Hillary wants government schooling to start at the age of FOUR!!

The constitution says education is entirely a state matter and states need to say that.

Hillary Clinton calls for preschool for all children - LA Times

june 15 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton put early childhood education at the front of her agenda Monday, pledging that as president she would work to make preschool available and affordable for every American child.

Clinton, who started her career as an advocate for the Children's Defense Fund, has long lobbied for expanding the availability of child care and preschool. At a day-care center here, she outlined proposals, including a substantial boost in federal spending to help cover the cost of schooling for 4-year-olds from low-income families.
No the Constitution does not say education is entirely a state matter.
The constitution says education is entirely a state matter and states need to say that.

Hillary Clinton calls for preschool for all children - LA Times

june 15 2015
Hillary Rodham Clinton put early childhood education at the front of her agenda Monday, pledging that as president she would work to make preschool available and affordable for every American child.

Clinton, who started her career as an advocate for the Children's Defense Fund, has long lobbied for expanding the availability of child care and preschool. At a day-care center here, she outlined proposals, including a substantial boost in federal spending to help cover the cost of schooling for 4-year-olds from low-income families.
No the Constitution does not say education is entirely a state matter.

Nor does the Constitution claim that education is a federal matter..

But then again these far left drones prove they do not understand the US Constitution outside of the their far left religious programming..
It's not a federalist issue, nor is it a cradle to grave issue. It appears that poor children have better grades, at least in elementary school, with things like head start that include health services and parenting services, and if the extra help continues in the primary grades, the positive effect lasts past 4th grade or so. But, I don't see anything to support that all that improves outcomes in high school and beyond, unless there's a parent who cares and demands effort, and a neighborhood where gang affiliation or unprotected sex is not tolerated.

Hillary's obviously pandering to her base, and there's nothing wrong with that. Trump said we're a dumping ground for murders and rapists. Hillary at least is pandering in a more positive way. LOL But, like Obama, it's still a liberal heavy theme, with the responsibility on the govt and not on the individual. It'll fail unless we change behaviors in adults.
Early childhood ed is total waste

Total crap.
The earlier kids start to learn, the better they get.
Kids here commonly start at 3 or 4, most being able to speak 2 or 3 languages before they start primary school.
This year's grade one can do Indonesian fluently (many with a local language such as Javanese as well), the majority are reasonably advanced in English (able to produce a description using grammatically reasonable sentences, including strings of adjectives), and aren't too bad in Mandarin.

The fat, ugly idiot Clinton bitch has managed to get this issue right. Someone with a brain must have helped her.
That's incorrect. Even studies by the Dept of Education show no lasting benefit from pre-school.
Kids need to be home with their moms.
Total crap.
The earlier kids start to learn, the better they get.
Kids here commonly start at 3 or 4, most being able to speak 2 or 3 languages before they start primary school.
This year's grade one can do Indonesian fluently (many with a local language such as Javanese as well), the majority are reasonably advanced in English (able to produce a description using grammatically reasonable sentences, including strings of adjectives), and aren't too bad in Mandarin.

The fat, ugly idiot Clinton bitch has managed to get this issue right. Someone with a brain must have helped her.

If American kids actually learned something in our public school system you might have a point.

By the way, there is more to learning than sitting in a concrete building all day.

Kids do learn many things in the American school system, and research has shown that children who receive early education reap considerable rewards as they move forward in their education. Where American schools start failing is moving beyond into the latter years. We teach 2nd and 3rd graders how to multiply. We teach 4th and 5th graders how to multiply better. Then, we have them spinning wheels for the next few years, and start losing track of priorities. Education becomes so obsessed with trying to make every student good at everything it results in a high school diploma being given to everybody, and good for nothing, and uses a foolhardy approach of suffering students into learning by submission valuing quantity over quality.
Vocational education needs to be reintroduced - by brute force if necessary - into the public system. An enormous number of kids are incapable of following an academic path, and need to learn a skill with which to support themselves, so this nonsense of generational welfare stops.
Never too early to teach kidz about the gayzzzz.
Never too early for the Dems to get their future votes locked in...

I'm sure there will be lots of stuff taught in these classes....In between lots of nap time.
Vocational education needs to be reintroduced - by brute force if necessary - into the public system. An enormous number of kids are incapable of following an academic path, and need to learn a skill with which to support themselves, so this nonsense of generational welfare stops.

We seem to be ahead of you again.
The high school system here is split, giving the choice of vocational training.
The schools are known as SMKs, and each specialises in given tasks.
Some do motorcycle repair, whilst others do courses in various entertainment fields. Pretty much everything is available.
I recall one in Java, its task was to prepare students for the merchant or military navies. The kids wore a navy style uniform and had to conform to normal military regulations.
Vocational education needs to be reintroduced - by brute force if necessary - into the public system. An enormous number of kids are incapable of following an academic path, and need to learn a skill with which to support themselves, so this nonsense of generational welfare stops.

We seem to be ahead of you again.
The high school system here is split, giving the choice of vocational training.
The schools are known as SMKs, and each specialises in given tasks.
Some do motorcycle repair, whilst others do courses in various entertainment fields. Pretty much everything is available.
I recall one in Java, its task was to prepare students for the merchant or military navies. The kids wore a navy style uniform and had to conform to normal military regulations.

They used to offer auto repair, plumbing, electrician training etc. here decades ago, but was dropped no doubt for a combination of funding and ideological reasons. Vocational ttraining may still be found in some state systems for all I know, but it is not a widespread practice.
Are you really that far behind the world in education?
Seriously, the most powerful nation on the planet, but a school system worth shit - is it true?
Kids here, in Singapore and Malaysia are considered a bit unusual if they don't do at least 2 languages at primary level.
I know of one young girl in Malaysia who was fluent in 7 languages at 18 years of age. Most in her area can manage 3 to 5, it;s normal.
There are clearly problems in the Indonesian system, mostly lack of cash, but does America have any reasonable excuse not to be top of the tree every year?

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