Zone1 How Europe Underdeveloped Africa


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Mar 11, 2015
Let's take a serious look at what really happened in Africa from the perspective of an African.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, is a book written by Walter Rodney. Rodney was a historian, political activist and academic. His work is important to understanding the true impact of European colonization on the African content.

So let's start with chapter 2.

How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century

‘Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government.’ J. E. Casely-Hayford, 1922. African (Gold Coast) Nationalist

Please read chapter 2.
Let's take a serious look at what really happened in Africa from the perspective of an African.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, is a book written by Walter Rodney. Rodney was a historian, political activist and academic. His work is important to understanding the true impact of European colonization on the African content.

So let's start with chapter 2.

How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century

‘Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government.’ J. E. Casely-Hayford, 1922. African (Gold Coast) Nationalist

Please read chapter 2.
So why do you prefer to stay in a European developed country instead of going to Africa?
Read the chapter and stop trolling.
It’s 450+ pages long. How about you summarize it instead of copying and pasting if you care about the subject so much?

Personally I think Africans are not meant for Western style civilization. They are a tribal people and hunters and should live that way, not trying to conform to Western standards and living in large cities. In many ways such a life is probably a lot more rewarding. A “simpler“ life doesn’t mean it is inferior.
Europe raped Africa of its resources while returning little of the revenue generated to the people who actually resided there.

We will take your Ivory, furs, gold, diamonds, minerals, oil and give you nothing in return
Which looks better?







If I was African I would burn all the large cities down and go back to being tribal and living off the land.
It’s 450+ pages long. How about you summarize it instead of copying and pasting if you care about the subject so much?

Personally I think Africans are not meant for Western style civilization. They are a tribal people and hunters and should live that way, not trying to conform to Western standards and living in large cities. In many ways such a life is probably a lot more rewarding. A “simpler“ life doesn’t mean it is inferior.
That 1 chapter is not 450 pages. Read the chapter. This is going to be done chapter by chapter. All you need to do is click the link to that chapter. Your opinion of Africans is like saying all Americans are farmers because all you saw was Iowa or Kansas. What you think is not reality and that's the point of this thread.
Let's take a serious look at what really happened in Africa from the perspective of an African.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, is a book written by Walter Rodney. Rodney was a historian, political activist and academic. His work is important to understanding the true impact of European colonization on the African content.

So let's start with chapter 2.

How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century

‘Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government.’ J. E. Casely-Hayford, 1922. African (Gold Coast) Nationalist

Please read chapter 2.
Bwaaaahhaaaaa.....One tribe preying on another isnt an ideal way to govern. Enslaving the women and children then marching them off to the ivory coast to be sold, was just a way of life back then, as the spoils went to the victor in such tribal ways.

Just like with the 1619 project you try to rewrite history the way you want, but it is still just a lie, because Marxists love to lie.

It's Time to Face the Whole Truth About the Atlantic Slave Trade | History News Network
Where did the supply of slaves come from? First, the Portuguese themselves kidnapped some Africans. But the bulk of the supply came from the Nigerians. These Nigerian middlemen moved to the interior where they captured other Nigerians who belonged to other communities. The middlemen also purchased many of the slaves from the people in the interior . . . . Many Nigerian middlemen began to depend totally on the slave trade and neglected every other business and occupation. The result was that when the trade was abolished [by England in 1807] these Nigerians began to protest. As years went by and the trade collapsed such Nigerians lost their sources of income and became impoverished. 4
That 1 chapter is not 450 pages. Read the chapter. This is going to be done chapter by chapter. All you need to do is click the link to that chapter. Your opinion of Africans is like saying all Americans are farmers because all you saw was Iowa or Kansas. What you think is not reality and that's the point of this thread.
Then summarize it in your own words. Or can’t you?

Funny thing is I agree with the title, Africa would be better off ditching Western culture.

It‘a pretty obvious that Africans have a hard time adapting to Western culture. Still after all this time in America they are at the bottom of the society, despite being given so many chances. Other races have thrived, like Asians, Latinos, Indians, and Jews. But Africans still can’t seem to move up as a whole.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. Just that they would be better suited to tribal life, that is how they evolved.

I don’t need to read a 450 page writing a out it, I already know it.
Let's take a serious look at what really happened in Africa from the perspective of an African.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, is a book written by Walter Rodney. Rodney was a historian, political activist and academic. His work is important to understanding the true impact of European colonization on the African content.

So let's start with chapter 2.

How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century

‘Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government.’ J. E. Casely-Hayford, 1922. African (Gold Coast) Nationalist

Please read chapter 2.
Wait a minute....I just had an epiphany....

Why is it Europe's fault when it has been Africans living on the continent long before "white" people showed up. If they were underdeveloped long before, now you bitch that the "white" men didnt do enough to make Africans lives better?

Why is it Europe's fault when it has been Africans living on the continent long before "white" people showed up. If they were underdeveloped long before, now you bitch that the "white" men didnt do enough to make Africans lives better?
Europe laid claim to the African Continent as colonies and took control of its immense natural resources.
Its residents were sold off as slaves, Animals were killed for Ivory and furs. African residents were used under slave like conditions to dig for gold, diamonds and minerals that were transported to Europe for immense profits.

