His Name Is Joshua Ungersma: White Male, Working Two Jobs to Support His Family, Murdered by Black Female Teenager as He Delivered Pizzas


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.

Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.

A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.

Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.

Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.

Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.

Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.

The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.

The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.


Very few pizza delivery drivers get killed so we should just ignore this.
In Chicago, another murder is so common it's the "norm"
Imagine how shocking it would be if a week passed WITHOUT a murder in Chicago.
On our current trajectory, this won't be news soon. Our nation is changing rapidly.
The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.
Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.
A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.
Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.
Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.
Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.
Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.
The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.
The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.

B(lack) L(ives) M(atter), BLM what a wonderful kinda all embracing name. Something dreamed up by ad companies. I guess, when they where spitballing names for this,"Negros that hate whites" or "Commies that hate America" Fuzzy puppies league didn't quite work, either. Despite the fact like over 350 blacks were murdered by other blacks last years alone and 10 killed by cops, COPS are the problem here...excuse me, why are cops the problem?
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The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.
Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.
A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.
Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.
Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.
Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.
Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.
The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.
The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.

Killed the Pizza delivery guy eh ??? Now how animalistic is that ??? Unbelievable.
The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.
Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.
A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.
Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.
Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.
Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.
Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.
The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.
The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.

you mean racist al sharpton and racist jesse jackson arent going to show up? not surprising
Let's start with George Floyd, the poster boy for BLM. Died from a pre-existing heart condition AND a fentanyl overdose. He was saying "I cant breath"in handcuffs sitting upright. And then , there's that asshole D. Prude that died 5 days out of police custody. It's a fact more whites are killed by cops than blacks, despite police brutality. How cops react is really dependant on the community, brutal community, you get brutal cops. Nice community, nice cops. It's that freaking simple. Racism my ass.
I have seen blacks thugs horrifically target certain people...(Whites, Asians, Hispanics) specifically targeting race and the nicey nice media doesn't want to mention blacks being all racist and hateful because they want to be sensitive to ethnic causes...But then they do this Nickolas Sandman MAGA hat thing...that's what they do now, anti white bigotry, its a thing.
The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.

Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.

A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.

Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.

Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.

Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.

Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.

The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.

The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.


Black lives matter
The demonic MSM will ignore this awful story.

LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Jaelynn Billups, 17, is facing multiple felony charges including murder, armed robbery and theft in the killing of a Lafayette pizza delivery driver.
Joshua Ungersma, 37, was shot and killed while making a pizza delivery Aug. 31 in the 1900 block of N. 16th Street in Lafayette.
A witness, Patrick Gibson, told 13News and police that he had heard gunshots and went outside. He said he saw Billups with 19-year-old Alberto Vanmeter, and Vanmeter had been shot. Ungersma told Gibson that Billups and Vanmeter had tried to rob him and to call police. Gibson said he then saw Billups walk up and shoot Ungersma.
Another witness also said they saw Ungersma ask for someone to call police and then Billups shot him, according to court documents.
Officers said Billups was hovering over one of the victims when they arrived. When she was ordered to show her hands, they say she threw a 9mm handgun onto the sidewalk and was then detained. Court documents show Vanmeter was Billups’ boyfriend.
Police said Ungersma had a revolver in his pocket with the rounds fired. He did have a permit to carry.
Billups told the judge during an initial hearing Sept. 8 that her family was planning on hiring an attorney. She is being held without bond, and her trial date was set for Feb. 23, 2021.
The Domino’s where Ungersma worked is donating 75 percent of sales through Friday to his family. The restaurant is located on Greenbush Street in Lafayette. The response was so overwhelming on Monday the restaurant had to close early after temporarily running out of food.
The owners hope to raise about $15,000 for the Ungersma family but think they might beat that.

In Chicago, another murder is so common it's the "norm"
Imagine how shocking it would be if a week passed WITHOUT a murder in Chicago.
On our current trajectory, this won't be news soon. Our nation is changing rapidly.
To be fair, while some of those killings really are "innocent" people, most of those deaths leave the world a better place, and they save the Taxpayer a fortune. Too bad this delivery driver's killer didnt die from gang violence and save this poor pizza driver's life in the process.

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