How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation

José;7446924 said:
If the legal status of a citizen/immigrant meant anything Guatemala, Bolivia and Haiti wouldn't be the third world shitholes they are... because you won't find a single illegal Guatemalan in Guatemala, or haitian in Haiti...

And I should know what I'm talking about because I was born in one of those hispanic shitholes... unlike most people here who's never seen a latin american slum in their whole lives.

You guys give too much credit to a mere piece of paper...

Pieces of paper are good for... you know what.

I have been to all the above mentioned countries and while they are third world countries they are not the 'shithole' you make them out to be, except Haiti which was a shithole before the quake and will be a shithole until the the end of time.
If it wasn't for the crime going on in Guatemala and Columbia they could be real nice places to visit. I never saw any real crime in Bolivia and have been to all most every major city there. Cochabamba is trip any should take to see the real Andre's people and Santa Cruz and Sucre are typical South American cities with a lot of history. La Pas if it wasn't for the altitude would be another great place to spend some time. Bogota, if it wasn't for the crime and drugs could be a very nice place to visit as there are a lot of great attractions. Same goes for Guatemala and most of the other Central American countries. Costa Rica is the exception and would go back in a New York minute.
José;7446974 said:
I'm playing devil's advocate meaning I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm saying here... I may be right or wrong... only time will tell...

Having said that sometimes I feel inclined to believe that papers and assimilation are probably bullshit.

Tribes, kingdoms, nation-states, countries, etc... are not geographic locations first and foremost...

Countries are basically the people who inhabit them.

Fill the United States with Mexicans and you'll end up with a english-speaking Mexico (at best).

Fill the United States with Haitians and you'll end up with a english-speaking Haiti.

All those Mexicans and Haitians holding a piece of paper and waving the american flag will probably be an irrelevant detail that won't make any difference in the final outcome.

I've said this once before and will say it again.....Why would anyone coming to the US illegally want to become a US citizen and pay the fines, learn Engish and back taxes when they can continue to live as they do now under the radar with nearly the same benefits.
Originally posted by SFC Ollie
There is a major difference between a Mexican illegal and an American of Mexican decent.

Ollie... you and Unkotare drank the whole jar of multiracialist kool-aid and didn't even notice it.

The only difference between a legal Haitian immigrant and an illegal Haitian immigrant is A FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER!!

Other than that they have the exact same potential to turn America into the same hellhole they left behind.

Even if they "assimilate", even if they start considering themselves americans, learn to speak english... he and his children will still be the same people that destroyed that tropical paradise and turn it into a wasteland...
And no one is talking about the historical hispanic population of the USA, ollie... what a huge strawman!!

They have nothing to do with America's multiracialist mental disease that started in the 50's, 60's... deliberately importing millions of people from the third world.
José;7450449 said:
Originally posted by SFC Ollie
There is a major difference between a Mexican illegal and an American of Mexican decent.

Ollie... you and Unkotare drank the whole jar of multiracialist kool-aid and didn't even notice it.

The only difference between a legal Haitian immigrant and an illegal Haitian immigrant is A FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER!!
Other than that they have the exact same potential to turn America into the same hellhole they left behind.

Even if they "assimilate", even if they start considering themselves americans, learn to speak english... he and his children will still be the same people that destroyed that tropical paradise and turn it into a wasteland...

Hmm, good point there.
Originally posted by High_Gravity
Hmm, good point there.

Gravity, check this out, take a good look at this:

Millions of Mexicans/Haitians with a piece of paper in their hands who consider themselves Americans will be an asset to America... they'll help America become an even greater economic collosus.

The same millions of Mexicans/Haitians, the exact same people, without a piece of paper in their hands who do not think about themselves as Americans will turn America into a third world craphole.

Now tell me:

Doesn't it take a mentally retarded oyster to swallow the basic tenet of multiracialism/multiculturalism?
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Originally posted by High_Gravity
Jose, why you hate the Haitians so much?

I don't hate neither haitians nor hispanics (I'm one of them)...

But I have seen first-hand what millions of them can do to a country... and believe me, it ain't pretty.

So I would like to save America from the same fate...

It's an unbelievably ironic fact that I seem to be more "patriotic" towards America than americans like Ollie and Unkotare who swallowed the multiracialist bullshit hook, line and sinker and are actively supporting an ideology that can turn America into the same shithole I was born into.
José;7446974 said:
I'm playing devil's advocate meaning I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm saying here... I may be right or wrong... only time will tell...

Having said that sometimes I feel inclined to believe that papers and assimilation are probably bullshit.

Tribes, kingdoms, nation-states, countries, etc... are not geographic locations first and foremost...

Countries are basically the people who inhabit them.

Fill the United States with Mexicans and you'll end up with a english-speaking Mexico (at best).

Fill the United States with Haitians and you'll end up with a english-speaking Haiti.

All those Mexicans and Haitians holding a piece of paper and waving the american flag will probably be an irrelevant detail that won't make any difference in the final outcome.

How the fuck do you figure that?

"Mexican - a national of the country Mexico."
Originally posted by antiquity
I have been to all the above mentioned countries and while they are third world countries they are not the 'shithole' you make them out to be, except Haiti which was a shithole before the quake and will be a shithole until the the end of time.
If it wasn't for the crime going on in Guatemala and Columbia they could be real nice places to visit. I never saw any real crime in Bolivia and have been to all most every major city there. Cochabamba is trip any should take to see the real Andre's people and Santa Cruz and Sucre are typical South American cities with a lot of history. La Pas if it wasn't for the altitude would be another great place to spend some time. Bogota, if it wasn't for the crime and drugs could be a very nice place to visit as there are a lot of great attractions. Same goes for Guatemala and most of the other Central American countries. Costa Rica is the exception and would go back in a New York minute.

