How did you reach your conclusion

I don't need any more phony sophistry to tell me that there are things that exist whether I think they do or not. What is wrong with you people? It must be the drugs.

It's mathematics you sunshine douche.

And, why did I pick Morons such as yourself to state that they would have a hard time in Ibiza?

Simple.........was stationed with a couple on my first ship, and saw their reaction to the nude beaches and some of the nightlife when I was on liberty with them.

You really are a fucking 'tard, ain't ya?

Did it ever occur to you that theres something wrong with one of the two opposites? In this case I'd think the wackos on the nude beaches are less credible than the people who cringed at the meat market on the beach.

And what math are you talking about now. You're saying that 1 (the planet that hasn't been discovered) plus the zero (of my lack of awareness of said planet) equals 0.

Well 1 plus 0 still equals 1, whether your phony mathematics says so or not.

There was something wrong with one of the two opposites? was the Morons that were in Ibiza who were pointing and telling each other that those people were going to Hell. Why do I say it was the Morons who were at fault? Because they were in a foreign country with a foreign culture, and they were expecting the locals to cater to them as foreigners, because their sense of shame was sparked.

But, to be fair, if some woman went topless on the shores of Salt Lake, I'd expect them to be considered in the wrong as well, because they didn't adjust to the situation that they were in.

And.......when I'd said "it's mathematics", I was referring to the point that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Schrodenger's kitten are both mathematical thought experiments.

But, to a fundamental believer such as yourself, you probably consider higher mathematics voodoo.

Go get fucked, or better yet, take a long walk over a high, short cliff.
Ok, so you wouldn't want to even know why bad things happen? Even if He explained it to you himself and it made sense according to justice and mercy?

So you have made your conclusions that God is Evil and are halfway on topic. Now why did you draw such a conclusion?

The father that beats his kids often has an explanation to justify the beatings, doesnt make him less of a scumbag.God is a creation of man designed to control others and to deal with the fear of death, if you had been born in a time and place that taught about different gods you would be going on about the mercy and love of zeus or odin.

So the real issue is that you don't believe there could even BE a god because injustice exists.
So then you believe that if there WAS a god, he would have created ONLY a Utopian society. Well what if he did and what if he also created this place as a temporary learning experience...Only a blink of time compared to an eternal bliss with no end surrounded by your friends and family? Would you not have a greater appreciation of said bliss if you had gone through the hells of this earth?

A 5 year old boy getting terminal cancer is not an injustice its a travesty that an all powerful, all loving god would not allow, The whole suffer now so you can have bliss later deal is the crap made up by man to control his fellow man and to deal with the hardships of life, you have been sold a bill of goods that is not redeemable.
☭proletarian☭;1831025 said:
☭proletarian☭;1830765 said:
now post the definition of desire and keep showing how stupid you are

Child.... I did not say that desire is belief

first it's believe(the desire), then it's faith(the action), then it's knowledge after that.


Just because I said "belief(the desire)" doesn't mean they are synonymous. I'm simply trying to explain that the desire comes with the belief. Why are you mincing words?
☭proletarian☭;1831044 said:
Might want to watch something other than religious programming from Salt Lake then.

National Geographic had a show a month or so back called "the Human Family Tree".

What they did was take DNA samples from groups of people all over the world, did DNA testing on them, and SHOWED that we are all related.

Incidentally, there is a genetic Adam and Eve, who came out of Africa. Now, considering how we've treated Africans over the years, don't you think it's kinda fucked up to put your own ancestors' descendants into slavery for yourself?

Truth Speaker, you can't speak about truth if you ignore parts of it.

I don't know what you are talking about!!!! I saw the same show. They did the study in Queens New York to be exact. Proving that we are all related! We creationists have been saying that all along! I've been saying we all came from Adam and Eve all along!

Hey AbipolarSailor, would you decide which side you are taking?

