How Obama Treated Slain Journalists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
How Obama Treated Slain Journalists
Listening to Trump’s critics could easily result in a strategic disaster as we sit after the gust clears in our smug anti-Trump motivated self-righteousness/Journalists should not be slain by authoritarians, tyrants, or ideological fanatics for their views, but they have been, and in the case of President Obama with an attitude of callous indifference. Has the media forgotten the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, along with a deli attacked at the same time, the Obama administration dismissed as the victims just being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.​


After the attack on that kosher market and on Charlie Hebdo, President Obama didn’t have time to join other world leaders in a moving protest march in the streets of Paris. He did have time to watch an NFL playoff game and welcome the San Antonio Spurs to the White House.... Critics of President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi affair ought to revisit President Obama’s indifference to the war on radical Islamic terrorists and the murder of reporters by their bloody hands.

Jamal Khashoggi was an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood guy and a close friend of bin Laden.
Why would the Wapo hire such a guy is a question not asked?
Someone please enlighten me. Why all the pearl clutching and hand wringing throughout the American Left? The man was a Saudi. He was (apparently) killed by Saudis on Saudi soil in Turkey. The Saudis routinely behead and dismember other Saudis on Saudi soil in the town square and the American Left doesn't flinch.
That's not the point. You should question why the obsessive interest in Khashoggi, when thousands of journalists languish in Turkish, Iranian, Arab jails, and thousands others have been murdered throughout the ME.
What is dubious about the American reports on this incident is how little is said about Khashoggi, who was associated with Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaida. "Why Is Qatari Media Interested In The Khashoggi Case?
[ Why is the Qatari-Brotherhood media really interested in the Khashoggi case?]

The so-called sadness and grief expressed by Al Jazeera news anchors and other media officials over the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi does not stem from a genuine fear for his fate or a concern about the state of democracy around the world. Rather, it is motivated by one thing, and one thing only: Khashoggi’s Saudi passport. If the journalist were an Emirati, a Bahraini, or even an Egyptian, he would have not received such widespread attention on these channels. Yet in Al Jazeera’s playbook, any opportunity to lock horns with the Saudi government is an opportunity worth pursuing.
Indeed, we have seen the fatwas propagated on Al Jazeera turned into real-life events. Al Jazeera is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government in Doha, used to shake the stability of the Middle East at large, and the Arab Gulf more specifically.
The coverage of Khashoggi’s disappearance is an orchestrated campaign based on fabricated stories and false reports, designed to vilify and undermine the Saudi government. Instead of honoring the legacy of this great journalist, Al Jazeera and its sister channels are exploiting his name to promote the radical political goals of the government in Doha and its extremist patrons in Iran."
As factually stated in this article, the contrast between Obama and President Trump couldn't be greater. Obama's eight years as president were the most destructive to the nation in history, and he continues to be the enemy of America by leading the deep state coup. As for the news/entertainment propaganda arm of the Democrat Socialist Party, nothing President Trump has done or will do will ever satisfy them. He's "damned if he does and damned if he doesn't."
Not even close to being the same thing

Why do Conservatives struggle with equivalencies?
The lives of the four Jews killed in a kosher market in Paris were dismissed by Obama as "a bunch of folks in a deli" shot "randomly" as they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Well, Doc, the Left is nothing if not consistently hypocritical! Where would they be if not for constantly:
  • Blaming others for things they did.
  • Blaming others for things they do far more or worse.
  • Attacking others for things they never did at all.
  • Denying everything pointing to them no matter how palpable the evidence is.
  • Finding the most specious, gossamer wisp of circumstance clear, damning proof to condemn the Right.
And they call it: Being Progressive.
If I remember correctly Obama sent John 'Lurch' Kerry and James Taylor as placators to France...

US to France: you've got a placating, condescending friend …
The French know they have a friend in America; Kerry’s speech and arrival was a demonstration of support, regardless of it being late. But to enlist an American folk singer to perform one his chart-topping singles as a musical hug is embarrassing.... US secretary of state John Kerry arrived in France on Friday to do damage control, after Barack Obama’s government had been criticized for not sending any high-profile officials to attend Sunday’s Charlie Hebdo rally. So there was Kerry, embracing French president François Hollande and declaring his “profound emotion”.

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