Hillary Clinton must be upset


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. The Chicoms were thrilled to do it because Trump was messing up their sweet trade deals.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.
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Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals. They were willing to do it because Trump was stopping American jobs and technology from flowing into their country.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.

Evidently Hillary isn't really that smart. If she had been kissing the CHICOMs asses instead of the Russians, she might have won.
Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. The Chicoms were thrilled to do it because Trump was messing up their sweet trade deals.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.
I'm pretty sure they cheated their asses off in 16. Been done since the Dead Kennedy era.
You people remind me of a poor neighbor dog I knew in my youth that was tied up outside constantly drinking out of a leech field of a leaky septic tank. Eventually, the poor dog went mad and had to be given the Old Yeller treatment.
Yet here we are and you sheep just keep drinking out of the same pooled sludge of lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that eventually morph into anger, bile, and hatred. Then it explodes into the bullshit we saw on January 6th.
You people remind me of a poor neighbor dog I knew in my youth that was tied up outside constantly drinking out of a leech field of a leaky septic tank. Eventually, the poor dog went mad and had to be given the Old Yeller treatment.
Yet here we are and you sheep just keep drinking out of the same pooled sludge of lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that eventually morph into anger, bile, and hatred. Then it explodes into the bullshit we saw on January 6th.

Yes, you fantasize about murdering enemies of the party.

You are a Nazi after all.
You people remind me of a poor neighbor dog I knew in my youth that was tied up outside constantly drinking out of a leech field of a leaky septic tank. Eventually, the poor dog went mad and had to be given the Old Yeller treatment.
Yet here we are and you sheep just keep drinking out of the same pooled sludge of lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that eventually morph into anger, bile, and hatred. Then it explodes into the bullshit we saw on January 6th.

Yes, you fantasize about murdering enemies of the party.

You are a Nazi after all.

Fuck off. I'm tired of your constant Nazi braying. Get lost and go back to your Stormfront board.
Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. The Chicoms were thrilled to do it because Trump was messing up their sweet trade deals.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.
Can you prove your allegations?
WTF are you talking about? She planned this whole thing. She is Biden's puppet master you idiot! This is just the first part of her plan to hit back at the "Trump Gang".

Greatest mastermin....ummmm Mistress_Mind......ever. Look she even has a room in your head!

Just kidding, who GAF about Hillary at this point?
Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. The Chicoms were thrilled to do it because Trump was messing up their sweet trade deals.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.
Here, I will boil down what you said (and said well, by the way) to a "sound bite" summary:

Trump was fucking up the swamp's time-honored tradition of unchecked treasury raiding, endless M/IC war/occupation, and cheep, off-the-books labor. He was too popular to assassinate (or too well guarded) so they manufactured the election result they desired and put a corrupt, senile, coot in there who will do as they command.

The statistically unprecedented increase in the number of votes for president alone reeks of irregularity and should have been enough to demand judicial review.

2004 - 121 million
2008 - 130 million (+7%)
2012 - 127 million (-2%)
2016 - 129 million (+1%)
2020 - 155 million (+17%)

It may have been nothing more than voter turn out, but with ZERO judicial inquiry (where the court actually allows discovery, like every other lawsuit, before arbitrarily dismissing the case) no one with any manner of objectivity can trust the results.

because of that, at least 40% of voters believe there was a massive fraud.

What do you do when your representation appears to have been taken away from you and no one will resole your concerns about it? I'm not talking about ruling in your favor. I'm talking about giving it transparent and honest inquiry for all to see.

The political elite have refused to give us that honest and transparent review.

What are we left with? What are we to do when it appears that our only power as citizens (the vote) has been effectively usurped and the people responsible for protecting it appear to simply ignore it? What remedy do we the people have?

America's founders started an armed rebellion for much less.
Crooked Hillary must be really upset knowing that she could have used the same scam as China Joe and would have been President.

Sweet deal.

Joe getting his Chicom buddies to release a virus that caused a world wide pandemic to destroy Trump's great economy. The Chicoms were thrilled to do it because Trump was messing up their sweet trade deals.

Then giving the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department the green light to create the necessary number of unverified mail in ballots to be counted in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Brilliant scam.

However, the real trick was to get the normal checks and balances against massive voter fraud to look the other way.

Roberts and the Supremes were willing to do their part because they didn't want to make waves. They didn't want to be responsible for protest. Roberts said so himself.

The Republicans in Congress didn't mind closing their eyes because after all Trump was messing up their sweet Swamp deals.

None of the Democrats that stole the election from the American people will ever be held accountable for this massive illegal election that disenfranchised the American people and put the government into the hands of Socialists that have an agenda of destruction for this country. They call it a "reset".

Crooked Hillary could have come up with the same scam but since she was a shoe in so why bother? After all Obama and Comey had arranged for her to skate on her selling American influence to foreign countries so she was going to be President, right?

She must really be pissed that she didn't go the extra mile and come up with that brilliant unverified mail in ballot scam. She probably thought she would get plenty of Illegal votes to beat Trump.

Hilary wasn't their golden anti-Christ and it seems like it took THEM years to set up the 2020 presidential election steal, which wasn't quite ready in 2016. Beyond that . . . a part of me suspects Donald Trump was fated to lose the 2016 election, which the democrats had rigged to win, but he managed to "cheat" better than THEY did and they weren't ready for his tactics. Good for him. In 2020 they had all their ducks in a row this time and broad enough support from all the necessary bad guys, including the media.
You people remind me of a poor neighbor dog I knew in my youth that was tied up outside constantly drinking out of a leech field of a leaky septic tank. Eventually, the poor dog went mad and had to be given the Old Yeller treatment.
Yet here we are and you sheep just keep drinking out of the same pooled sludge of lies, misinformation, and conspiracy theories that eventually morph into anger, bile, and hatred. Then it explodes into the bullshit we saw on January 6th.
The "bullshit" on January 6 was no different than the Boston Tea Party. Regular citizens fed up with double standards and being ruled instead of governed by consent.
WTF are you talking about? She planned this whole thing. She is Biden's puppet master you idiot! This is just the first part of her plan to hit back at the "Trump Gang".

Greatest mastermin....ummmm Mistress_Mind......ever. Look she even has a room in your head!

Just kidding, who GAF about Hillary at this point?
No this was the Obama plan.
Fuck off. I'm tired of your constant Nazi braying. Get lost and go back to your Stormfront board.

I'm tired of you vile fucks being Nazis and constantly fantasizing about murdering people because they support America.

I'm tired of you Nazi fucks screaming about 1/6 while pretending you didn't do the same in July when you stormed the white house.

I'm tired of your desire for genocide, your lust to slaughter a hundred million people because they have white skin.

You are subverting the Republic and installing your Reich.

Uber Alles Democrat

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