History! Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: So President Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea as he meets Kim at DMZ. That is history. Talking is always better than war. We shall see how the Left attacks him for this as he surely will.

Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi
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After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. It was their first face-to-face meeting since an ill-fated summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

Trump arrived at the DMZ shortly before 2 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, accompanied by South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They were shown awaiting Kim's arrival, along with South Korean military members and other officials.

But before the meeting with Kim was expected to begin, Trump met with some military members and others and was expected to review some relics from the Korean War era. "We're with you all the way," Trump told the service members, who included both U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as well as South Korean forces.

Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ. "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."

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So historic. How butthurt, TDS retards cannot grasp President Trump's achievements is so strange. Folks, if President Trump can unite North and South Korea and China and Russia, not only will every civilized economy prosper, Muslim savages will be permanently finished.
Well you think the two leaders of Korea could agree on something someday, but I can guarantee there will not be a reunification like Germany..
Well you think the two leaders of Korea could agree on something someday, but I can guarantee there will not be a reunification like Germany..

Germany was a totally different thing. Germany, the most advanced society after realizing they were, was genocided by the Allies (controlled by the Swamp) with the Dresden atrocity and then fucked with. Apples and oranges.

God bless President Trump in the possibility of unifying North and South Korea in some way!
Well you think the two leaders of Korea could agree on something someday, but I can guarantee there will not be a reunification like Germany..

Germany was a totally different thing. Germany was genocided by the Allies with the Dresden atrocity and then fucked with. Apples and oranges.
Clear as mud..The Boche should have thought of that the day they invaded Poland...and Russia and...Korea was just a police action....
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Listen Moonglow, history is water under the bridge, unless you are a Negro or Jew. And the Negro could care less had the Jew not said he should be butthurt.

But let us celebrate President Trump's achievements in regards to peace...please! Thanks in advance!
Listen Moonglow, history is water under the bridge, unless you are a Negro or Jew. And the Negro could care less had the Jew not said he should be butthurt.
I am German myself yet I don't think that Korea is much different than Germany was.
ME: So President Trump becomes first US president to cross into North Korea as he meets Kim at DMZ. That is history. Talking is always better than war. We shall see how the Left attacks him for this as he surely will.

Trump, Kim meet at Demilitarized Zone, face-to-face for first time since Hanoi
source link

After days of speculation -- and optimistic statements by the two leaders -- President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. It was their first face-to-face meeting since an ill-fated summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, in February.

Trump arrived at the DMZ shortly before 2 a.m. Eastern U.S. time, accompanied by South Korean President Moon Jae-in. They were shown awaiting Kim's arrival, along with South Korean military members and other officials.

But before the meeting with Kim was expected to begin, Trump met with some military members and others and was expected to review some relics from the Korean War era. "We're with you all the way," Trump told the service members, who included both U.S. troops stationed in South Korea as well as South Korean forces.

Finally around 2:40 a.m. ET, the two leaders spotted one another from a short distance apart, then walked toward one another. They met, shook hands, then briefly walked across the border into North Korea before crossing back to the DMZ. "I was proud to step over the line," Trump told Kim later, inside the Freedom House on the South Korea side, according to the Associated Press. "It is a great day for the world."

/------/ Liberal Rapid Response Team reply: Trump crossed the NK border illegally. Lock him up and separate him from his kids.
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
If only he sought peace with all nations, including Iran and Venezuela.
Trump says US, North Korea agree to resume nuclear talks within weeks
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President Trump said following his historic meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un on Sunday that the two leaders had agreed to restart a discussion on the communist nation's nuclear program.

Speaking to reporters after visiting the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea, Trump said the U.S. and North Korea have both designated teams to resume the stalled talks within weeks.
The Fake News will spin it negative. What's astonishing about president Trump is his ability to multitask about 300 initiatives simultaneously. Before the Dem's and fake news can get going attacking him on something he's moved on to 10 new things. All hail our commander in chief! :eusa_clap:

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