Hey You Doom-and-Gloom Alarmist Darwinian libtards...


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Riddle me this...

Why is it so bad that man-made global warming is going to kill the Earth?
Assuming everything you guys keep saying is true, the Earth's icecaps melt, oceans will boil, humans will die off, and worse yet all life will eventually die off, why is that a bad thing?

After all, you lefties believe that all organic life just randomly sprung out of an inorganic world in the first place. Who is to say once all life is destroyed as a result of mankind it won't happen again, "acids" will randomly combine and get struck by lightening and viola!, life starts over! And surely next time the natural universe won't fuck up again and create humans again. Problem solved.
Even if you accept the weak science of AGW, there is no research that can quantify how much and how fast it can be reversed, it at all.

So all you are left with is de-industrialization and poverty with nothing to show for it.
By what we have observed at present, there is a 30 to 50 year lag in the full effects of the present level of GHGs. So were we magically able to cease emitting GHGs, it would still continue to warm for at least another 30 years, and would take a couple of centuries to start to return to pre-industrail temperatures.

As for the idea of de-industrailization, people like yourself are the only ones talking such nonsense. We do not need to burn fossil fuels for our energy needs. There are multiple other resourses available, and the technology to harvest those resources is presently available. Of course, some very large international corperations would see their cash cow gored.

Now as for your false statement concerning the 'weakness' of the science behind AGW. AGW is such a weak theory, scientifically, that the Scientific Societies of the world, all the Academies of Science of the world, and all the major Universities of the world, have stated that AGW is real and a clear and present danger.
Even if you accept the weak science of AGW, there is no research that can quantify how much and how fast it can be reversed, it at all.

So all you are left with is de-industrialization and poverty with nothing to show for it.

The "False Dilemma" fallacy?!?! Who says "de-industrialization and poverty" are the only other result? AGW is about living smarter, not lowering standards. It's mostly about holding the line so things don't get worse. After all, any rise in GHGs means a rise in absorbed energy. Given that it has to go somewhere and statistically only 50% is likely to be re-emitted into space, what would the other 50% be doing?
"AGW is about living smarter, not lowering standards."

i feel scientific standards have indeed been lowered in propping up the arguments on which AGW is based.
"AGW is about living smarter, not lowering standards."

i feel scientific standards have indeed been lowered in propping up the arguments on which AGW is based.

Which you have astutely pointed out in other threads, much to the shagrin of Old Rocks and the other greenhouse gas global crusaders!!! Politically right now, they are about as healthy as zombies in a cemetary.
By what we have observed at present, there is a 30 to 50 year lag in the full effects of the present level of GHGs. So were we magically able to cease emitting GHGs, it would still continue to warm for at least another 30 years, and would take a couple of centuries to start to return to pre-industrail temperatures.

As for the idea of de-industrailization, people like yourself are the only ones talking such nonsense. We do not need to burn fossil fuels for our energy needs. There are multiple other resourses available, and the technology to harvest those resources is presently available. Of course, some very large international corperations would see their cash cow gored.

Now as for your false statement concerning the 'weakness' of the science behind AGW. AGW is such a weak theory, scientifically, that the Scientific Societies of the world, all the Academies of Science of the world, and all the major Universities of the world, have stated that AGW is real and a clear and present danger.

One of them "other resources" would be nuclear energy right?

One other thing.... How on earth did the other ice ages come and go? What caused the heating and cooling centuries before us parasytes came along?
Oh.... I know.... it was aliens right? They came and did some hokey pokey magic UFO stuff huh?

God you global warming idiots are stupid lemmings.... I just dont want to be strapped in with you all as you drive us right off a cliff.
Well, Hawk, were you actually to research what the scienitists are actually saying, you might not come off as such a dumb asshole. But then, dumb assholes don't like to do research.

You mean like the scientific fact that the Earth has already been much warmer in many different periods of its history? Facts the enviro-mentals keep omitting from their arguements?

I have never once disputed that the earth is warming. It is fact that it is, as it has been naturally since the last ice age.

You also failed to answer my question. What does it matter if everything dies since it all randomly sprung into being?
Human existance is but a blink in the timeline of the earth.
It appears we have had mass extinctions a few times in earths history.
It may well happen again.
According to Samson squids will be the next dominent species.
Interesting point of the OP, even if he did make it screwy.