Antiquity... you sound like the typical american tourist who visited Latin America, saw the tourist attractions, the Inca ruins, the Maya ruins, the hills of Rio de Janeiro but who doens't have the slightest idea what living in Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico really means...

I was born in Latin America... I saw slums the size of New York City in all the countries you just said were not "shitholes"...

You can fool an american citizen living in a small town in Minnesota into believing Latin America is not the shithole it really is... but you can't fool José...
José;7450634 said:
I didn't understand what you tried to say, Uncensored.

I know you don't.

If a Mexican national adopts the USA as his country, he is no longer a Mexican national.

Now in real life, there will still be ties to Mexico, but in a couple of generations, those ties dissolve, and we are left with "Americans."

"Mexican" isn't a race, it's a nationality.
José;7450498 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
Hmm, good point there.

Gravity, check this out, take a good look at this:

Millions of Mexicans/Haitians with a piece of paper in their hands who consider themselves Americans will be an asset to America... they'll help America become an even greater economic collosus.

The same millions of Mexicans/Haitians, the exact same people, without a piece of paper in their hands who do not think about themselves as Americans will turn America into a third world craphole.

Now tell me:

Doesn't it take a mentally retarded oyster to swallow the basic tenet of multiracialism/multiculturalism?

It just seems to me the way immigration is for the States is different than it was decades ago, back in the day when immigrants came here they did their best to assimilate and they didn't want to live the same way they did in their old countries, the immigrants that come here now don't really care and live the same way as if they were home, and there is no interest to assimilate.
Originally posted by High_Gravity
It just seems to me the way immigration is for the States is different than it was decades ago, back in the day when immigrants came here they did their best to assimilate and they didn't want to live the same way they did in their old countries, the immigrants that come here now don't really care and live the same way as if they were home, and there is no interest to assimilate.

A guatemalan mestizo calling himself an American, waving an american flag is still the same guatemalan mestizo who created that hispanic shithole.

"Assimilating" into American culture is not a magic wand, a miracle from heaven that will turn him and his descendants into something different than the people who created Guatemala.

Be careful with the multiracialist kool-aid, Gravity...

The Spanish and Portuguese served that beverage to my part of the world 500 years ago and it proved itself to be poisonous.

It is at least possible that it will have the same effect on America.
Originally posted by Uncensored
I know you don't.

If a Mexican national adopts the USA as his country, he is no longer a Mexican national.

Now in real life, there will still be ties to Mexico, but in a couple of generations, those ties dissolve, and we are left with "Americans."

"Mexican" isn't a race, it's a nationality.

In a couple of generations, the descendants of the mexican mestizos who immigrated to America will be americans in a cultural sense, I mean, they will adopt the american national identity, they will speak English, play basketball, eat apple pie etc...

But racially they will still be the same mexican mestizos who built the shithole their ancestors left behind...

They will still have the same potential to make America to Mexico's image and likeness.
José;7450839 said:
In a couple of generations, the descendants of the mexican mestizos who immigrated to America will be americans in a cultural sense, I mean, they will adopt the american national identity, they will speak English, play basketball, eat apple pie etc...

But racially they will still be the same mexican mestizos who built the shithole their ancestors left behind...

They will still have the same potential to make America to Mexico's image and likeness.

Mexican isn't a race. Mestizo is barely a race. Under U.S. law, a Mestizo is an American Indian and eligible for all the benefits that confers.
SO by Jose's own words he was born in Latin America and the Latinos are the problem.

Therefore Jose is part of the problem and should return to the country of his birth.................

BTW, just to get this straight that's his own words not mine.

And while I'm at it I am against any and all forms of amnesty.......
I don't support illegal immigration for a moment. Money is the big decider here. Illegal aliens are a asset for the business class. Global economy NOW dictates the need for cheap labor, and illegal aliens fit into to that model. That is the catch 22 here: Illegals are drawn here by American employers just trying to be competitive in a world market. And our laws forbid it. We have two choices, we pretend we still live a world were people still have scruples or we live in a world were the economy calls the shots. I am appalled by this. This overcrowded polluted word we live in is ruled by profits, and that is the engine that drives politics, not laws or justice or equality.
Originally posted by MaryL
I don't support illegal immigration for a moment.

What the poster MaryL really wanted to say is this:


I don't support HISPANIC and BLACK immigration into America.

It doesn't matter if it is legal or illegal.

I want to preserve the caucasian racial identity of the United States.

I don't want my children to become mullatoes, mestizos...

It's my anglo racial heritage and I have every right to preserve it...

But the multiracialist american government is waging a war on my race... it is flooding the country with millions of non-whites with the only purpose of destroying our WASP racial background.

This is what MaryL really wanted to say but the multiracialist social climate that exists in 21th century America forces MaryL to hide his desire to preserve America's racial composition behind the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE.

MaryL is too embarrassed to say aloud he wants to preserve America's racial identity. He knows that even advocating something absolutely harmless like preserving America's racial composition is not considered socially accepted speech in today's America.

I feel like crying everytime I see anglos like MaryL, bullied into silence by the multiracialist ideology, bullied into hiding his desire to preserve his white heritage.

This is an anonimous Message Board for heaven's sake!!!!

The fact that MaryL is too ashamed to speak his mind HERE gives us an idea of the brutal social pressure exercised by the multiracialist ideology on white americans.

Just take a look at what multiracialism does to people.
And I imagine at least 50% of the members of this Board share MaryL's feelings but are also bullied into silence by multiracialism.

They are also forced to hide their opposition to the destruction of the US racial composition behind the immigration issue.

People should not be ashamed to say they want to preserve their racial heritage.

It's a really sad spectacle.

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