How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation

How about we just get rid of all immigration laws ? It would be good for the "Economy". I don't know were the global economy is going. We live in a world were the economy trumps local culture and human ethics, let alone culture or immigration laws. Sorry to say.

So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:

seriously, if i wanted to live in a 3rd world country i'd just move to one rather than converting this one

Thats what I'm saying, if living in a third world country is so great I'd just move to Bolivia or Yemen and call it a day, but people want to transform the US into a third world country instead.
So just let any and everyone come here? yeah thats a great idea.:doubt:

seriously, if i wanted to live in a 3rd world country i'd just move to one rather than converting this one

Thats what I'm saying, if living in a third world country is so great I'd just move to Bolivia or Yemen and call it a day, but people want to transform the US into a third world country instead.

what happened to ths good old days when immigrants assimilated, got jobs and raised themselves up. Why are we now expected to lower our standards?
what happened to ths good old days when immigrants assimilated, got jobs and raised themselves up. Why are we now expected to lower our standards?

There are a lot of things at play.

First off, I'm not sure the Italians assimilated any faster than the Mexican are. But Italy was across an ocean, so the immigrant couldn't play the game of "one foot in, one foot out" that the Mexicans play. They couldn't wire their wages back home. And we were a much more sane nation back then, we didn't start putting up street signs in Italian and printing ballots or other documents to suit the immigrant. There also was no dream of Italian conquest of the America. Mexicans hold this vision of conquering at least the Southwest on behalf of Mexico - why assimilate when the plan is conquest?

All in all, this is a VERY different situation than the USA has experience in the past.
seriously, if i wanted to live in a 3rd world country i'd just move to one rather than converting this one

Thats what I'm saying, if living in a third world country is so great I'd just move to Bolivia or Yemen and call it a day, but people want to transform the US into a third world country instead.

what happened to ths good old days when immigrants assimilated, got jobs and raised themselves up. Why are we now expected to lower our standards?

The problem is alot of the illegals from Mexico or what have you do NOT want to be Americans, they are here for the money to send back home and thats it, they have no allegiance to this country and do not want to become Americans.
what happened to ths good old days when immigrants assimilated, got jobs and raised themselves up. Why are we now expected to lower our standards?

There are a lot of things at play.

First off, I'm not sure the Italians assimilated any faster than the Mexican are. But Italy was across an ocean, so the immigrant couldn't play the game of "one foot in, one foot out" that the Mexicans play. They couldn't wire their wages back home. And we were a much more sane nation back then, we didn't start putting up street signs in Italian and printing ballots or other documents to suit the immigrant. There also was no dream of Italian conquest of the America. Mexicans hold this vision of conquering at least the Southwest on behalf of Mexico - why assimilate when the plan is conquest?

All in all, this is a VERY different situation than the USA has experience in the past.

The Italians came here to stay for good, alot of the Mexicans do not. They are here for the money to send back home and thats it, they have no allegiances to here.
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If the legal status of a citizen/immigrant meant anything Guatemala, Bolivia and Haiti wouldn't be the third world shitholes they are... because you won't find a single illegal Guatemalan in Guatemala, or haitian in Haiti...

And I should know what I'm talking about because I was born in one of those hispanic shitholes... unlike most people here who's never seen a latin american slum in their whole lives.

You guys give too much credit to a mere piece of paper...

Pieces of paper are good for... you know what.
"Cultural assimilation" is probably overrated too just like papers, legal status...

It's likely just multiculturalist/multiracialist babble 300 million americans have been constantly fed in the last 60 years.

Mexicans will still be Mexicans and Haitians will still be Haitians even if they start calling themselves Americans, speaking English, eating apple pie 3 times a day and playing basketball/baseball...

If all they could build speaking Spanish/French, eating tacos and playing soccer was two third world cesspools they won't fare any better mimicking the american way of life.
I'm playing devil's advocate meaning I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm saying here... I may be right or wrong... only time will tell...

Having said that sometimes I feel inclined to believe that papers and assimilation are probably bullshit.

Tribes, kingdoms, nation-states, countries, etc... are not geographic locations first and foremost...

Countries are basically the people who inhabit them.

Fill the United States with Mexicans and you'll end up with a english-speaking Mexico (at best).

Fill the United States with Haitians and you'll end up with a english-speaking Haiti.

All those Mexicans and Haitians holding a piece of paper and waving the american flag will probably be an irrelevant detail that won't make any difference in the final outcome.
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How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation needs?

-And Maybe illegals that have skills in construction.

Deport all the illegals that are here to suck off of us.

The image the left attempts to create, with the help of Hollywood and the government controlled press, is that every abortion is performed on a poor girl who was raped by her white, Christian father who beats her daily - and that every illegal is a PhD. who is oppressed by Republicans who hate education.

