Hi Everyone!

It's okay A&D I have Self-Appointed as Pumpkin's Moral Guardian.

She'll be okay, I am literally THINKING like a Nun this to protect Pumpkin's innocent mind, her morals are safe in my hands :smoke:

Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

Fuc all that!!!
You do this for yourself!!!!
Hmm, if I'm trying to succeed to prove other people wrong, is it still considered for myself?

Those people are secondary....
And you can bet the people who want you to succeed feel the same way.
I have to admit I see my Niece in you.
She's just hitting 10th grade and she's made the Wife and I so Proud that we have to keep from spoiling her. From her Piano Recitals to her Polyscience class that leans Conservative I feel there's hope for our future.
We have no children and watching my Niece excel warms my heart.
Hope ya dont mind that I see her in you. It's a complete complement and I hope she continues in your vein.
I certainly take it as a compliment, she has to be pretty great if you have had a hand in raising her.
Everyone wants to see Pumpkin succeed!!!!!
No pressure Pumpkin but we expect good things from you!!!
.....Okay thats bullshit...there is pressure.
Just kidding. Be yourself and things will come to you from what I've seen.
Thank you<3

I'd hate to let everyone down, so naturally I'll do my very best~

Fuc all that!!!
You do this for yourself!!!!
Hmm, if I'm trying to succeed to prove other people wrong, is it still considered for myself?

Those people are secondary....
And you can bet the people who want you to succeed feel the same way.
I have to admit I see my Niece in you.
She's just hitting 10th grade and she's made the Wife and I so Proud that we have to keep from spoiling her. From her Piano Recitals to her Polyscience class that leans Conservative I feel there's hope for our future.
We have no children and watching my Niece excel warms my heart.
Hope ya dont mind that I see her in you. It's a complete complement and I hope she continues in your vein.
I certainly take it as a compliment, she has to be pretty great if you have had a hand in raising her.

The wife and I take great joy in being part of her life and her college years are paid for.
Between my Niece and People like you I feel our country has a chance to overcome the NWO.
It's a heart. I try to keep my posts mature on the forum, but sometimes my typical manner of typing seeps into my posts and I don't catch it. I actually use a lot of emojis in my private conversations, and that's one of them. Kinda like the "~", which denotes the usage of a singsong voice.

PFFT "mature" ~snorts~ I'm damn near 44 and I do <3's and tithes regularly. I even taught my mother to do hearts ~giggles~ If peeps can't get past an emoticon or two to read your words, then they aren't worth the effort of maturity anyways. Turn on the troll light for them types and fuck 'em... erm... I mean... ~flees Lucy's ruler~

I agree, though I also find it disappointing that the OP wouldn't answer my questions. I wanted to see if they actually had any right wing stances, or was just blowing hot air. The way I see it, stating they were surprised someone could be "Worse than Bush" and saying that Hillary was "No Obama" certainly made it sound like they are a staunch lifelong leftist, or simply a media-watching talking point parrot.

So I leave the board to have dinner and You equate that with not being willing to answer your questions? Some of us can't just sit here and hit refresh all day. We have jobs and lives.
You're still not answering my questions, though<3
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. I don't answer to you. I don't acquiesce to the demands of bullies. I am not required to do anything you say or respond to anything you ask. I find you rude and I'm not willing to engage with someone who is determined to turn everything I say into a negative. It took me a sum total of 2 hours to get your number and I'm not impressed.
Pumpkin a bully? Rude? Lol.
You clearly are a VERY poor judge of character. I pity the poor students under your 'care'.
On another embee, I had the same p
Yes. Demanding I answer questions on her time clock is rude. I don't care how young she is, if she's goingTo join an adult conversation she needs to act like an adult.
One Way Street Going Nowhere

On another embee, I had the same problem with a Lostralian Preppy (tuition 50 K a year). The other posters accused me of picking on him because of his age, as if that doesn't go with being on an adult forum.

In this flatline era, people never consider what a statement logically should imply. For example, if someone doesn't have to suffer for the sins of his father, he shouldn't be rewarded for the success of his frather either. Trust funds should be outlawed.
Welcome. If I may ask what was it that made you change from GOP to DEM? FYI I am a lifelong IND.

I saw the party go insane. Basic fiscal conservatism was taken over by utter insanity - the party of compassionate conservatives turned into a vicious, petty and flat out mean mob that was only concerned with rabidly protecting their piece of the pie. Really, my views never changed - but the party sure did and I refused to go along with the clown car.
So they just turned into the party that you have now affiliated yourself with. Why do you think, President Trump got elected, to "Drain the Swamp", and get back to more conservative ideas. Problem is that you have Bitch McConnell, Pauline Ryan, and other turncoat establishment Rebublicrats fighting the president at ever step. And the Dimbocraps, just play along as they wont work with any Republican President since Tip O'Neil fucked President Reagan on the wall funding for amnesty.
unoriginal.... like autotune.
I wasn't interested in your opinion.

then why even bother replying?
Because you were too stupid to figure that out on your own.

naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Hahaha.. you are a very confused lightweight.

View attachment 149895

<pfffft> learn sarcasm fuzzwad. it can only do you good.