The temperature of the earth's atmosphere varies greatly over time. And relatively small changes can have big effects. And changes in temperature occur independently of human activity. One of the problems with AGW is separating out what is normal background change from the result of human activity.

For the whole of the Pliocene, temperatures were substantially higher. We are in a period of huge changes where ice sheets cover a huge portion of the northern hemisphere on a regular basis. (The time from the last glacation is less than the average time of the glacations.

And as a species, we are pretty much just the villafrancian fauna left over from the last big ice age, like the Norwegian Elk, the Saber tooth tiger and the mastodon. New species get thrown up all the time, they don't match the climate, and they die off. Humans are not the be all and end all of primate evolution. And primates are not the best genera on the planet.

If things are as the AGW nut jobs say, we can't reverse the trend, (if it exists) all we can do is ride with it. Rocky even notes that the AGW nut jobs are admitting that if we did everything they say we should do, it wouldn't matter for two or three generation. The trend supposedly will continue no matter what we do.

So if the AGW nuts are right, we are in the position of the yeasts that turn sugar into alcohol in a champagne bottle. We keep on processing stuff till we die in our own pollution. We can't change anything, so we might as well enjoy the ride off into the sunset.
"AGW is about living smarter, not lowering standards."

i feel scientific standards have indeed been lowered in propping up the arguments on which AGW is based.

Which you have astutely pointed out in other threads, much to the shagrin of Old Rocks and the other greenhouse gas global crusaders!!! Politically right now, they are about as healthy as zombies in a cemetary.

i think folks are better prepared to have shouting matches, throw up links which they don't fully understand and generally engage in cheerleading on the matter. any attempts of mine to put forward a reasoned argument about the elephant in the room has cleared the room more than elicited honest consideration.
Riddle me this...

Why is it so bad that man-made global warming is going to kill the Earth?
Assuming everything you guys keep saying is true, the Earth's icecaps melt, oceans will boil, humans will die off, and worse yet all life will eventually die off, why is that a bad thing?

After all, you lefties believe that all organic life just randomly sprung out of an inorganic world in the first place. Who is to say once all life is destroyed as a result of mankind it won't happen again, "acids" will randomly combine and get struck by lightening and viola!, life starts over! And surely next time the natural universe won't fuck up again and create humans again. Problem solved.


You have just penned what is possibly the most retarded argument against environmental stewartship I have ever read.
By what we have observed at present, there is a 30 to 50 year lag in the full effects of the present level of GHGs. So were we magically able to cease emitting GHGs, it would still continue to warm for at least another 30 years, and would take a couple of centuries to start to return to pre-industrail temperatures.

As for the idea of de-industrailization, people like yourself are the only ones talking such nonsense. We do not need to burn fossil fuels for our energy needs. There are multiple other resourses available, and the technology to harvest those resources is presently available. Of course, some very large international corperations would see their cash cow gored.

Now as for your false statement concerning the 'weakness' of the science behind AGW. AGW is such a weak theory, scientifically, that the Scientific Societies of the world, all the Academies of Science of the world, and all the major Universities of the world, have stated that AGW is real and a clear and present danger.

One of them "other resources" would be nuclear energy right?

[/B]The problem with nuclear is that it is so expensive.[/B]

One other thing.... How on earth did the other ice ages come and go?

Milankovic Cycles

What caused the heating and cooling centuries before us parasytes came along?

You have this thing called a computer sitting right in front of you. It is currently connected to the internet, or else you would not be reading this. So why don't you just use some of it's features, and do some basic research.

Oh.... I know.... it was aliens right? They came and did some hokey pokey magic UFO stuff huh?

Wonderful demonstration of the level of your intellect.

God you global warming idiots are stupid lemmings.... I just dont want to be strapped in with you all as you drive us right off a cliff.

IIt is lazy asses like yourself that are heading the whole human race over this particular cliff.
"AGW is about living smarter, not lowering standards."

i feel scientific standards have indeed been lowered in propping up the arguments on which AGW is based.

Which you have astutely pointed out in other threads, much to the shagrin of Old Rocks and the other greenhouse gas global crusaders!!! Politically right now, they are about as healthy as zombies in a cemetary.

i think folks are better prepared to have shouting matches, throw up links which they don't fully understand and generally engage in cheerleading on the matter. any attempts of mine to put forward a reasoned argument about the elephant in the room has cleared the room more than elicited honest consideration.