Of course the biggest issue with the left is that virtually nothing they portray is ever true. Most illegals lack even a primary education and work menial jobs that would be better filled by teens and other first time job seekers.

You're right as there's probably isn't many that does have a degree in these subjects. On the other hand there could be quite a few construction works that could be granted "amnesty".

Why do we want to reward the people coming here to live off the teat? Not anyone wishing to live in a first world nation.
Only time will tell... I just hope there will still be a USA after multiculturalism "finishes its job".
José;7446938 said:
"Cultural assimilation" is probably overrated too just like papers, legal status...

It's likely just multiculturalist/multiracialist babble 300 million americans have been constantly fed in the last 60 years.

Mexicans will still be Mexicans and Haitians will still be Haitians even if they start calling themselves Americans, speaking English, eating apple pie 3 times a day and playing basketball/baseball...

If all they could build speaking Spanish/French, eating tacos and playing soccer was two third world cesspools they won't fare any better mimicking the american way of life.

Were you also born this stupid?
Originally posted by SFC Ollie
Were you also born this stupid?

Don't you worry that an America full of Mexicans may be incredibly similar to Mexico?

If you don't you're a fake patriot.

Real patriotism is not shouting "USA!! USA!! USA!!" and root for America in every single unjust, criminal war America decides to wage like Vietnam.

Real patriotism is not waving an american flag 24/7.

Real patriotism is trying to foresee potential threats to America's first world status and try to eliminate them before they materialize.

If you don't fear that large scale third world (either legal or illegal) immigration may lower America's standard of living your "patriotism" is not worth a roll of toilet paper.
You seem to forget that i have both Mexican and Puerto Rican in this family of mine.....And they are all true Americans........

There is a major difference between a Mexican illegal and an American of Mexican decent.
what happened to ths good old days when immigrants assimilated, got jobs and raised themselves up. Why are we now expected to lower our standards?

There are a lot of things at play.

First off, I'm not sure the Italians assimilated any faster than the Mexican are. But Italy was across an ocean, so the immigrant couldn't play the game of "one foot in, one foot out" that the Mexicans play. They couldn't wire their wages back home. And we were a much more sane nation back then, we didn't start putting up street signs in Italian and printing ballots or other documents to suit the immigrant. There also was no dream of Italian conquest of the America. Mexicans hold this vision of conquering at least the Southwest on behalf of Mexico - why assimilate when the plan is conquest?

All in all, this is a VERY different situation than the USA has experience in the past.

The Italians came here to stay for good, alot of the Mexicans do not. They are here for the money to send back home and thats it, they have no allegiances to here.

That was just as true for many Italians who came here at the turn of the previous century. A lot of parallels there, in fact.
José;7446938 said:
"Cultural assimilation" is probably overrated too just like papers, legal status...

It's likely just multiculturalist/multiracialist babble 300 million americans have been constantly fed in the last 60 years.

Mexicans will still be Mexicans and Haitians will still be Haitians even if they start calling themselves Americans, speaking English, eating apple pie 3 times a day and playing basketball/baseball....

That, or something like it, has been said of every immigrant group that has come to this great nation at one time or another, by everyone who felt they had been here long enough to justify such an attitude.
José;7446974 said:
I'm playing devil's advocate meaning I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm saying here... I may be right or wrong... only time will tell...

Having said that sometimes I feel inclined to believe that papers and assimilation are probably bullshit.

Tribes, kingdoms, nation-states, countries, etc... are not geographic locations first and foremost...

Countries are basically the people who inhabit them.

Fill the United States with Mexicans and you'll end up with a english-speaking Mexico (at best).

Fill the United States with Haitians and you'll end up with a english-speaking Haiti.

All those Mexicans and Haitians holding a piece of paper and waving the american flag will probably be an irrelevant detail that won't make any difference in the final outcome.

You keep demonstrating, over and over, that you understand nothing about America.
You're right as there's [sic] probably isn't [sic] many that does [sic] have a degree in these subjects. On the other hand there could be quite a few construction works [sic] that could be granted "amnesty"...

YOU probably couldn't get a GED if your life depended on it. Why don't we start by deporting YOU, idiot?
José;7447232 said:
Originally posted by SFC Ollie
Were you also born this stupid?

Don't you worry that an America full of Mexicans may be incredibly similar to Mexico?


There are more than 30 million AMERICANS of Mexican ancestry. They are AMERICANS. America is still America.
As my Father in law told me once. His family was in Texas when Texas was the Republic of Texas. And that makes him a Texican........But he was a Texican who served 24 years in the US Army and was wounded in the Chosin valley....

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