Hollywood Pinheads: A TrumpUSA Doctor (CIA Diaries?)


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Sep 22, 2013
Is our media-hypnotizing WikiLeaks culture/society folkloric...or distracting?

What do you think?



"Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise were working on a film about the life of Thomas Nast, radical political cartoonist from the 19th Century. The film was to be directed by Steven Spielberg and would star Hanks as Nast and Cruise as his friend. Spielberg wanted the film to be about deep social interest in American culture as it related to journalism and would intimate the development of information-dissemination and the rise of the CIA in future generations."


"Hanks and Cruise were wandering around a movie studio center in California talking with various executives about the value of adding historical accuracy and cultural relevance to the Spielberg film about Thomas Nast. Suddenly, Hanks and Cruise got the eerie feeling they were being followed. The two super-celebrities didn't know what to make of the odd feeling and started feeling oddly paranoid that they were being tracked by officials of the U.S. government who wanted to observe what Hollywood was saying about the social development/rise of the CIA."


"In fact, it wasn't a CIA agent that was tracking Hanks/Cruise. It was a demonic entity named Scorpion, a bizarre semi-scorpion with a large green tail which spewed hallucination-inducing toxins. Scorpion could cloak himself as completely invisible, which is exactly what the man-creature did as he crawled up various buildings to follow around Hanks and Cruise as the two movie icons continued doing their careful research about the Nast film to be directed by the legendary Spielberg. Scorpion seemed to be interested in what Hanks/Cruise believed about American politics as it related to their new film alluding to the rise of the CIA."


"Hanks and Cruise continued to get the eerie feeling they were being followed by someone (or something). That's why they started getting the willies and consulted with Spielberg about the wisdom of making such a culturally/politically symbolic Hollywood movie. Scorpion continued to follow them, so Hanks/Cruise decided to travel to L.A. and roam around the city at night and interview people on the streets about what they thought about Thomas Nast, so they'd feel more 'comfortable' sharing ideas/thoughts about what Nast meant to Americans before making a complete Spielberg film about him (and also to feel safer about being tracked by someone who might not want the Nast film to be made at all!)."


"Hanks and Cruise decided to attend an L.A. nightclub costume party for celebrities and dressed up as the comic book superheroes Captain Marvel and the Flash. As Flash/Marvel, Hanks and Cruise felt bolder talking to their celebrity peers at the nightclub costume party about the value of the upcoming Spielberg film about Thomas Nast. Hanks/Cruise decided to confide in friends about feeling like they were being followed/tracked while working/researching on the film. The two movie-stars wondered if Americans really wanted a movie about the development of journalism-consciousness and information-disclosure in modern civilization!"


"At that nightclub celebrity costume party, Hanks/Cruise chatted with fellow Hollywood star/actress Cameron Diaz who expressed interest in playing a role in the Spielberg film about Nast. When Hanks and Cruise asked Diaz what she thought about the notion of them being followed/tracked by someone mysterious perhaps 'spying' on them, Diaz suggested it was silly thinking that the U.S. government officials were spying on movie-actors simply because Spielberg was making a film about Thomas Nast. Diaz didn't seem worried at all, but Hanks/Cruise continued to wonder if there was something truly 'eerie' about experimenting with the 'aesthetics' and 'journalism pizzazz' of American society."


"Spielberg wanted to cast a woman in the film about Nast who would portray a very odd/eccentric fortune-teller who dressed up in very odd costumes and covered her shaved and painted head/face in tiny wooden sticks (with glue). This fortune-telling female character would be named 'Pinhead' and would symbolize an early American paranoia towards the problem of journalistic controversies and espionage. Diaz grabbed the role and was excited to portray Pinhead, but when Spielberg to Hanks/Cruise, the two celebrities suggested that the idea that this Nast picture was getting stranger and stranger would only compel whoever was stalking/following/tracking them to continue tracking them!"


"Spielberg then cast a newcomer in the role of a fat-cat NYC newspaper-entrepreneur (fictional) who would start talking about some of the social/journalism intrigue that would allude to the eventual creation of the CIA, a body of security responsible for the tight circulation of intelligence/information as it related to the protection of democratic values and American stability. This fat-cat news-man was named Mr. Sive, and he'd be a key figure in this Nast picture/story about the rise of American journalism and free-speech ethos. Hanks/Cruise decided not to make any statements in the press about the appearance of Mr. Sive in Spielberg's film."


"Hanks and Cruise decided to hire a private investigator to see if he could determine who was stalking/following them while they were working/researching the Nast movie. The private investigator discovered that Hanks and Cruise were indeed being followed by someone (or something) who seemed to leave strange clues revealing his/her intention to keep following around the two movie-stars. The private investigator told Hanks/Cruise that they might be tracked by some government ghoul who wanted them to get goosebumps for making an incendiary/symbolic film about the rise of the CIA in modern politics/society."


"Then, one day, Hanks got a strange mailing in his post-office box. It was from a man claiming his named was 'Scorpion'(!). Scorpion drew a picture of himself (a very simple/silly/child-like stick-figure color-pencil rendition of himself with his bizarre large tail) next to a more concrete pencil-chalk outline drawing of an 'ice-man' like being who clearly represented an intention to follow around Hanks and Cruise invisibly. The mailing which included the drawings also included a note to Hanks which was meant to be shared with Cruise and it read, 'Beware of the audacity of telling folk-tales about the veracity of journalism, since no one in America is really sure about the securities involving political honesty...beware!'."


HANKS: I think we should immediately abandon this Nast project!
CRUISE: I agree; that mailing you got gave me goosebumps...
HANKS: Let's tell Steven [Spielberg] about this mailing.
CRUISE: Steven will understand why we want out of this project!
HANKS: There's no real reason to risk our lives for this historical drama, man.
CRUISE: We'll always have time to make more movies valuable to American culture!
HANKS: I wonder who this 'Scorpion' really was, man.
CRUISE: For all we know, he might be a CIA specter, a psycho-fan, or worse...
HANKS: At least we can tell the press that we dropped the film for private reasons.
CRUISE: Yeah, there's no reason to cause a social panic!
HANKS: We don't want Spielberg to get discouraged just because we were stalked.
CRUISE: Maybe you and I should make a movie about Walt Whitman instead.
HANKS: Hail to intellectual freedom...and social security!



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