Hi Everyone!

I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

Fuc all that!!!
You do this for yourself!!!!
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

So what shade of Socks are you wearing? :popcorn:

black with little blue stripes :p
If nothing else, I like your taste in socks. Welcome to the forum.

You strike me as someone who watches the TV news. Do you?

I actually don't, I don't have a tv. I enjoy print sources and follow several. I do watch The Daily Show online and a very good friend just won her second Emmy last night writing for John Oliver :)

"I don't have a tv."

What about a crossbow, do you own one?

Just a glock.

I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:


LOL. Yeah. Okay. Tell me, was it Antifa that ran a car into a crowd of people..? Or showed up in para-military gear and automatic weapons?
Welcome DT. You're probably gonna hear it now about the difference between automatic and semi-automatic weapons, ad nauseum.

Pubbies live in a permanent state of "ticked off" since Trump became President, actually since a female ran on a major party ticket; it has yet to wear off, HILARY is their mantra.

She ain't my mantra.
I just wish she'd start herself on fire.
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:
This thread is another reminder of how funny and desperate libs can be.
I agree, though I also find it disappointing that the OP wouldn't answer my questions. I wanted to see if they actually had any right wing stances, or was just blowing hot air. The way I see it, stating they were surprised someone could be "Worse than Bush" and saying that Hillary was "No Obama" certainly made it sound like they are a staunch lifelong leftist, or simply a media-watching talking point parrot.

So I leave the board to have dinner and You equate that with not being willing to answer your questions? Some of us can't just sit here and hit refresh all day. We have jobs and lives.
You're still not answering my questions, though<3
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. I don't answer to you. I don't acquiesce to the demands of bullies. I am not required to do anything you say or respond to anything you ask. I find you rude and I'm not willing to engage with someone who is determined to turn everything I say into a negative. It took me a sum total of 2 hours to get your number and I'm not impressed.

Translation: bawk bawk bawk bawGaaaak!

You are welcome!
It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:

It's nice to have a women who can explain the male mind.....
Please dont pollute Pumpkins mind with the truth.
My wife has called men pigs and I've skated on the edge of the accusation for 27 years.....
She finally admitted that I was okay .........after much deception on my part.
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:


^^^^ That's it, I expect Pumpkin to go completely off the rails now.

By this weekend she'll probably be out there selling Crack :omg:
You sound like a crazy person.
I'm not surprised at you saying that.
Having spent thousands of hours talking with hundreds of psych patients over the past 12years, I've learned the majority believe they're the sane ones. :)

Yes it's a truly competent healthcare professional that will armchair diagnose someone off of 20 Internet posts.
'Off of'?
You sure you're a teacher? :eek-52:
Yes, indulge personal attacks to hide your breach of ethics. That'll work
You started off pretty good, but then you kinda punched the Force Field button when you mentioned Bush and Obama. There are democrats here as well as republicans...and lots of independents. Perhaps you should have kept to the gist of your OP and your welcome thread would not have degenerated like it did. I apologize for that (speaking for myself), but...you get what you give and you started the giving. Now yer getting.

I didn't think she started off well. I thought it was a turd of an intro.

Me likey
Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:

It's nice to have a women who can explain the male mind.....
Please dont pollute Pumpkins mind with the truth.
My wife has called men pigs and I've skated on the edge of the accusation for 27 years.....
She finally admitted that I was okay .........after much deception on my part.

Awww for crying out loud Pumpkin!!!!
You should at least give me a little shit about my posts!
If you dont I have the fear you actually understood some of my off color jokes.
Well at least you did not mention the anchovy with pizza!:puke3:

Now you remind me.

Pumpkin Row what is your opinion on the importance of Anchovies? :popcorn:

Also this is me:

View attachment 149936

Today is Tuesday so I will make my Confessions to my priest, if not today I also go to Confession on Fridays, in between those days of Confessions my priest and I play Machiavelli * and he drinks too many Vodkas and I have ONE Martini :smoke:

* Machiavelli (Italian card game) - Wikipedia
Well, no Pizza place I've ever been to has had them on the menu, so I've never tasted them. Thus, I don't know!
They taste like sardines, but stronger in the fishy department. But are very skinny and small. And extremely salty. In short...icky. :lol:
Well, I suppose that would explain why no restaurant(That I've seen) seems to carry them as a topping.
Round Table Pizza offers anchovies. Most pizza places do but only if you ask specifically for them. They can put them on the pizza as it is being cooked..or on the side and you add what you wish. MrG likes anchovies but we have them on the side (in a small container) so they don't mess up MY side of the pizza.

If James tried putting anchovies on our table I'd have to leap up and slap him all over his head for a minute or two.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:

It's nice to have a women who can explain the male mind.....
Please dont pollute Pumpkins mind with the truth.
My wife has called men pigs and I've skated on the edge of the accusation for 27 years.....
She finally admitted that I was okay .........after much deception on my part.

Awww for crying out loud Pumpkin!!!!
You should at least give me a little shit about my posts!
If you dont I have the fear you actually understood some of my off color jokes.
Well, I can't honestly say I haven't understood any of them~
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

Fuc all that!!!
You do this for yourself!!!!
Hmm, if I'm trying to succeed to prove other people wrong, is it still considered for myself?
What is this:

It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:

It's nice to have a women who can explain the male mind.....
Please dont pollute Pumpkins mind with the truth.
My wife has called men pigs and I've skated on the edge of the accusation for 27 years.....
She finally admitted that I was okay .........after much deception on my part.

Awww for crying out loud Pumpkin!!!!
You should at least give me a little shit about my posts!
If you dont I have the fear you actually understood some of my off color jokes.
Well, I can't honestly say I haven't understood any of them~

Thata Girl!!!!
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

What is this:

Looks like a pair of tits.
It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

"It's a heart."

Oh okay that's good.

I thought it looked like um something else, do not ask me what, as your Self Appointed Moral Guardian I am not going to tell you I thought that looked sort of like....male happenings in the lower region :smoke:

It's nice to have a women who can explain the male mind.....
Please dont pollute Pumpkins mind with the truth.
My wife has called men pigs and I've skated on the edge of the accusation for 27 years.....
She finally admitted that I was okay .........after much deception on my part.

Awww for crying out loud Pumpkin!!!!
You should at least give me a little shit about my posts!
If you dont I have the fear you actually understood some of my off color jokes.
Well, I can't honestly say I haven't understood any of them~

Thata Girl!!!!
I do my best~

Think the OP bounced from this thread for good?
I haven't read this thread....yet....but why did it get moved here? PR isn't allowed to post down here...

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

Fuc all that!!!
You do this for yourself!!!!
Hmm, if I'm trying to succeed to prove other people wrong, is it still considered for myself?

Those people are secondary....
And you can bet the people who want you to succeed feel the same way.
I have to admit I see my Niece in you.
She's just hitting 10th grade and she's made the Wife and I so Proud that we have to keep from spoiling her. From her Piano Recitals to her Polyscience class that leans Conservative I feel there's hope for our future.
We have no children and watching my Niece excel warms my heart.
Hope ya dont mind that I see her in you. It's a complete complement and I hope she continues in your vein.
I no longer apologize to the ...cough..."teacher" who bullied a 15 year old by calling said 15 year old "rude" and a bully for asking a fucking question. (Pardon my french. Pumpkin, do not read that) :lol:

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