How Jeffery Dahmer's atheism let him to rape and murder young men

Why did he outlaw Christianity?
Why did he murder Jews?
He didn't outlaw Christianity, you LIE!
Due to Hitlers involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today. Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934

Hitler's anti-Semitism grew out of his Christian education. Austria and Germany were majorly Christian during his time and they held the belief that Jews were an inferior status to Aryan Christians. The Christians blamed the Jews for the killing of Jesus. Jewish hatred did not actually spring from Hitler, it came from the preaching of Catholic priests and Protestant ministers throughout Germany for hundreds of years. The Protestant leader, Martin Luther, himself, held a livid hatred for Jews and their Jewish religion. In his book, On the Jews and their Lies, Luther set the standard for Jewish hatred in Protestant Germany up until World
War 2. Hitler expressed a great admiration for Martin Luther constantly quoting his works and beliefs.
The atheist Jeffery Dahmer himself admitted that his rapes, murders, and cannibalism were a direct result of his atheistic or nihilistic beliefs; essentially he concluded that 'life is meaningless', man is 'no different' than any other animal, and therefore it doesn't matter what you do, such as raping, murdering, torturing, and whatnot.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out; sure, a pedophile Priest may rape boys, but he can't justify it with his Christianity, whereas a nihilistic atheist, such as Dahmer, De Sade, and many others most definitely can justify it via their atheism, and even promote it as a good thing.
I think Jeffrey had more wrong with him besides being an atheist. I truly believe some people are born wrong or bad, there's something inherently evil in them from the start. I saw a program with Jeffrey and his father. His father seemed like a nice, soft spoken man. He was horrified that he had produced such a monster. But Jeffrey told him that he had nothing to do with the way he turned out and any blame should not be on his father. It was an interesting interview with the two of them.
The atheist Jeffery Dahmer himself admitted that his rapes, murders, and cannibalism were a direct result of his atheistic or nihilistic beliefs; essentially he concluded that 'life is meaningless', man is 'no different' than any other animal, and therefore it doesn't matter what you do, such as raping, murdering, torturing, and whatnot.

This is atheism, as a whole is inherently evil, and should be wiped out; sure, a pedophile Priest may rape boys, but he can't justify it with his Christianity, whereas a nihilistic atheist, such as Dahmer, De Sade, and many others most definitely can justify it via their atheism, and even promote it as a good thing.
I think Jeffrey had more wrong with him besides being an atheist. I truly believe some people are born wrong or bad, there's something inherently evil in them from the start. I saw a program with Jeffrey and his father. His father seemed like a nice, soft spoken man. He was horrified that he had produced such a monster. But Jeffrey told him that he had nothing to do with the way he turned out and any blame should not be on his father. It was an interesting interview with the two of them.
That argument basically absolves evildoers from the responsibility of their actions.

As far as the law is concerned, people are held responsible and without excuse, an evildoer can't just make a blind assertion that he is "born this way" as a cop-out for his actions.
Ohhh, this is going to be fun!

He wasn't forgiven as far as I have any reason to believe.

Much as how salvation, as described by Jesus, Paul, and others is not something silly, trite, or reducible to a simplistic ritual or recitation, as degenerate "pop theology", more interested in marketing rather than refinement makes such a thing out to be.

Christ only had 12 disciples out of his potentially millions of lay followers; it's clear being a disciple of Christ required a higher degree of commitment and self-sacrifice than what an ordinary person who merely "identifies" as a follower of Christ would be willing or able to do.

Okay, buddy. The thing is, in Christian Theology, sins can be forgiven by embracing Jesus... By Christian logic, Dahmner repented his past, sought forgiveness for his sins and took Jesus into his heart. By your own standards, he gets an "Admit one" ticket to heaven, assuming his beliefs were sincere. (I have no idea what was going through his brain before it was splattered all over the weight room at the Columbia Correctional Facility, but never mind.)

Nah, it was atheists, that's what Hilter and his philosophy was, one of nihilism, and a "might makes right" view of the world, akin to Communism as well.

Sorry, buddy, Hitler was a Christian. The Wehrmacht wore belt buckles that said, God's with Us when they proceeded to rampage across Europe murdering people.


