How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation

Hey Dino, this isn't about Mitt....

This is about illegals... Which many on the right and left are against amnesty and many are for amnesty.... Where is your pea brain on the subject? that is if you have any original thoughts...

Republicans voted for Mitt. That was his policy. That made it their policy. Only now it's not? What changed?

Still waiting.
I don't care about has beens.... No amnesty, is where i have always stood. You must by now realize that one can vote for a person whom they may have some disagreements with?

Of course not, In your eyes Obama is 100% correct in everything he does, even his farts smell like roses......

Fuck off deano you got nothing.........
How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation needs?

-And Maybe illegals that have skills in construction.

Deport all the illegals that are here to suck off of us.

The image the left attempts to create, with the help of Hollywood and the government controlled press, is that every abortion is performed on a poor girl who was raped by her white, Christian father who beats her daily - and that every illegal is a PhD. who is oppressed by Republicans who hate education.

Of course the biggest issue with the left is that virtually nothing they portray is ever true. Most illegals lack even a primary education and work menial jobs that would be better filled by teens and other first time job seekers.
How about we let the market decide what skills are needed in immigrants by allowing employers to hire whomever they'd like? That way we're not arbitrarily deciding what skills this nation "needs."

I put a pond in my yard. It turned green and mosquitoes started breeding. So I talked to a landscaper who told me that stagnant water would do that - that the water need to run over stones. So I built a spillway with nice river rocks. In a couple of days my pond was empty and dried up.

I called the landscaper and demanded "Hey, what's up?" He looked at it and said; "You can't have an open border, you fucking moron. You need a closed system that feeds back on itself. So we put in a pump and looped the bottom of the outflow to the intake, and it all worked the way it's meant to.

Too many Libertarians lack common sense, that Laissez Faire Capitalism works just fine, in a closed system. But if you open the borders, it all spills onto the grass and you run dry. Equilibrium is the term employed by economists. If you wish to have Mexican labor granted access to the American market, then you must accept that American labor will be reduce to Mexican standards of living.

The pond doesn't need to be stagnant, and the pond doesn't need to run dry - but it must be a closed system.
How about we let the market decide what skills are needed in immigrants by allowing employers to hire whomever they'd like? That way we're not arbitrarily deciding what skills this nation "needs."

I put a pond in my yard. It turned green and mosquitoes started breeding. So I talked to a landscaper who told me that stagnant water would do that - that the water need to run over stones. So I built a spillway with nice river rocks. In a couple of days my pond was empty and dried up.

I called the landscaper and demanded "Hey, what's up?" He looked at it and said; "You can't have an open border, you fucking moron. You need a closed system that feeds back on itself. So we put in a pump and looped the bottom of the outflow to the intake, and it all worked the way it's meant to.

Too many Libertarians lack common sense, that Laissez Faire Capitalism works just fine, in a closed system. But if you open the borders, it all spills onto the grass and you run dry. Equilibrium is the term employed by economists. If you wish to have Mexican labor granted access to the American market, then you must accept that American labor will be reduce to Mexican standards of living.

The pond doesn't need to be stagnant, and the pond doesn't need to run dry - but it must be a closed system.


You just nailed it, there are already parts of this country that are indistinguishable from Mexico, check out the border towns like El Paso. When you just let people from another country come into yours without any checks and balances this is what happens, there are parts of England that look like Islamabad because of all the Muslim immigrants.
How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation needs?

-And Maybe illegals that have skills in construction.

Deport all the illegals that are here to suck off of us.

The image the left attempts to create, with the help of Hollywood and the government controlled press, is that every abortion is performed on a poor girl who was raped by her white, Christian father who beats her daily - and that every illegal is a PhD. who is oppressed by Republicans who hate education.

Of course the biggest issue with the left is that virtually nothing they portray is ever true. Most illegals lack even a primary education and work menial jobs that would be better filled by teens and other first time job seekers.
There just needs to be balance in everything that goes on, and we have lost that balance big time...

We have people in our midst now that can just about justify anything, and people will just eat it all up hook line and sinker. This is what Obama has enjoyed about being President over such an ignorant nation for which has since been dumbed down so badly over the years. It's so sad !
How about we let the market decide what skills are needed in immigrants by allowing employers to hire whomever they'd like? That way we're not arbitrarily deciding what skills this nation "needs."

I put a pond in my yard. It turned green and mosquitoes started breeding. So I talked to a landscaper who told me that stagnant water would do that - that the water need to run over stones. So I built a spillway with nice river rocks. In a couple of days my pond was empty and dried up.

I called the landscaper and demanded "Hey, what's up?" He looked at it and said; "You can't have an open border, you fucking moron. You need a closed system that feeds back on itself. So we put in a pump and looped the bottom of the outflow to the intake, and it all worked the way it's meant to.

Too many Libertarians lack common sense, that Laissez Faire Capitalism works just fine, in a closed system. But if you open the borders, it all spills onto the grass and you run dry. Equilibrium is the term employed by economists. If you wish to have Mexican labor granted access to the American market, then you must accept that American labor will be reduce to Mexican standards of living.

The pond doesn't need to be stagnant, and the pond doesn't need to run dry - but it must be a closed system.


You just nailed it, there are already parts of this country that are indistinguishable from Mexico, check out the border towns like El Paso. When you just let people from another country come into yours without any checks and balances this is what happens, there are parts of England that look like Islamabad because of all the Muslim immigrants.
Why does this happen ? I can't understand it really.