You throw a punch at me, you get one in return. I support my arguements, rather than posting unsupported drivel. As for my understanding of particular articles, you had best elucidate on each article as I post it as to where my failure in understanding lies. A blanket statement like that is just another insult.
Riddle me this...

Why is it so bad that man-made global warming is going to kill the Earth?
Assuming everything you guys keep saying is true, the Earth's icecaps melt, oceans will boil, humans will die off, and worse yet all life will eventually die off, why is that a bad thing?

After all, you lefties believe that all organic life just randomly sprung out of an inorganic world in the first place. Who is to say once all life is destroyed as a result of mankind it won't happen again, "acids" will randomly combine and get struck by lightening and viola!, life starts over! And surely next time the natural universe won't fuck up again and create humans again. Problem solved.

Man, you are hilarious. Show me where liberals say "struck by lightning" started life?

Then again, you believe "Noah's Ark" is a true, historical event, so you probably believe in "Frankenstein".

6% of scientists are Republican. Why is that a surprise? Right wingers don't "believe" in science, yet they scoff at the "FACT" that only 6% or less of scientists are Republican.

It's the left that takes care of the right. The right only provides cheap labor and nagging. All the innovation and hard work comes from the left. That is not a boast or a lie. It's just the way it is.
Well, Hawk, were you actually to research what the scienitists are actually saying, you might not come off as such a dumb asshole. But then, dumb assholes don't like to do research.

You mean like the scientific fact that the Earth has already been much warmer in many different periods of its history? Facts the enviro-mentals keep omitting from their arguements?

Look, you poor ignorant ass, have you ever heard of the science of paleo-climatology?

I have never once disputed that the earth is warming. It is fact that it is, as it has been naturally since the last ice age.

It is still warming quite naturally. When you add GHGs to the atmosphere, the earth warms naturally in response to the laws of physics.

You also failed to answer my question. What does it matter if everything dies since it all randomly sprung into being?

Hawk, you may need some mythical authority figure to validate your existance. Most with a reasonable amount of intellect do not.
Well, Hawk, were you actually to research what the scienitists are actually saying, you might not come off as such a dumb asshole. But then, dumb assholes don't like to do research.

You mean like the scientific fact that the Earth has already been much warmer in many different periods of its history? Facts the enviro-mentals keep omitting from their arguements?

I have never once disputed that the earth is warming. It is fact that it is, as it has been naturally since the last ice age.

You also failed to answer my question. What does it matter if everything dies since it all randomly sprung into being?

Your analysis only works, if underlying conditions haven't changed. What about the fact that humans emit more CO2 in days than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year? What does it matter? It matters to me. The "randomly sprung into being" stuff is just irrelevant nonsense that has nothing to do with me here and now.
Which you have astutely pointed out in other threads, much to the shagrin of Old Rocks and the other greenhouse gas global crusaders!!! Politically right now, they are about as healthy as zombies in a cemetary.

i think folks are better prepared to have shouting matches, throw up links which they don't fully understand and generally engage in cheerleading on the matter. any attempts of mine to put forward a reasoned argument about the elephant in the room has cleared the room more than elicited honest consideration.

You throw a punch at me, you get one in return. I support my arguements, rather than posting unsupported drivel. As for my understanding of particular articles, you had best elucidate on each article as I post it as to where my failure in understanding lies. A blanket statement like that is just another insult.

take your pick, captain:




you'll note i didn't call you out specifically, but having rightfully identified yourself as one the subjects of my cheerleading characterization i welcome you to pick up the scientific discussion where i left it off above, among several other times where no arguments addressing my own were presented.
Riddle me this...

Why is it so bad that man-made global warming is going to kill the Earth?
Assuming everything you guys keep saying is true, the Earth's icecaps melt, oceans will boil, humans will die off, and worse yet all life will eventually die off, why is that a bad thing?

After all, you lefties believe that all organic life just randomly sprung out of an inorganic world in the first place. Who is to say once all life is destroyed as a result of mankind it won't happen again, "acids" will randomly combine and get struck by lightening and viola!, life starts over! And surely next time the natural universe won't fuck up again and create humans again. Problem solved.


You have just penned what is possibly the most retarded argument against environmental stewartship I have ever read.

When did I ever make an arguement against environmental stewartship? :cuckoo:

I think you just won the award you're speaking of.

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