How long before we get negative interest rates, hyper inflation, and a total economic collapse?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Well, if we listen to conservatives, we should see hyperinflation right around 2010.
Zimbabwe $10,000,000 bill here the US comes as well.. Ain't printing money fun---------------In a few years, we will all be multi-millionaires, just that our millions won't buy much more than a loaf of bread.

Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Yawn. Or grow the economy so much that the national debt becomes a much smaller piece of the financial equation. Think about it.
Well, if we listen to conservatives, we should see hyperinflation right around 2010.
But they’re liars
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
With gas going up so much so soon, well you're right.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Debt is never in a libturds vocabulary when libturd presidents are libturding
Well, if we listen to conservatives, we should see hyperinflation right around 2010.
The point is the way we run our economic system, we have the ingredients there to have it. As of now many parts of the world see us as a haven for putting resources in for safety. But the percentage is going down. We exist on the Fiat Currency. Massive debt is swishing around the world. And it grows more and more. Sometimes the system gets cracks in some areas and band aids must be put on them. And with all of this people suffer around the world. There is a lot of suffering going on mixed with a lot of corruption. After WW 2 with Bretton Woods the United States was the middleman for over 90% of all deals. Today it is supposed between 50 and 60%. We are getting weaker.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.

If we have hyperinflation, we won't get negative interest rates. And vice-versa
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Yawn. Or grow the economy so much that the national debt becomes a much smaller piece of the financial equation. Think about it.

You're nuts. Nothing that Biden has done or proposes to do will lead to economic growth that isn't temporary. They'll pass out money right and left, and that'll boost the economy until the money runs out and then you've got the same economy but you've only added to the debt and kicked that can down the road. Again. Does anyone really think the US can spend their way out of debt? Or spend their way to sustainable economic growth? All of human history says NO. And I do not exempt the GOP from blame either; it's not a question of IF, it's only a question of WHEN inflation finally takes off and the shit hits the fan.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.

mmm ... at this present Biden/Democrat/lefty loon rate we should all know within 18 months...
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Yawn. Or grow the economy so much that the national debt becomes a much smaller piece of the financial equation. Think about it.

xiden and co. couldn't grow weeds in a greenhouse, much less the economy.
Hint: Joe kills good private sector jobs, he doesn't create them. He sucked off the taxpayer's dime his whole life until he rose politically to the point where he could inside bank and rackateer his EQUITY!

These are easy-peasy tea leaves to read.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
God, gold, food and guns.....and lots of ammo....
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Yawn. Or grow the economy so much that the national debt becomes a much smaller piece of the financial equation. Think about it.

xiden and co. couldn't grow weeds in a greenhouse, much less the economy.
You missed the bus on that one, Skippy. 1.9T is a Big Number.
Quanitative easing is at an all time high. (Libs, if you dont know what that is, ask a conservative friend) The M1 money supply curve looks like the face of El Capitan. We are spending and spending. (Yes, Trump spent too....I get it...he should have vetoed every budget.)

I think we have at most 10 years......AT THE CURRENT PACE.

We can change things...but we likely will not.

My guess is the Fed is trying to devalue the dollar to make our debt worthless. If the dollar has no value...our 30 trillion dollar debt has no value to our lenders.
Yawn. Or grow the economy so much that the national debt becomes a much smaller piece of the financial equation. Think about it.

xiden and co. couldn't grow weeds in a greenhouse, much less the economy.
You missed the bus on that one, Skippy. 1.9T is a Big Number.

Yeah, most of it going to foreign countries, junior.

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