Former Speaker Boehner remains incredibly stupid, unable to even correctly guess the image of Lucifer, on the copper U. S. Penny. He got the right party, just the wrong white male: Lincoln had attempted lawfully to kill them all off, 1861-1865. 750,000 dead white males is not yet about Ted Cruz, but now it is noted that even Republicans hate the brand. Just how adrift they are from civilization is not even noted, however, in any polling. Their unfavorable ratings would have to even be re-stated for a new Prince tape.
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992
The use of law for killing is supported vehemently at Federal Reserve, the famous fixed-percentage usury purveyor. How to you kill off a Jewish financial house like Lehman Brothers? You put Kikes Alan Greenspan or Janet Yellen in charge of the usury, (Deuteronomy 23:19-20), running Federal Reserve, Rabbi supported. Moses had alleged a deity, but really was an educated man of Imperial Egypt--a subjugating brand. (Acts 7:22.) The Cruz family has been better described by Trump supporters, a not entirely honest brand: Especially when it comes to their version of, "The Jewish Question." They support U. S. Law, just like CNBC and its parent, GE famous of corporate USA.
Famously, Gay Lord Keynes went with the subjugation spirit, and "Bade the people bend over and await the Public Works!" The usury-basis arithmetic famously fails. That is described in Matthew 25:14-30.
Republicans, famously, don't work either. Republicans kill, even using arithmetic, and even the devil, Boehner is for that.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rabbis even make young warriors, read from dirty books in front of assembled adults, as a ritual form of initiation. Then they get presents, as in having looted the foreign non-believers! These people even have an age 13 ceremony about the false concept!)
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992
The use of law for killing is supported vehemently at Federal Reserve, the famous fixed-percentage usury purveyor. How to you kill off a Jewish financial house like Lehman Brothers? You put Kikes Alan Greenspan or Janet Yellen in charge of the usury, (Deuteronomy 23:19-20), running Federal Reserve, Rabbi supported. Moses had alleged a deity, but really was an educated man of Imperial Egypt--a subjugating brand. (Acts 7:22.) The Cruz family has been better described by Trump supporters, a not entirely honest brand: Especially when it comes to their version of, "The Jewish Question." They support U. S. Law, just like CNBC and its parent, GE famous of corporate USA.
Famously, Gay Lord Keynes went with the subjugation spirit, and "Bade the people bend over and await the Public Works!" The usury-basis arithmetic famously fails. That is described in Matthew 25:14-30.
Republicans, famously, don't work either. Republicans kill, even using arithmetic, and even the devil, Boehner is for that.
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Rabbis even make young warriors, read from dirty books in front of assembled adults, as a ritual form of initiation. Then they get presents, as in having looted the foreign non-believers! These people even have an age 13 ceremony about the false concept!)