Hillary Makes ‘Desperate’ Appeal To Avoid Testifying About Emails — Says She’s Too Important


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

how is she "too important" at all? Mrs. Clinton is a private citizen, not running for office, no official duties at all. Doesn't sound very important to me
Can you imagine if ANY OTHER PERSON IN AMERICA deleted 33,000 emails after they were under subpoena?

They would be buried under the jail.

Hillary is a filthy corrupt evil piece of trash who would sell out the country for any reason that will give her money and power.

What’s hilarious to me...if Trump was ACTUALLY Hitler, Like lefties love to say he is....if Trump was Hitler, Hillary would have been executed a long time ago.
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Hillary belongs in prison.
i could totally understand "god damn people, we've had 18,391 of these isn't that enough" and would have to agree, as much as i don't like her. you can't keep harping on something and expect anything close to coming together to ever happen.

the part NO ONE seems to understand is NO SIDE is going to get everything they want and feel they deserve. from policy to process to punishment. we so desperately need to shift our focus from hating each other for yesterdays reasons to "how do we fix this for ALL OF US - even people you hate. they have the exact same rights we all do."

nothing is going to come of this except more bullshit, screaming, endless debates where neither side has a chance in hell of changing their opinions or minds regardless of "facts" that simply don't exist in our world today.

you can't expect people to stop dogging on trump if you're going to keep dogging on them.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???
please God, let the wheels of Justice finally catch up to Hillary
Don't see the problem...She can just say that she doesn't remember and "what difference does it make?", and everyone -including republicans- will give her a pass.
like i've always said - she's guilty as sin in my eyes. but my eyes are not the judge much less the jury. my choices now are carry around some hollow "revenge" factor that makes me keep after her or the next "liberal" until i get emotionally satisfied or let it go and find someplace i can have a positive impact on things.

all this back and forth bullshit needs to stop. yes people are going to "get away" with things but hey - they're going to do that anyway. i simply don't understand what they can accomplish this time around they couldn't any other of the far too numerous times of the past.
Can you imagine if ANY OTHER PERSON IN AMERICA deleted 33,000 emails after they were under subpoena?

They would be buried under the jail.

Hillary is a filthy corrupt evil piece of trash who would sell out the country for any reason that will give her money and power.

What’s hilarious to me...of Trump was ACTUALLY Hitler, Like lefties love to saw he is....if Trump was Hitler, Hillary would have been executed a long time ago.
no denying that. trump certainly has his own personality challenges but if he were as "evil" as the left says, they'd all be dead or in jail by now.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???

She should tell them to go to hell.

here we go again. but funny how her reasons keep changing. that didn't work, let me try this one...that didn't work, how about this???
'Equal Justice' - F* her and her elitism.

The last time she testified before Congress they let her do so WITHOUT BEING UNDER OATH...and - surprise, surprise - she lied her ass off...ACCORDING TO FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE FBI JAMES COMEY.

Rep Trey Gowdy rips into FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton's 'intent'
Yes we need to take care of you liberals once and for all.
we need to take care of ourselves.
we need to stop pretending "the other side" needs to be exterminated.
we need to stop hating people based off bullshit we read in what we know to be a bullshit environment.

we need to fix and heal. we've had far too much destruction.
This coronavirus hoax they did to destroy as many loves as they could to go after Trump was the last straw for me. Liberalism has to be destroyed.
Yes we need to take care of you liberals once and for all.
we need to take care of ourselves.
we need to stop pretending "the other side" needs to be exterminated.
we need to stop hating people based off bullshit we read in what we know to be a bullshit environment.

we need to fix and heal. we've had far too much destruction.
This coronavirus hoax they did to destroy as many loves as they could to go after Trump was the last straw for me. Liberalism has to be destroyed.
yea, sorry but i can't buy an entire world shutting down for the most part because democrats hate trump. makes zero logical sense.

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