She's Jewish.. I'm not a theologian, but your argument is a strawman and a silly and trite one at that.

Not silly at all. 1900 years of Christian Anti-Semitism was justified by "The Jews didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah, therefore they are damned." They really tried to backpeddle it after Hitler turned a bunch of them into lampshades and bars of soap.... but frankly, it's right there in the New Testament.

Exclusivism, to some degree or another, is an element of world religions, including Buddhism; such as the Nichiren school of Buddhism, in which only followers of Nichiren who recite the Lotus Sutra are guaranteed Nirvana, while all others, Buddhist, Christian, and so forth, are damned to an entirety of suffering through endless reincarnation cycles.

Yes, all religions are fucked up in their own little way. Has nothing to do with my point, that if you accept basic CHristian Tenants, Dahmner went to Heaven and Ann Frank went to Hell.

Likewise, even if an atheist is asserting something bad or morally repugnant with "religion", Christianity, and so forth, this in itself is ironically, a "religious" belief (or a moral or philosophical one if one detests the term "religious"), putting the views of said atheist on a higher plane than those who believe otherwise, such as in concepts of damnation viewed to be unfair on some moral or philosophical grounds.

Uh, guy, atheism is not a religion
Off is not a TV channel.
Not Collecting Stamps isn't a hobby.

The problem we have with "Damnation" is that it's a fear based management technique. We can't really promise you that good things will happen if you are a good person in this life. In fact, probably not, no good deed goes unpunished.

But we can threaten you with all sorts of horrible punishments in the afterlife, trust us on this one, And God needs money.

So, yeah, if an atheist is a good person, then it's because they are doing the right thing because it's the right thing, not because they are afraid of consequences or seeking rewards. That is a superior morality.
Aside from your contemptible vulgarity and your flagrant ignorance of history, you have anger issues you need to deal with.
It wasn't Christians who murdered 40,000,000 Soviet citizens, it was atheists like you. It wasn't Christians who murdered 60,000,000 Chinese citizens, it was atheists like you. And Pol Pot and other tyrannical despots.

Ann Frank was a Jew, not a Christian.

You spread misery and hostility wherever you spew.

Again, you need to stop reading Bircher Propaganda. If Stalin killed 40 Million Soviets, how is it that the population of the USSR INCREASED from 148 Million in 1926 (when Stalin took power) to 182 Million when he died in 1954? This was on top of the 20 million Russians who lost their lives in the war. Them Russian chicks must have been doing a lot of fucking!!!!

Demographics of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Yes, that was exactly my point about Ann Frank. She was a Jew. She didn't accept Jesus as Lord. Therefore she was going to Hell by Christian Doctrine.
Ohhh, this is going to be fun!

He wasn't forgiven as far as I have any reason to believe.

Much as how salvation, as described by Jesus, Paul, and others is not something silly, trite, or reducible to a simplistic ritual or recitation, as degenerate "pop theology", more interested in marketing rather than refinement makes such a thing out to be.

Christ only had 12 disciples out of his potentially millions of lay followers; it's clear being a disciple of Christ required a higher degree of commitment and self-sacrifice than what an ordinary person who merely "identifies" as a follower of Christ would be willing or able to do.

Okay, buddy. The thing is, in Christian Theology, sins can be forgiven by embracing Jesus... By Christian logic, Dahmner repented his past, sought forgiveness for his sins and took Jesus into his heart.
Nah, just because he said he does, doesn't mean so.

By your own standards, he gets an "Admit one" ticket to heaven, assuming his beliefs were sincere. (I have no idea what was going through his brain before it was splattered all over the weight room at the Columbia Correctional Facility, but never mind.)
That's assuming that someone like Dahmer would be capable of such sincerity to begin with, I'm tempted to think not.

Nah, it was atheists, that's what Hilter and his philosophy was, one of nihilism, and a "might makes right" view of the world, akin to Communism as well.

Sorry, buddy, Hitler was a Christian. The Wehrmacht wore belt buckles that said, God's with Us when they proceeded to rampage across Europe murdering people.
Then Trump is a Christian if he wears a "WWJD" bracelet.