The resources of Africa were not returned to build infrastructure, clean water, schools, hospitals needed for a modern society
Europe laid claim to the African Continent as colonies and took control of its immense natural resources.
Its residents were sold off as slaves, Animals were killed for Ivory and furs. African residents were used under slave like conditions to dig for gold, diamonds and minerals that were transported to Europe for immense profits.

The resources of Africa were not returned to build infrastructure, clean water, schools, hospitals needed for a modern society

Actually, RW, you don't know shit from shinola. The colonization of Africa only started in the 1880s, long after the transatlantic slave trade was over. The slave trade was conducted by Africans on the coast who went into the interior for slaves and dealt them with slave traders who either transported them across the ocean or over the Sahara in the Arab world for slave duty. Europeans couldn't enter the interior so easily themselves because of the lack of navigable rivers in Africa.
Actually, RW, you don't know shit from shinola. The colonization of Africa only started in the 1880s, long after the transatlantic slave trade was over. The slave trade was conducted by Africans on the coast who went into the interior for slaves and dealt them with slave traders who either transported them across the ocean or over the Sahara in the Arab world for slave duty. Europeans couldn't enter the interior so easily themselves because of the lack of navigable rivers in Africa.

It was still Europeans stripping the resources of Africa for immense profits
Which looks better?

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If I was African I would burn all the large cities down and go back to being tribal and living off the land.
Cherrry picking pictures that confirm your bias shows just how much you need to read this information.


Naiirobi Kenya


Khartoum Sudan


Addis Ababa Ethiopia



The America you don't post pictures of
Then summarize it in your own words. Or can’t you?

Funny thing is I agree with the title, Africa would be better off ditching Western culture.

It‘a pretty obvious that Africans have a hard time adapting to Western culture. Still after all this time in America they are at the bottom of the society, despite being given so many chances. Other races have thrived, like Asians, Latinos, Indians, and Jews. But Africans still can’t seem to move up as a whole.

I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. Just that they would be better suited to tribal life, that is how they evolved.

I don’t need to read a 450 page writing a out it, I already know it.
I'm not summarizing anything. Read the information so you can learn something because your summary of Africa is inaccurate and it should be debunked using evidence presented by experts on African history. We have not had a hard time adapting to anything. This is where your delusions come into play. We have faxed racism, that has been the problem. Other races have had the same problem and jews are not a race. Indians get here on the H1B Government program that gives them jobs. You do need to read what happened because you do not know the half. You believe a bunch of white nonsense.
Actually, RW, you don't know shit from shinola. The colonization of Africa only started in the 1880s, long after the transatlantic slave trade was over. The slave trade was conducted by Africans on the coast who went into the interior for slaves and dealt them with slave traders who either transported them across the ocean or over the Sahara in the Arab world for slave duty. Europeans couldn't enter the interior so easily themselves because of the lack of navigable rivers in Africa.
Incorrect. Every part of this is wrong.
Let's take a serious look at what really happened in Africa from the perspective of an African.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, is a book written by Walter Rodney. Rodney was a historian, political activist and academic. His work is important to understanding the true impact of European colonization on the African content.

So let's start with chapter 2.

How Africa Developed Before the Coming of the Europeans up to the 15th Century

‘Before even the British came into relations with our people, we were a developed people, having our own institutions, having our own ideas of government.’ J. E. Casely-Hayford, 1922. African (Gold Coast) Nationalist

Please read chapter 2.
Are you losing your memory? You've posted THIS EXACT SAME THREAD multiple times. Africa can't defend itself and it the leaders are greedy and corrupt. That's been their problem for the last 1000 years.
Wait a minute....I just had an epiphany....

Why is it Europe's fault when it has been Africans living on the continent long before "white" people showed up. If they were underdeveloped long before, now you bitch that the "white" men didnt do enough to make Africans lives better?

View attachment 804887
Because Africa was prosperous before the Europen showed up.

This 14th-Century African Emperor Remains the Richest Person in History​

Forget today’s tech billionaires, the wealth of Mansa Musa of Mali was too vast to be imagined—or equaled.

In the vast fictional universe of Marvel Comics, T’Challa, better known as Black Panther, is not only king of Wakanda, he’s also the richest superhero of them all. And although today’s fight for the title of wealthiest person alive involves a tug-of-war between billionaire CEOs, the wealthiest person in history, Mansa Musa, has more in common with Marvel’s first Black superhero.

Musa became ruler of the Mali Empire in 1312, taking the throne after his predecessor, Abu-Bakr II, for whom he’d served as deputy, went missing on a voyage he took by sea to find the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Musa’s rule came at a time when European nations were struggling due to raging civil wars and a lack of resources. During that period, the Mali Empire flourished thanks to ample natural resources like gold and salt.

And under the rule of Musa, the prosperous empire grew to span a sizeable portion of West Africa, from the Atlantic coast to the inland trading hub of Timbuktu and parts of the Sahara Desert. As the territory grew while Musa was on the throne, so did the economic standing of its citizens.


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