House gives Trump 7 days to prove Trump Tower was wiretapped

The NYTIMES reported that Trump's people were wiretapped

They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?
I'm still waiting for Dirty Harry Reid to prove Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes. When I get that evidence we can talk about President Trump.
He was lying from the Senate floor what gave him immunity from legal consequences.

And that makes it OK from a voter standpoint?
I would have not voted for that scumbag even if he had been in my state.

Exactly. I don't care what protections he had. He still needed to answer for it from the voting public and the MSM (had they been doing their jobs).
I'm still waiting for some evidence which shows that the Russians influenced our election.

Congress can go fuck themselves.

What happens if Trump doesn't "prove" the wiretaps? Congress writes him a harshly worded letter?

I think it's laughable that they want "proof". This kind of "proof" would require a protracted counter-intelligence investigation. A week is hardly enough time to conduct such an investigation...
Share your proof with Trump that his people were the targets of the wiretaps.... he is in dire need of such proof.
You seem to forget that the President has access to all the classified information. You may get what you wish for.
Your problem is that you're dealing with a president who ignores his classified information and relies instead on gossip spread on the Internet.
uh oh looks like traitorous trump has cornered himself into having to disclose the sources and methods of his private spy network!


uh oh looks like traitorous trump has cornered himself into having to disclose the sources and methods of his private spy network!


When did Trump say he loved wikileaks? SNL skit? What authority do libs in the house have to order the president to do anything? Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?
Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?

you mean the balance of power that would absolutely justify U.S. intelligence agencies covert operations monitoring his dealings...??

IF he thinks he knows something, NOW he has to reveal precisely what he knows and HOW he knows it. huzzah!
Wasn't it made clear that the CIA, under the orders of President Obama, sent agents into Trump Tower in the dark of night, and with the aid of the Secret Service, NYPD, and hotel staff to wire his microwave oven, SMART TV, his toilet and potted plants to video and record his activities.

Simply the release of his sexual appetite for Golden Showers in TRUMP TOWER must have roots in the audio video placed in the potted plant next to his bed.
Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?

you mean the balance of power that would absolutely justify U.S. intelligence agencies covert operations monitoring his dealings...??

IF he thinks he knows something, NOW he has to reveal precisely what he knows and HOW he knows it. huzzah!
I asked by what authority the house has and you swiveled off and answered something else. How is the CIA justified in wiretapping Trump?
"The president-elect appears to be going to war with his own spies." :eusa_naughty:
uh oh looks like traitorous trump has cornered himself into having to disclose the sources and methods of his private spy network!


When did Trump say he loved wikileaks? SNL skit? What authority do libs in the house have to order the president to do anything? Do you understand the separation of powers thingy and why it exists?
The NYTIMES reported that Trump's people were wiretapped

They reported the Russians were wiretapped
Under the law, if the wire tap includes a conversation with an American for whom no surveillance warrant has been issued, the identity of the American must be masked, but we know for a fact that in the case of Mike Flynn, the mask was removed and the information about his conversation with the Russian ambassador was used by Obama holdovers on the Justice Department to get Flynn fired. How many more Trump associates were illegally spied on by this method?
If the American is suspected of breaking the law, nobody has to mask shit.

"Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election." National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say
Besides, Trump said that his phones (I.e. Trump's phones) were wiretapped in the Trump tower, and you come here trying to talk about Flynn.
I didn't think evidence mattered in this country? Weird how that shit works, simply because of a letter/name, ey?

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