Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

Surprise surprise Billy only reads here what he wants to read.

Raise the EITC , raising the national Minimum wage don't do a God Damn thing to help the poor except make some with out a fucking job.

You do know the minimum wage has been raised many times before and nothing catastrophic happened right? Yeah, sure, some small businesses would suffer, but millions of people would have higher wages. Prices may go up depending on how high, but it wouldn't be enough to offset the hundreds of dollars more a month people would make. Over time the boost to consumer spending would CREATE jobs.

So tell me jackass, how do we boost wages? We both know you have no idea.

Again fool can't you read?

Wages is just a fucking

Cost of living and buying power is what you should be after.


What buying power? When you work to barely cover the basics you have no buying power.

Learn a skill so you're worth more.
Oh no that's not the answer because then people would have to be responsible for themselves and they would have no one to blame for their problems

This is America and here it's always someone else's fault
All I see from cons is " let the market work".
What market? What market forces are acting to keep wages flat for decades? Profits up, productivity up, those were historically the best upward forces acting on wages. What are they now? Could it be that there is simply be the absence of any significant advocates for workers?
Surprise surprise Billy only reads here what he wants to read.

Raise the EITC , raising the national Minimum wage don't do a God Damn thing to help the poor except make some with out a fucking job.

You do know the minimum wage has been raised many times before and nothing catastrophic happened right? Yeah, sure, some small businesses would suffer, but millions of people would have higher wages. Prices may go up depending on how high, but it wouldn't be enough to offset the hundreds of dollars more a month people would make. Over time the boost to consumer spending would CREATE jobs.

So tell me jackass, how do we boost wages? We both know you have no idea.

Again fool can't you read?

Wages is just a fucking

Cost of living and buying power is what you should be after.


What buying power? When you work to barely cover the basics you have no buying power.


That made no sense. I think you meant disposable income
All I see from cons is " let the market work".
What market? What market forces are acting to keep wages flat for decades? Profits up, productivity up, those were historically the best upward forces acting on wages. What are they now? Could it be that there is simply be the absence of any significant advocates for workers?

The market provides you opportunity. It's on you to take advantage of it
All I see from cons is " let the market work".
What market? What market forces are acting to keep wages flat for decades? Profits up, productivity up, those were historically the best upward forces acting on wages. What are they now? Could it be that there is simply be the absence of any significant advocates for workers?
Productivity is up because technology now allows unskilled laborers to perform tasks that only highly skilled people used to be able to do
And what sector of the economy has been outpacing others for a while now?

Surprise surprise Billy only reads here what he wants to read.

Raise the EITC , raising the national Minimum wage don't do a God Damn thing to help the poor except make some with out a fucking job.

You do know the minimum wage has been raised many times before and nothing catastrophic happened right? Yeah, sure, some small businesses would suffer, but millions of people would have higher wages. Prices may go up depending on how high, but it wouldn't be enough to offset the hundreds of dollars more a month people would make. Over time the boost to consumer spending would CREATE jobs.

So tell me jackass, how do we boost wages? We both know you have no idea.

Again fool can't you read?

Wages is just a fucking

Cost of living and buying power is what you should be after.


What buying power? When you work to barely cover the basics you have no buying power.


About time you are complaining About the democrats you voted for in your blue city and state.

Do yourself a favor, vote your wallet next time, locally vote republican.

"Small businesses would suffer".
The majority of people who are employed are employed by 'small businesses'.
You sniveling LIB pussies who were 'streamed' through the Liberal Indoctrination Centers AKA union controlled schools were shit out the other end barely able to read or write.
You learned to believe from your LIB/Socialist teachers that 'everyone was the same' everyone deserved a 'participation trophy'. No one really had to work hard and study in school to help ensure a successful future. Why? Because these LIB/Socialist teachers deep down equate the meaning of "success" with the fact hat in one person is "successful" that must mean by comparison some others are not. This goes to the whole 'everyone's a winner'! bullshit notion.
Now no one will hire most of you. You're only able to get MW jobs.
Now you want to be paid more than you are worth.
For doing jobs many of which will be done by robotics very soon.
Get used to scratching along in life with no hope of ever having what you want.
BONOBO encouraged free trade which outsourced millions of jobs. The union controlled education system fucked you over. The DEMs put the 'First AA President' in the White house for the last eight years.
If you're not happy blame those who deserve it.
If you want another four-eight years of what BONOBO accomplished for you vote for Hillary.
Then you have BONOBO opening up the floodgates on the border for millions of people who will happily do your dumb-ass job for less. BONOBO knows some of these illegals will end up voting DEM in the future and he doesn't give a shit about you.
The negroes in the last eight years would have done better having fucking David Duke as their president than BONOBO.
What would raise wages? Demand for skilled labor. Unskilled jobs are not going to put upward pressure on wages. Ever.

