House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

uh oh looks like traitorous trump has cornered himself into having to disclose the sources and methods of his private spy network!


When did Trump say he loved wikileaks? SNL skit? What authority do libs in the house have to order the president to do anything? Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?
The NYTIMES reported that Trump's people were wiretapped

They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?
If the American is suspected of breaking the law, nobody has to mask shit.

"Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election." National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say
Besides, Trump said that his phones (I.e. Trump's phones) were wiretapped in the Trump tower, and you come here trying to talk about Flynn.
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?

The Mike Flynn case provides clear evidence that the Obama administration used the pretext of spying on some people for whom they had warrants in order to illegally collect potentially politically damaging intelligence on the Trump campaign and transitional government, making the Obama administration a much greater threat to our democracy than anything the Russians might have hoped to do.
The New York Times had screaming headlines that wire tapping was going on. Shouldn't we beleive the Grey Lady?
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?.

That doesn't apply to high government officials. So somebody like a national security advisor, can have his position disclosed in order to lend context to the conversation intercepted.
Op-eds are the best you have?

aww look at the phony little weasel acting as if is it's all about what a forum poster has or does not "have". :uhoh3:

what's the matter, incapable of grasping the concept of betraying your own government??

there's a word for that! and in the good old days we'd just take him out back and shoot him! :eusa_clap:
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title..."

LOCK HIM UP! :eusa_clap:
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.

The FISA warrants....

The DOJ already has the FISA warrants. They provide proof that Flynn was picked up by the tap they had on the Russian embassy. They're looking for proof that Trump Towers phones were wiretapped like Donald Trump claimed in a tweet.
"The president-elect appears to be going to war with his own spies." :eusa_naughty:

"What’s closer to treason? Political opposition to a candidate, or siding with a hostile foreign power in the Intel war?”

Leading GOP Strategist Labels Trump and His Supporters Traitors
Op-eds are the best you have? Looks like lefties are increasingly losing their little feeble minds. Hysteria hasn't worked so let's have more hysteria.

They're fit-pitching their way to oblivion with all this nonsense.
The New York Times had screaming headlines that wire tapping was going on. Shouldn't we beleive the Grey Lady?
And once again you don't link to the alleged New York Times article, because you're lying about it.
March 20 is the deadline given to Donald Trump by members of both parties in the House Intelligence Committee. House lawmakers ask DOJ to offer wiretapping evidence by Monday
In this thread, conservatives are asked to predict what evidence, if any (microwaves, etc) they think Trump will submit.
What happens if not? :badgrin:
Nothing new, really...because we all already know that the so-called president is a serial liar.

What has he lied about?
uh oh looks like traitorous trump has cornered himself into having to disclose the sources and methods of his private spy network!


When did Trump say he loved wikileaks? SNL skit? What authority do libs in the house have to order the president to do anything? Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?
The NYTIMES reported that Trump's people were wiretapped

They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?
If the American is suspected of breaking the law, nobody has to mask shit.

"Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election." National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say
Besides, Trump said that his phones (I.e. Trump's phones) were wiretapped in the Trump tower, and you come here trying to talk about Flynn.
If there is no warrant to surveil the American, then his identity is protected under the law, but the Obama administration holdovers in the Justice Department clearly violated the law in the case of Mike Flynn. How many other Trump associates were spied on in this illegal manner by the Obama administration?

The Mike Flynn case provides clear evidence that the Obama administration used the pretext of spying on some people for whom they had warrants in order to illegally collect potentially politically damaging intelligence on the Trump campaign and transitional government, making the Obama administration a much greater threat to our democracy than anything the Russians might have hoped to do.
Trumpists are twisting like a pretzel in this thread. From the question of whether Trump's phones were wiretapped, they have now shifted to, "Was information about Flynn illegally disclosed"?
7 days.

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