Who Is Funding the Taliban? You Are, Thanks to OId Joe Biden

And what happened when we pulled out 75% of the troops? Nothing fucking happened. No violence whatsoever on Trumps watch.

Yes, because Trump promised the Taliban we would leave their country to them if they would only quit killing our people. And they upheld their end of the bargain.

We are the ones that did not stick to the agreement.
I am not defending Biden, and yes the pull out was god damn disaster, made worse by his desire to have a made for TV moment on the anniversary of 9/11.

All I did was point out the man you worship is the one that surrendered to the Taliban, he is the one that pulled out 75% of the troops, he is the one that did not even bother to have the Afghan Govt in the talks due to knowing as soon as we left the Taliban would take over.
Hahah trump didn’t surrender to the taliban. Claiming he did is defending xiden

You pathetic troll
Yes, because Trump promised the Taliban we would leave their country to them if they would only quit killing our people. And they upheld their end of the bargain.

We are the ones that did not stick to the agreement.
Haha no they didn’t.

You pathetic weak troll

Keep defending taliban joe
Yes, because Trump promised the Taliban we would leave their country to them if they would only quit killing our people. And they upheld their end of the bargain.

We are the ones that did not stick to the agreement.
You know that isnt true. You are being intellectually dishonest. That tactic bores me very quickly.
You know that isnt true. You are being intellectually dishonest. That tactic bores me very quickly.

Which part was inaccurate?

Was the Afghan Govt at the time part of the negotiations?

Did the Taliban agree to quit killing our people in exchange for us leaving?

Did they do so?
Which part was inaccurate?

Was the Afghan Govt at the time part of the negotiations?

Did the Taliban agree to quit killing our people in exchange for us leaving?

Did they do so?
The Taliban had requirements that werent met. Why did Biden do the pullout when they broke their word?
So, a year after we left we accuse them of not abiding by the agreement...and agreement we had already violated when we moved the date from May to Aug
No, its our way or the highway. We cant violate the agreement, only they can. At least that SHOULD have been Bidens position, but he fuckin sucks so here we are.
No, its our way or the highway. We cant violate the agreement, only they can. At least that SHOULD have been Bidens position, but he fuckin sucks so here we are.

Yes, we can violate the agreement, that is the way that it works. An agreement is made between two or more groups, all of them are bound to it.

But I do agree with you that the US is not good at such things and since we have the biggest army we do not care about being dishonest pieces of shit
Yes, we can violate the agreement, that is the way that it works. An agreement is made between two or more groups, all of them are bound to it.

But I do agree with you that the US is not good at such things and since we have the biggest army we do not care about being dishonest pieces of shit
So Biden shouldnt have stuck to the agreement. Why did he do that? That WAS the mistake, right? So why did that stupid fucking idiot do pull out when they werent doing EXACTLY what we demanded?
So Biden shouldnt have stuck to the agreement. Why did he do that? That WAS the mistake, right?

Huge mistake moving the final troop withdrawal from May to Aug. This caused 90% of the problems that we had when we left.

He did it because he is a fucking moron that wanted a made for TV moment on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

So why did that stupid fucking idiot do pull out when they werent doing EXACTLY what we demanded?

They were. They quit killing our people, that was the main thing they were supposed to do.
It was Trump that signed the surrender papers....do try and keep up

Which were?

List them please.

We broke our word as well.

Pulling out was the right thing to do, even if he fucked it up totally.
That's like saying that the surgery was the right thing to do even though the surgeon was inept and the patient died.
Huge mistake moving the final troop withdrawal from May to Aug. This caused 90% of the problems that we had when we left.

He did it because he is a fucking moron that wanted a made for TV moment on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

They were. They quit killing our people, that was the main thing they were supposed to do.

A suicide bomber killed over 100 Afghans, plus 13 American soldiers.

President Trump had an incremental withdrawal working. If the Taliban did not comply with the agreed terms, Trump delayed our withdrawal. Our military advised that we maintain about 2,500 personnel in Afghanistan in order to maintain stability.

As you know, President Biden has never made a good foreign policy decision in his life. The clusterf*** he staged in Afghanistan gave the green light to Russia to invade Ukraine. The sanctions preventing Iran from selling their oil were lifted by Biden, giving them access to hundreds of billions of dollars, thus making it possible to afford to back Hamas and their barbaric attack on Israel.

President Biden is a dangerous threat to our country and the rest of the world.

A suicide bomber killed over 100 Afghans, plus 13 American soldiers.

President Trump had an incremental withdrawal working. If the Taliban did not comply with the agreed terms, Trump delayed our withdrawal. Our military advised that we maintain about 2,500 personnel in Afghanistan in order to maintain stability.

As you know, President Biden has never made a good foreign policy decision in his life. The clusterf*** he staged in Afghanistan gave the green light to Russia to invade Ukraine. The sanctions preventing Iran from selling their oil were lifted by Biden, giving them access to hundreds of billions of dollars, thus making it possible to afford to back Hamas and their barbaric attack on Israel.

President Biden is a dangerous threat to our country and the rest of the world.
Xiden and the demafacist are a clear and present danger to the safety and security of the free world

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