Those people are too easily replaceable with little to no training cost, or by robots, so there is no labor market based reason to pay them more.
Hey RWs: if you're so opposed to raising the min. wage, what exactly do you think would boost wages?

1. Reform our Sabotaged, dysfunctional Educational System
2. Self Improvement, focus on how you can DO more instead of GET more; the result follow as sure as sunrise
3. Can we admit the Democrat "War on Poverty" is a 50 year, multi trillion total failure in terms of alleviating poverty but a 5 run home run success for keeping a stable voting bloc totally dependent on gubbamint cheese?

"Small businesses would suffer".
The majority of people who are employed are employed by 'small businesses'.
You sniveling LIB pussies who were 'streamed' through the Liberal Indoctrination Centers AKA union controlled schools were shit out the other end barely able to read or write.
You learned to believe fro

He would be broke again with in a year.
Learn a skill so you're worth more.

Is there a skill and a corresponding position for everyone?

Yes, if you want to be a drug dealer be the best you can be and don't get caught.

"Drug Dealer" spelled backward is "Federal Prison Occupant" or "Dead Drug Dealer".LOL!
Why raise the minimum wage in on jobs that will never be real careers?
its called the market -- and though liberals think you can legislate every problem they cant repeal the law of supply and demand.
...which, in human terms, says that 'the market' (whatever that means and if, indeed, 'the market' is in control here) doesn't work and something else needs to intervene.
Wages in America in the lower classes have been stagnant for DECADES while the cost of living continues to rise. Meanwhile, most of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of earners. This is all while productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades.

If you're so opposed to raising the minimum wage to ANY level, how exactly are we supposed to boost wages? Keep in mind 1/4 of the workforce in America makes less than $10 per hour. 10s of millions more make less than $15 per hour. That means we are facing a serious wage crisis that 10s of millions of Americans have NO CHOICE but to endure. Higher wage jobs are scarce and extremely competitive and even most of them pay less than it what is required for the current cost of living standards.

What specific policies would fix this? Now many of you may claim deporting all illegals would boost wages, but not only would this skyrocket the deficit, it would take decades to achieve. Even if we did pull this off, it's not like businesses across the country would collectively say "well all the illegals are gone. I guess I have a moral obligation to pay my workers more!". Don't be stupid.

Corporate profits are already at an all time high. That means cutting taxes on top earners/corporations or deregulating wouldn't do jack shit improve the economy. That's mostly because those policies never have anyway.

So let's hear them. What are your brilliant solutions? Obviously no republicans in office have any ideas. They prey upon your ignorance.

My brilliant strategy is to look around and say "hmmmm under business as usual democrats and republicans the US economy has went to shit over the last 20 years, maybe time to try something different"

Guess you're voting for Trump
its called the market -- and though liberals think you can legislate every problem they cant repeal the law of supply and demand.

Actually, the market works very well. We simply have way too many people compared to jobs available for the market wage to be "fair"

The truth is two things have depressed US wages over the years. One is something we can and should control, the other probably not.

1. Immigration, both legal and illegal. It's pretty stupid to ignore the reality that when you already have people fighting for jobs, and you allow MORE people into the country that wages will further be reduced b/c more people are looking for work.

2. When women entered the workforce that effectively doubled the number of people hunting jobs and THAT causes wages to go down.

It's simple supply and demand. If McDonalds needs 10 employees and they have 100 people apply they will obviously pay less than they would if they needed 10 employees and 10 people applied.

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