How Jeffery Dahmer's atheism let him to rape and murder young men

no body will ever CONvince me that killing,

then raping,

then FUCKING other human beings

isn't evil.

You are boasting of how smart and ethical you are? It isn't working at all.
You support the butchery of innocent, unborn babies, don't you.
You support illegal immigrants being released, don't you.
You think America is a terrible place to live and YOU know how to do everything better, don't you.

On to my Ignore List you go, joining other like-unminded Leftists.

lol......... thanx.
So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven. I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died. So she is burning in hell forever and ever.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.
So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven. I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died. So she is burning in hell forever and ever.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.

oh but wait! ann IS amongst the christians up there, at least according to the mormons. who btw - have their own whacked beliefs that is for another thread some time....

A Twist on Posthumous Baptisms Leaves Jews Miffed at Mormon Rite


Anne Frank was baptized by proxy recently, against Mormon church policy.Credit...Anne Frank -Fonds European Pressphoto Agency
By Mark Oppenheimer
  • March 2, 2012
“When you hear that your zayde, who died in Auschwitz, has become a Mormon, well, baruch ha-shem!” — blessed be God! — “that’s just what he always wanted.”

It was Thursday morning, and Moshe Waldoks, rabbi of Temple Beth Zion, in Brookline, Mass., was reacting to the news that at least one Mormon was still baptizing Holocaust victims. He was joking, of course, as one might expect from a co-editor of “The Big Book of Jewish Humor.” Rabbi Waldoks hastened to add that his zayde, or grandfather, had never heard of Mormons.

Although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints promised in 1995 to stop including Holocaust victims in its ritual, the church admitted last week that Anne Frank had been “baptized” in a Mormon church in the Dominican Republic.
A Twist on Posthumous Baptisms Leaves Jews Miffed at Mormon Rite
So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven.
He wasn't forgiven as far as I have any reason to believe.

Much as how salvation, as described by Jesus, Paul, and others is not something silly, trite, or reducible to a simplistic ritual or recitation, as degenerate "pop theology", more interested in marketing rather than refinement makes such a thing out to be.

Christ only had 12 disciples out of his potentially millions of lay followers; it's clear being a disciple of Christ required a higher degree of commitment and self-sacrifice than what an ordinary person who merely "identifies" as a follower of Christ would be willing or able to do.

I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died.
Nah, it was atheists, that's what Hilter and his philosophy was, one of nihilism, and a "might makes right" view of the world, akin to Communism as well.

So she is burning in hell forever and ever.
She's Jewish.. I'm not a theologian, but your argument is a strawman and a silly and trite one at that.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.
You're an idiot as far as the history of religion and religious concepts go, such as "exclusivism" and so on, what its meaning, definitions are, and so forth..

Exclusivism, to some degree or another, is an element of world religions, including Buddhism; such as the Nichiren school of Buddhism, in which only followers of Nichiren who recite the Lotus Sutra are guaranteed Nirvana, while all others, Buddhist, Christian, and so forth, are damned to an entirety of suffering through endless reincarnation cycles.

Likewise, even if an atheist is asserting something bad or morally repugnant with "religion", Christianity, and so forth, this in itself is ironically, a "religious" belief (or a moral or philosophical one if one detests the term "religious"), putting the views of said atheist on a higher plane than those who believe otherwise, such as in concepts of damnation viewed to be unfair on some moral or philosophical grounds.
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Not to mention the trend of being concerned merely with "church" attendance as a mere statistic "in a vacuum"; as though at the bare minimum, ritualistic church attendance does little to measure interpersonal "religiousity" or other character traits, possibly overly motivated by finances or business concerns.

Not to mention its lack of contemporarism even from a simple business perspective (such as the number of churches broadcasting sermons on social media; or people reading theology, or praying in private, and whatnot...)
So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven. I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died. So she is burning in hell forever and ever.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.
God works in mysterious ways
So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven. I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died. So she is burning in hell forever and ever.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.

Aside from your contemptible vulgarity and your flagrant ignorance of history, you have anger issues you need to deal with.
It wasn't Christians who murdered 40,000,000 Soviet citizens, it was atheists like you. It wasn't Christians who murdered 60,000,000 Chinese citizens, it was atheists like you. And Pol Pot and other tyrannical despots.

Ann Frank was a Jew, not a Christian.

You spread misery and hostility wherever you spew.
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So according to Christians, because Chef Jeff was born again, had his sins forgiven and died in a state of grace when he was brained by another inmate, he went straight to Heaven. I hope he didn't run into anyone he ate up there, because that would be awkward!!!

MEANWHILE, Ann Frank never accepted Jesus into her heart, probably because it was Christians running the camp where she and her family died. So she is burning in hell forever and ever.

And you wonder why I think Christianity is kind of, you know, fucked up.

Aside from your contemptible vulgarity and your flagrant ignorance of history, you have anger issues you need to deal with.
It wasn't Christians who murdered 40,000,000 Soviet citizens, it was atheists like you. It wasn't Christians who murdered 60,000,000 Chinese citizens, it was atheists like you. And Pol Pot and other tyrannical despots.

You spread misery and hostility wherever you spew.

They did not do so in the name of atheism.
The atheist Jeffery Dahmer himself admitted that his rapes, murders, and cannibalism were a direct result of his atheistic or nihilistic beliefs; essentially he concluded that 'life is meaningless', man is 'no different' than any other animal, and therefore it doesn't matter what you do, such as raping, murdering, torturing, and whatnot.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out; sure, a pedophile Priest may rape boys, but he can't justify it with his Christianity, whereas a nihilistic atheist, such as Dahmer, De Sade, and many others most definitely can justify it via their atheism, and even promote it as a good thing.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out


To prevent murder, we must murder all atheists.
Pretty much CRC logic. Remember "kill them all, god will know his own".
The atheist Jeffery Dahmer himself admitted that his rapes, murders, and cannibalism were a direct result of his atheistic or nihilistic beliefs; essentially he concluded that 'life is meaningless', man is 'no different' than any other animal, and therefore it doesn't matter what you do, such as raping, murdering, torturing, and whatnot.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out; sure, a pedophile Priest may rape boys, but he can't justify it with his Christianity, whereas a nihilistic atheist, such as Dahmer, De Sade, and many others most definitely can justify it via their atheism, and even promote it as a good thing.
Democats and their absolutism , their moral equivalency. Nothing is wrong. Well, unless you are white or conservative. Well then Bernies kids think we conservatives are NAZIs and We need to be put in re- education camps...And gulags aren't so bad, after all apparently...

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