are journalists...not opinion piece writers. And when he stormed off in his little huff, they reported that he looked like a weak, whiny little crybaby.

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