Also I was NEVER for slavery. You didn't know that the Book of Mormon condemns it did you? And I'd bet my left arm that you have ancestors somewhere down in the annals of history who owned slaves too. So get over yourself.

The genetic adam and eve didn't live at the same time.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

That's the original study

So then Adam or Eve gave Birth without impregnation? How can you expect anyone to believe that?
☭proletarian☭;1831044 said:
I don't know what you are talking about!!!! I saw the same show. They did the study in Queens New York to be exact. Proving that we are all related! We creationists have been saying that all along! I've been saying we all came from Adam and Eve all along!

Hey AbipolarSailor, would you decide which side you are taking?

Also I was NEVER for slavery. You didn't know that the Book of Mormon condemns it did you? And I'd bet my left arm that you have ancestors somewhere down in the annals of history who owned slaves too. So get over yourself.

The genetic adam and eve didn't live at the same time.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

That's the original study

So then Adam or Eve gave Birth without impregnation? How can you expect anyone to believe that?

Well dont you believe Mary gave birth without having sexual intercourse?
☭proletarian☭;1831013 said:
That's not what I said.:slap::eusa_naughty:

I said a dog is the opposite of a cat.
exactly, you said -cat=dog

because you're retarded

No I'll repeat what I said the first time. A dog is the opposite of a cat.... What's wrong with you?

wait.. you say -cat=dog and I call you on it...

then you say you never said that, and that you said -cat=dog

You're really stupid, aren't you?
Who said there was?
Nobody needed to. It's common knowledge in some parts of the world.
Can you show me where I can find an anti-cat?

Dog. that was easy. Let's do another one....This is fun...

Einstein didn't believe in personal god, btw.
I am a deeply religious man. (Albert Einstein)
I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)
"In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views."(Einstein)

"I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangements of the books, but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God."(Einstein)

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." (Einstein)

In other words he did not believe in a God the same way I do, but still believe there was a creation

We're back to the honesty thing

Yes we are aren't we?

Okay........a dog is NOT an "anti-cat". Why? Both have fur, both have claws and 4 legs, both have tails, and both eat meat.

Matter of fact, in some cases, both animals will co-exist together and exhibit the same behaviors.

But then again, what else can you expect from some Moron who doesn't know much about mathematics?

Try again No Truth Speaker, you're sinking fast.
☭proletarian☭;1831025 said:
Child.... I did not say that desire is belief

first it's believe(the desire), then it's faith(the action), then it's knowledge after that.


Just because I said "belief(the desire)" doesn't mean they are synonymous. I'm simply trying to explain that the desire comes with the belief. Why are you mincing words?

So you don't know how to use parentheses?
☭proletarian☭;1831044 said:
I don't know what you are talking about!!!! I saw the same show. They did the study in Queens New York to be exact. Proving that we are all related! We creationists have been saying that all along! I've been saying we all came from Adam and Eve all along!

Hey AbipolarSailor, would you decide which side you are taking?

Also I was NEVER for slavery. You didn't know that the Book of Mormon condemns it did you? And I'd bet my left arm that you have ancestors somewhere down in the annals of history who owned slaves too. So get over yourself.

The genetic adam and eve didn't live at the same time.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

That's the original study

So then Adam or Eve gave Birth without impregnation? How can you expect anyone to believe that?

It can't be denied any longer... you're a fucking retard
There was something wrong with one of the two opposites? was the Morons that were in Ibiza who were pointing and telling each other that those people were going to Hell.
Well whoever those morons were they weren't part of my church or at least didn't understand the justice of God. Just because someone sins doesn't mean they are going to hell. He has told us not to judge. If they did that they didn't do it with the approval of my religion.

Why do I say it was the Morons who were at fault? Because they were in a foreign country with a foreign culture, and they were expecting the locals to cater to them as foreigners, because their sense of shame was sparked.

Well they don't have to approve of the foreign customs but they could have at least ignored them. You are right on that point. Such a culture shock should not warrant condemnation from individuals. it's a waste of time to think about condemning people when we all have our own issues to worry about.

