Here is the reason trusted and quality polls have more democrats than republicans


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
It’s really just a matter of there being more democrats than republicans in the US. Natural proportion has to be factored in.

“Newcomers to polling sometimes assume that if you are asking Americans questions about politics, it’s only fair to include an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. While this notion makes some sense on the surface, it’s based on a misunderstanding of what polling is intended to do. The goal of a national political survey isn’t to artificially even the playing field. It’s to represent groups in their actual proportions within the country. And a wide range of evidence shows that there are more Democrats than Republicans in the United States today.”

“Gold-standard, nonpartisan surveys have found for decades that more U.S. adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party than the Republican Party – whether these surveys take place under GOP or Democratic presidential administrations. That is the finding of two of the highest-quality surveys that use nationally representative data collected through in-person interviews: the General Social Survey and the American National Election Studies. It’s also the result obtained by numerous other reputable surveys that poll Americans by telephone or online using randomly selected samples of adults, including those done by us here at Pew Research Center, as well as those done by Gallup, Fox News, Kaiser Family Foundation and The Associated Press-NORC. (The Census Bureau, which runs the nation’s most authoritative surveys, notably does not ask Americans about their partisan affiliation.)”

OK, then how do you explain 2016?


^^^^ This:

Don't forget what ALL the Polls said BEFORE the Election in 2016. They said Hillary would win North Carolina, here's one projection, literally saying Hillary would get 55.5% and The Donald would get 44.5%

It’s really just a matter of there being more democrats than republicans in the US. Natural proportion has to be factored in. ...

Right now it is virtually identical per Gallup.

Any polling that gives such a large advantage to Dims is worthless.
I went years without ever being called for a political poll.

Then, when they finally did start calling, as soon as they could tell I was a conservative, the call / poll would abruptly end.

Now, if I get a call, I fuck with them by acting like the biggest flaming snowflake leftard that I can.
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.
lib polls have zero credibility with most republican voters

so go ahead and oversample democrats to your hearts content

But you are fooling no one except yourselves
The fact of the matter is that there are more democrats than republicans in the country.
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.

Well the national polls were not wrong.

HILLARY IN AN ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :iyfyus.jpg:
It’s really just a matter of there being more democrats than republicans in the US. Natural proportion has to be factored in. ...

Right now it is virtually identical per Gallup.

Any polling that gives such a large advantage to Dims is worthless.
lol this doesn’t even contradict what I said. Of course, either way, this is people self-reporting and not based on actual registration data.
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.

I call bullshit on your "national poll" excuse. Watch the video again.
They had state polls. Trump had no way to 270. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning.
The polls were WRONG in 2016 and are probably wrong in 2020.
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.

We don't have a "national election", that's what you're not getting.

We have 50 state elections.

Perhaps you need an education on how our system works. Try heading back to the 6th grade again.......(which I'm guessing would make it your third time)...or maybe the first time.
It’s really just a matter of there being more democrats than republicans in the US. Natural proportion has to be factored in
You seriously believe that? That's NOT how they do it. There are SOOOOO many other factors involved, including "likely voters," TYPES of Republicans you sample, and other things.

Btw, did you know MOST "independents" are Republicans who are afraid to call themselves Republican? I dont call myself a Republican, but I will NEVER vote for a Democrat, but I WILL VOTE
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.

I call bullshit on your "national poll" excuse. Watch the video again.
They had state polls. Trump had no way to 270. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning.
The polls were WRONG in 2016 and are probably wrong in 2020.

Uh yeah they had state polls. The state polls were wrong in three states which is the only source of the surprise for Trump’s win. The NATIONAL polls were not wrong. It’s not like the polls themselves were written with language to say “Hillary will win”. They simply showed that on a national scale, voters preferred Hillary. The media interpreted this as her winning because again, only FOUR winning candidates in US history lost the popular vote. Obama, for instance, won the popular vote twice.
if you need reassurances that your side is gonna win, and dont mind being surprised and disappointed, its ok with me
They sure dont ACT like they're confident about winning with all the election fraud they've been getting away with
OK, then how do you explain 2016?

Well the national polls were not wrong. That’s what you’re not getting. The media made the mistake in believing that Hillary’s lead in the polls meant she would win because only FOUR prior presidential elections in US history had the winning candidate losing the popular vote. Trump’s win was a fluke. The only actual polling mistakes were in state polls like PA, WI, and MI. That’s it. Those were the only inaccurate polls.

in 2016 you could not steal enough votes. The election was over a few hours before Hillary conceded. To see how entitled many Prog politicians are, you saw how she acted. Terrible.

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