I'd venture that those buckles were merely something that already existed as symbols in the German army prior to Hitler anyway.

View attachment 301058

She's Jewish.. I'm not a theologian, but your argument is a strawman and a silly and trite one at that.

Not silly at all. 1900 years of Christian Anti-Semitism was justified by "The Jews didn't accept Jesus as the Messiah, therefore they are damned." They really tried to backpeddle it after Hitler turned a bunch of them into lampshades and bars of soap.... but frankly, it's right there in the New Testament.

Exclusivism, to some degree or another, is an element of world religions, including Buddhism; such as the Nichiren school of Buddhism, in which only followers of Nichiren who recite the Lotus Sutra are guaranteed Nirvana, while all others, Buddhist, Christian, and so forth, are damned to an entirety of suffering through endless reincarnation cycles.

Yes, all religions are fucked up in their own little way.
The belief that "all religions" are fucked up, is in itself a "religious" belief, since it's making a moral judgment on the basis of some axiom or another.

If one has faith in nothing, then they can't say that something like rape and murder is 'fucked up' at all, as opposed to just one of many lifestyle choices, whether it's done in the context of "religion" or otherwise?

So by what religion or faith-based axioms do you believe that things about religions are "fucked up"?

Has nothing to do with my point, that if you accept basic CHristian Tenants, Dahmner went to Heaven and Ann Frank went to Hell.
No, not necessarily; much as the status of Jewish people in Christian theology is a topic worth reading into.

Likewise, even if an atheist is asserting something bad or morally repugnant with "religion", Christianity, and so forth, this in itself is ironically, a "religious" belief (or a moral or philosophical one if one detests the term "religious"), putting the views of said atheist on a higher plane than those who believe otherwise, such as in concepts of damnation viewed to be unfair on some moral or philosophical grounds.

Uh, guy, atheism is not a religion
Off is not a TV channel.
Not Collecting Stamps isn't a hobby.
That's the same childish and nonsensical axiom which as been repeated ad nauseum.

The "atheism" isn't what's the "religion", it's everything else that atheists believe that is.

You have positive belief that "Dahmer going to heaven, and Anne Frank going to hell" is wrong. Your belief is a positive one, based off of some religious or philosophical axiom or another.

Much as simply "lacking" a belief in God wouldn't give you any reason to decide that rape or murder is wrong; some atheists such as the Marquis de Sade overly stated they find nothing morally wrong with rape and murder.

So despite being an "atheist", you would be telling a fellow atheists who wants to justify rape and murder that he is morally wrong on the basis of some philosophy, religious, or other belief - where do your positive beliefs in such a thing come from?

The problem we have with "Damnation" is that it's a fear based management technique.
A state threatening rapists and murderers with life in prison or death is a "basic fear managing technique" - and that's not necessarily a "bad thing", so I fail to see the point being made here.

If your argument is that being motivated by selfish "fear" alone is not sincere morality, then I'd agree, much as that's a strawman in regards to the contents of "religion" or religions as a whole anyway.

We can't really promise you that good things will happen if you are a good person in this life. In fact, probably not, no good deed goes unpunished.

But we can threaten you with all sorts of horrible punishments in the afterlife, trust us on this one, And God needs money.
That's a non-sequitur.

So, yeah, if an atheist is a good person, then it's because they are doing the right thing because it's the right thing
According to what religion or system of belief do you assert that its' the "right thing" in some absolute moral sense?

Many atheists, such as De Sade, would disagree, and argue that rape and murder is merely a part of human nature, so there's no reason a person should refrain from such things.

, not because they are afraid of consequences or seeking rewards. That is a superior morality.
Correct, so you have a positive, religious belief in a superior morality, which in and of itself has nothing do with "atheism".

So where does this positive belief in a superior morality come from, and on what axioms is it founded, since it certainly isn't "atheism".
Yes, that was exactly my point about Ann Frank. She was a Jew. She didn't accept Jesus as Lord. Therefore she was going to Hell by Christian Doctrine.
Again, you're merely making assertion that some hypothetical or strawman of a "Christian doctrine" somehow speaks for Christianity as a whole, when merely saying so does not make it so.