And.......when I'd said "it's mathematics", I was referring to the point that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Schrodenger's kitten are both mathematical thought experiments.

Experiments? then why are you asking me to accept them as law?

But, to a fundamental believer such as yourself, you probably consider higher mathematics voodoo.
On the contrary.

Go get fucked, or better yet, take a long walk over a high, short cliff.

A high short cliff:eusa_eh:?
The father that beats his kids often has an explanation to justify the beatings, doesnt make him less of a scumbag.God is a creation of man designed to control others and to deal with the fear of death, if you had been born in a time and place that taught about different gods you would be going on about the mercy and love of zeus or odin.

So the real issue is that you don't believe there could even BE a god because injustice exists.
So then you believe that if there WAS a god, he would have created ONLY a Utopian society. Well what if he did and what if he also created this place as a temporary learning experience...Only a blink of time compared to an eternal bliss with no end surrounded by your friends and family? Would you not have a greater appreciation of said bliss if you had gone through the hells of this earth?

A 5 year old boy getting terminal cancer is not an injustice its a travesty that an all powerful, all loving god would not allow, The whole suffer now so you can have bliss later deal is the crap made up by man to control his fellow man and to deal with the hardships of life, you have been sold a bill of goods that is not redeemable.

And why wouldn't he allow it to happen? Why is your conclusion better than mine? At least I have answers that give me peace. You are left with nothing but anger and despair.
I know what it feels like to lose a loved one. Sometimes I imagine the look of pain on my 5 year olds face in nightmares where he is suffering. But what allows me to cope with the possibility of such things is a knowledge of what happens on the other side.
Listen asked for examples, I gave them to you. Those fuckers were Mormons and they were devout.

I thought their praying on the street for the souls of those running nude on the beach was a bit over the top, because, over there, as long as you've got shorts on, you can be on ANY beach. If you want to go naked, you have to go to others for that.

Seems they were uncomfortable around nude people, which really doesn't make very much sense, as the reason God knew Adam and Eve had eaten of the tree was because they were embarrassed by their nakedness, which means that if you are embarrassed of nudity, you are exhibiting original sin.

And yes THEY DO HAVE TO approve of the foreign customs, because if they try to force the natives to accept the will of the foreigners (them), they will end up pissing people off.

Nope........try again.
So the real issue is that you don't believe there could even BE a god because injustice exists.
So then you believe that if there WAS a god, he would have created ONLY a Utopian society. Well what if he did and what if he also created this place as a temporary learning experience...Only a blink of time compared to an eternal bliss with no end surrounded by your friends and family? Would you not have a greater appreciation of said bliss if you had gone through the hells of this earth?

A 5 year old boy getting terminal cancer is not an injustice its a travesty that an all powerful, all loving god would not allow, The whole suffer now so you can have bliss later deal is the crap made up by man to control his fellow man and to deal with the hardships of life, you have been sold a bill of goods that is not redeemable.

And why wouldn't he allow it to happen? Why is your conclusion better than mine? At least I have answers that give me peace. You are left with nothing but anger and despair.
I know what it feels like to lose a loved one. Sometimes I imagine the look of pain on my 5 year olds face in nightmares where he is suffering. But what allows me to cope with the possibility of such things is a knowledge of what happens on the other side.

Reality does not give one anger and despair, I'd rather face the truth about life rather than delude myself by pretending a magical guy in the sky was going to make everything turn out okay when life ends.
☭proletarian☭;1831102 said:
☭proletarian☭;1831013 said:
exactly, you said -cat=dog

because you're retarded

No I'll repeat what I said the first time. A dog is the opposite of a cat.... What's wrong with you?

wait.. you say -cat=dog and I call you on it...

then you say you never said that, and that you said -cat=dog

You're really stupid, aren't you?

I never said that and you can't show me anywhere that I did. You're the juvenile moron here. Why are you totally trying to derail the thread?

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