Why would a nation want to bring in people whom want to distort the meaning of what it is to be an American, and to try and raise their own flag, and then try and force the area in which they live to assimilate to them instead of it being the other way around ? It really is amazing how this stuff happens really... It's as if it happens in the dark of night to, where as all of a sudden you just awaken to find yourself in a strange place within your own nation or community, and this for which you thought was America still, but you are now somewhere else it seems, even though you have never left your area and/or country you live in.
I put a pond in my yard. It turned green and mosquitoes started breeding. So I talked to a landscaper who told me that stagnant water would do that - that the water need to run over stones. So I built a spillway with nice river rocks. In a couple of days my pond was empty and dried up.

I called the landscaper and demanded "Hey, what's up?" He looked at it and said; "You can't have an open border, you fucking moron. You need a closed system that feeds back on itself. So we put in a pump and looped the bottom of the outflow to the intake, and it all worked the way it's meant to.

Too many Libertarians lack common sense, that Laissez Faire Capitalism works just fine, in a closed system. But if you open the borders, it all spills onto the grass and you run dry. Equilibrium is the term employed by economists. If you wish to have Mexican labor granted access to the American market, then you must accept that American labor will be reduce to Mexican standards of living.

The pond doesn't need to be stagnant, and the pond doesn't need to run dry - but it must be a closed system.


You just nailed it, there are already parts of this country that are indistinguishable from Mexico, check out the border towns like El Paso. When you just let people from another country come into yours without any checks and balances this is what happens, there are parts of England that look like Islamabad because of all the Muslim immigrants.
Why does this happen ? I can't understand it really.

Why would a nation want to bring in people whom want to distort the meaning of what it is to be an American, and to try and raise their own flag, and then try and force the area in which they live to assimilate to them instead of it being the other way around ? It really is amazing how this stuff happens really... It's as if it happens in the dark of night to, where as all of a sudden you just awaken to find yourself in a strange place within your own nation or community, and this for which you thought was America still, but you are now somewhere else it seems, even though you have never left your area and/or country you live in.

We are losing the dream.........
Why does this happen ? I can't understand it really.

Why would a nation want to bring in people whom want to distort the meaning of what it is to be an American, and to try and raise their own flag, and then try and force the area in which they live to assimilate to them instead of it being the other way around ? It really is amazing how this stuff happens really... It's as if it happens in the dark of night to, where as all of a sudden you just awaken to find yourself in a strange place within your own nation or community, and this for which you thought was America still, but you are now somewhere else it seems, even though you have never left your area and/or country you live in.

Two basic reasons;

The first is obvious While idiots like Marco Rubio spew shit about "natural conservative constituency," one need only look at Latin America to decide if this is factual, or even rational? Are most of the nations down there "Conservative?" From Marxist nations like Venezuela to moderately socialist nations like Mexico, Latin America leans left - far left. Hispanics vote democrat - 83% of the time. So illegals will pump up elections for the left. democrats who prefer to abort babies need to replenish their ranks from the third world. Leftists don't breed in America - thank god. They will promote as much third world immigration as possible - and prefer illegals.

The second is those who seek to exploit cheap labor. Both Republicans and democrats do this, but it is the ONLY motivation for Republicans to promote illegal immigration.
How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.
How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

Sure, American workers won't mind living on $2,700 a year - which is the average in China. They'll thank you for the opportunity.

You just nailed it, there are already parts of this country that are indistinguishable from Mexico, check out the border towns like El Paso. When you just let people from another country come into yours without any checks and balances this is what happens, there are parts of England that look like Islamabad because of all the Muslim immigrants.
Why does this happen ? I can't understand it really.

Why would a nation want to bring in people whom want to distort the meaning of what it is to be an American, and to try and raise their own flag, and then try and force the area in which they live to assimilate to them instead of it being the other way around ? It really is amazing how this stuff happens really... It's as if it happens in the dark of night to, where as all of a sudden you just awaken to find yourself in a strange place within your own nation or community, and this for which you thought was America still, but you are now somewhere else it seems, even though you have never left your area and/or country you live in.

We are losing the dream.........
The feds are making sure of it.....
You guys know I was just being facetious , right? It's funny how little humor people have on this board. We might as well get rid of of murder,speeding or parking laws because it costs too much to enforce them. Sure it costs money, we put bank robbers or pedophiles or arsonists in jail and we don't care how much it costs. But when it comes to illegal aliens, good garsh almighty, it costs to much and what about the human cost? The Human cost indeed.
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I have known plenty of people that immigrated legally and they didn't ask for nor ask for "amnesty". Race or Culture wasn't an issue, ether. Folks fleeing Communism from Lithuania to Hungary, that
doesn't count? Funny about that, they aren't asking for special treatment. They don't expect their language/culture be held apart as special. Mexicans fleeing here because they can just get away with it. I don't think they deserve sanctuary because they do in large numbers and sneak in it under the fence , No other culture does it , should we give Latinos a pass? Apparently the ignorant youth of America does. Yeah, funny about that.
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How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:
How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:

It would lessen the cost of illegal drugs and cheap lawn maintenance.
How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:

It would lessen the cost of illegal drugs and cheap lawn maintenance.

And Taco's would only cost 5 cents right?
How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:

seriously, if i wanted to live in a 3rd world country i'd just move to one rather than converting this one

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