I myself am skeptical if many, if not most of people who identify as Christians are actually "saved", if their concept of salvation doesn't extend beyond childish ritualism devoid of any deeper understanding... much as many conflate disciples of Christ with mere lay followers, when it was clear in the gospels that Christ had only 12 disciples out of his potentially millions of lay followers, and that being an actual disciple required something in the way of sacrifice which merely being a follower did not.

Unlike some, I don't take it at a person's word, that's ultimately, only for God to know.

The "Westboro" cult, for example aren't saved, nor elect, they're going to hell, their cult merely being a bastardization not only of the Bible (both old and new), but of Calvinism and its concepts of election (as well as Baconism); their cult is more akin to pagan tribal religion, voodoo, black magic, and so forth than it is to Calvinism, so I see no possibly of salvation for them, even if they were to "repent" and such.

It's quite possible, they were elected solely for damnation, in a way akin to the difference between being born a man or born a beast.
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Nah, just because he said he does, doesn't mean so.

It's not what he says.. it's what ministers told him.

Now, if these Ministers had gone into prison and said, "Holy shit, you killed and ate 17 people! No way God is going to forgive you!!! You're gonna burn forever!", there'd have been no incentive for Chef Jeff to convert to Christianity, would there?

That's assuming that someone like Dahmer would be capable of such sincerity to begin with, I'm tempted to think not.

Why not? He was a disturbed young man. He might have sincerely sought some kind of salvation or relief from whatever demons haunted him. (Metaphorically)>

The belief that "all religions" are fucked up, is in itself a "religious" belief, since it's making a moral judgment on the basis of some axiom or another.

If one has faith in nothing, then they can't say that something like rape and murder is 'fucked up' at all, as opposed to just one of many lifestyle choices, whether it's done in the context of "religion" or otherwise?

There's universal belief that rape and murder are bad things. (not that it keeps them from happening).

You have positive belief that "Dahmer going to heaven, and Anne Frank going to hell" is wrong. Your belief is a positive one, based off of some religious or philosophical axiom or another.

This isn't what I believe. I believe they are just gone, and ceased to be. As we all will, at some point. Because there is no evidence to the contrary. But Christian Theology- um, yeah, that's what they really believe.

Many atheists, such as De Sade, would disagree, and argue that rape and murder is merely a part of human nature, so there's no reason a person should refrain from such things.

De Sade didn't advocate murder...he advocated pain as pleasure.... which is just fine when everyone involved is a consenting adult.
Again, you're merely making assertion that some hypothetical or strawman of a "Christian doctrine" somehow speaks for Christianity as a whole, when merely saying so does not make it so.

I myself am skeptical if many, if not most of people who identify as Christians are actually "saved", if their concept of salvation doesn't extend beyond childish ritualism devoid of any deeper understanding...

Guy, you are engaging in the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
Nah, just because he said he does, doesn't mean so.

It's not what he says.. it's what ministers told him.

Now, if these Ministers had gone into prison and said, "Holy shit, you killed and ate 17 people! No way God is going to forgive you!!! You're gonna burn forever!", there'd have been no incentive for Chef Jeff to convert to Christianity, would there?
That's their subjective judgment, not mine; everyone, a minster or not has the delegation to apply a judgment, good or bad, on someone; that speaks nothing for what is ultimately true in the grand spectrum of things.

I'd rather not stare into that abyss myself.

That's assuming that someone like Dahmer would be capable of such sincerity to begin with, I'm tempted to think not.

Why not? He was a disturbed young man. He might have sincerely sought some kind of salvation or relief from whatever demons haunted him. (Metaphorically)>
As far as the Common Law and its philosophy goes, no one can commit heinous acts like murder or rape and excuse such behavior; whether or not they were genuinely "disturbed" which many of them likely were, whether they were "born" into some type of bad situation, or otherwise.

That's good enough for me.

The belief that "all religions" are fucked up, is in itself a "religious" belief, since it's making a moral judgment on the basis of some axiom or another.

If one has faith in nothing, then they can't say that something like rape and murder is 'fucked up' at all, as opposed to just one of many lifestyle choices, whether it's done in the context of "religion" or otherwise?