Hey now fucketyfuckaroo... There's no place in this shithole for assholio language of that sort.

well then little douchbaguette, i suggest you go where you can win huuuuuuuge..... & bigley!
You know it's absolutely made my day seeing some nut jobs loose their minds by simply existing. Its another reason I'm not a republican. The instinct to be viciously rude to a total stranger is pretty par for the course in that party. If Trump has shown us anything its the right's ability to turn on anyone that doesn't goose step to their tune.

I hope you teach art ... :thup:

I wasn't interested in your opinion.

then why even bother replying?
Because you were too stupid to figure that out on your own.

naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.
then why even bother replying?
Because you were too stupid to figure that out on your own.

naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got on this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
Because you were too stupid to figure that out on your own.

naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got o this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
I don't smoke. Who's lenny. And I change my signature periodically, but a lot of people seem to love it, so I've kept it on for a couple of weeks long before the Trump re-tweet.
And I wasn't even involved in your juvenile back and forth with somebody else, so why bring me into it?
naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got o this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
I don't smoke. Who's lenny. And I change my signature periodically, but a lot of people seem to love it, so I've kept it on for a couple of weeks long before the Trump re-tweet.
And I wasn't even involved in your juvenile back and forth with somebody else, so why bring me into it?
I had nothing to do with it, yet you felt like talking smack like somehow I did.

i've called you lenny whenever we crossed paths on the board. you never asked why or said anything until now. it's short for leonard.... as in nemoy...who is holding a cigarette. can you follow the bouncing ball now? am i now suppose to feel bad because you had that signature b4 the orange clown retweeted it & it isn't quite as unoriginal as i said? nope. not at all. it says much about who is sporting it & those that 'love it'.

you seem kinda snowflaky about all this.... :smoke:
naw........ you were compelled to. remember what i said about being unoriginal? you & mudwhistle should talk...:lmao:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got o this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
I don't smoke. Who's lenny. And I change my signature periodically, but a lot of people seem to love it, so I've kept it on for a couple of weeks long before the Trump re-tweet.
And I wasn't even involved in your juvenile back and forth with somebody else, so why bring me into it?
The idiot is triggered by your sig....hahaha. Keep it! I happen to like it and as you said many more people do. Little snowflake is melting over it. :badgrin:
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got o this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
I don't smoke. Who's lenny. And I change my signature periodically, but a lot of people seem to love it, so I've kept it on for a couple of weeks long before the Trump re-tweet.
And I wasn't even involved in your juvenile back and forth with somebody else, so why bring me into it?
The idiot is triggered by your sig....hahaha. Keep it! I happen to like it and as you said many more people do. Little snowflake is melting over it. :badgrin:

'melting'..... :slap: sure sure. why to trolls & rwnjs always mistake mockery for anything else because they need to feel better about themselves?
I do talk. :anj_stfu:

lol....as i said- no originality...
Actually you didn't talk about originality, so calling me dishonest is a bit hypocritical. Oh, and just because you don't agree with what someone says it doesn't mean they are liars.

What I was talking about was people who lie and know they are lying.
Anyone can be misinformed.
It's the people who know for a fact that what they are posting is total BS that seems to infest this board.

I think you don't seem to be able to tell the difference, that's the problem here.

m'kkkkkkkkkkkk where did i call you dishonest? where did i say anything about lying to anyone on this thread? what you don't seem to realize....lenny...... what the fuck i was even referring to do you? me thinx not. start with your 'signature'. some other dippity do-duh ON THIS THREAD asked the OP what she thought of HIS siggy. i chimed in with 'unoriginal'... because, well.... i've seen that little gif in more than one posters' signature. yours was the latest & you JUST got o this thread. that's why i referenced you.

yes.... unoriginal. then you tell me to 'stfu' when i had JUST used that reply only a few posts earlier than yours. oh my god--- at least try to get your facts straight b4 wagging that nicotine stained finger at me, lenny,
I don't smoke. Who's lenny. And I change my signature periodically, but a lot of people seem to love it, so I've kept it on for a couple of weeks long before the Trump re-tweet.
And I wasn't even involved in your juvenile back and forth with somebody else, so why bring me into it?
I had nothing to do with it, yet you felt like talking smack like somehow I did.

i've called you lenny whenever we crossed paths on the board. you never asked why or said anything until now. it's short for leonard.... as in nemoy...who is holding a cigarette. can you follow the bouncing ball now? am i now suppose to feel bad because you had that signature b4 the orange clown retweeted it & it isn't quite as unoriginal as i said? nope. not at all. it says much about who is sporting it & those that 'love it'.

you seem kinda snowflaky about all this.... :smoke:
Snowflakes break down entirely when they're confronted with truth or simply opposing views

Leonard Nemoy isn't usually called lenny. It's usually Spock. And the reason I haven't mentioned it before is because I probably haven't paid attention to you before. And Spock is smoking a joint, not a cigarette.

I don't smoke, so your attempts at being clever isn't a matter of me being dense but more a matter of you being opaque rather than lucid in your remarks.

And when it comes to my signature...I didn't create it but it speaks for itself.

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