There's universal belief that rape and murder are bad things. (not that it keeps them from happening).
I just showed you atheists who disagree, so no, it's not universal, as in without exception.

The philosophy behind the Common Law, and likely most legal systems in 1st world countries does appeal to a philosophy of universality, or modern law being an evolution up from more primitive systems of "justice", such as blood feuds or mobs in more primitive cultures and times.

Regardless, this is a philosophy or "religious" system of belief, even if some variation of the Golden Rule has existed across cultures, and it has there are likewise many religions or groups with reject it. (Much as nonsense asserting a lack universal themes upon which systems are based, even including the Bible, as per the philosophies of many of the Christian founders themselves is rather nonsensical and archaic; even in the Bible itself, there are verses attesting to God's handiwork being displayed in the heavens, and no man being ultimately with "excuse", so anyone asserting something heretical and nonsensical, such as an absence of disapproval of rape or murder outside the text of the Bible alone is simply wrong and rather silly, whether in contemporary culture, or in ancient cultures and legal systems).

You have positive belief that "Dahmer going to heaven, and Anne Frank going to hell" is wrong. Your belief is a positive one, based off of some religious or philosophical axiom or another.

This isn't what I believe. I believe they are just gone, and ceased to be. As we all will, at some point. Because there is no evidence to the contrary. But Christian Theology- um, yeah, that's what they really believe.

Many atheists, such as De Sade, would disagree, and argue that rape and murder is merely a part of human nature, so there's no reason a person should refrain from such things.

De Sade didn't advocate murder...he advocated pain as pleasure.... which is just fine when everyone involved is a consenting adult.
No, he actually did not:

His books were fantasies about raping, torturing children (such as fathers raping and murdering their daughters), and were supposedly inspirational to some real-life serial killers; most of it was depictions of non-consensual acts

The 120 Days of Sodom - Wikipedia

You can read it online if you dare... I'd rather not.
That's their subjective judgment, not mine; everyone, a minster or not has the delegation to apply a judgment, good or bad, on someone; that speaks nothing for what is ultimately true in the grand spectrum of things.

I'd rather not stare into that abyss myself.

Wow, do you think that if you string words together you sound smart? you don't.

We as a society have GIVEN ministers authority to speak for the Imaginary Sky Fairy. The basis of their "authority" is that they spend years and years studying the Bible. So um, yeah, when a minister tells Jeff the Cannibal that he can get his soul cleansed by praying REALLY HARD, and Jeff sincerely believed that, that's on them.
That's their subjective judgment, not mine; everyone, a minster or not has the delegation to apply a judgment, good or bad, on someone; that speaks nothing for what is ultimately true in the grand spectrum of things.

I'd rather not stare into that abyss myself.

Wow, do you think that if you string words together you sound smart? you don't.

We as a society have GIVEN ministers authority to speak for the Imaginary Sky Fairy.
More of your silliness and nonsense.

You're conflating silly graven images, depicting a god, much as they could be used to depict anything, such as Marvin the Martian.

Conflating such childish images, or Jungian archetypes, with God, which is a transcendent reality or abstraction, much as concepts existing in the mind, but not having a physical forum, such as theories of sciences, mathematics, music, and whatnot.

As far as "imaginary", I always laugh at that one - it just being a distortion or oversimplification of what an image or to imagine something even is to begin with.

One can't, for example see "with their own eye" a mathematical proof, or universal law, but rather they use their imaginative faculties to visualize it or give it a physical correspondence to begin with.

Most people's entire lives are "imaginary", or filled with and predicated on imagined notions; if they spent every day wide awake, reality would appear to them as something much different and comprehensive than it is to simpler and more archaic folk, much as God would (as opposed to "gods", "images" and things of similar likeness to superstitious people, modern, ancient, and future)..

The basis of their "authority" is that they spend years and years studying the Bible. So um, yeah, when a minister tells Jeff the Cannibal that he can get his soul cleansed by praying REALLY HARD, and Jeff sincerely believed that, that's on them.
That's a simple argument of authority fallacy, nothing more.
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