Headline: How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum

How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives​

ASHTABULA, Ohio — Mike Czup unspooled the hose to wash his hearse. It was time to pick up the body of yet another neighbor who had died in the prime of life.

Since he started working at 15 in the funeral business, Czup has seen plenty of tragedies. But the 52-year-old said he’s still coming to grips with a disturbing fact about the bodies he washes, embalms and entombs: About a quarter of the people he buries are younger than him, as residents in this once-thriving coal town are dying earlier and earlier.

In the past six months, Czup has arranged the funerals of a 37-year-old killed by complications from diabetes, a 54-year-old killed by lung disease and a 54-year-old killed by a stroke, among many others who died prematurely.

Whether we admit it or not, it's true that actions have consequences.

Ashtabula’s problems are Ohio’s problems — and in large part, America’s problems.

Americans are more likely to die before age 65 than residents of similar nations, despite living in a country that spends substantially more per person on health care than its peers.

What is being investigated and written about is that any states policies, driven by their politics, are shaving years off American lives. We should pay heed.

Oh, Beautiful Ashtabula.

Ashtabula Ohio.png

At the 2010 census there were 19,124 people in 7,746 households, including 4,724 families, in the city. The population density was 2,470.8 inhabitants per square mile (954.0/km2). There were 9,087 housing units at an average density of 1,174.0 per square mile (453.3/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 82.0% White, 8.9% African American, 0.4% Native American, 0.3% Asian, 3.3% from other races, and 5.0% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 9.3%.


Whether we admit it or not, it's true that actions have consequences.

What is being investigated and written about is that any states policies, driven by their politics, are shaving years off American lives. We should pay heed.

Before I click on your link I want to say that I just saw a study that says uneducated white males are dying at an alarming rate. Too young. And it has to do with economic despair. They're turning to drugs, fentynol, alchohol, crime, suicide, early death. This is particularly white uneducated men. No other group.

I hope these white uneducated men aren't blaming us liberals, or blacks, or immigrants. They need to join a union. Or form a union. And they should probably stop blaming blacks in ghettos for their woes. Now uneducated white men are starting to see what life is like without economic opportunities. Now maybe white uneducated men should have empathy to their brown brothers. But instead they'll blame them for it.

They don't want obamacare, unions, social security, medicare, even if it's shaving years off their lives. That's the cost of freedom.

Don't forget gun violence is shaving years off lots of people's lives. And it's usually uneducated white men doing that too.
Tell me what this has to do with "red state" politics.

The article clearly states:

"Many of those early deaths can be traced to decisions made years ago by local and state lawmakers over whether to implement cigarette taxes, invest in public health or tighten seat-belt regulations, among other policies, an examination by The Washington Post found. States’ politics — and their resulting policies — are shaving years off American lives."


"Americans are more likely to die before age 65 than residents of similar nations, despite living in a country that spends substantially more per person on health care than its peers."
Before I click on your link I want to say that I just saw a study that says uneducated white males are dying at an alarming rate. Too young. And it has to do with economic despair. They're turning to drugs, fentynol, alchohol, crime, suicide, early death. This is particularly white uneducated men. No other group.

I hope these white uneducated men aren't blaming us liberals, or blacks, or immigrants. They need to join a union. Or form a union. And they should probably stop blaming blacks in ghettos for their woes. Now uneducated white men are starting to see what life is like without economic opportunities. Now maybe white uneducated men should have empathy to their brown brothers. But instead they'll blame them for it.

They don't want obamacare, unions, social security, medicare, even if it's shaving years off their lives. That's the cost of freedom.

Don't forget gun violence is shaving years off lots of people's lives. And it's usually uneducated white men doing that too.

I've read that most deaths cannot be contributed to what leads because it bleeds in Headlines: "drugs, fentynol, alchohol, crime, suicide."
Tell me what this has to do with "red state" politics.

Tell me what this has to do with "red state" politics.

I'll give you an example. Red states elect global deniers to congress. They refuse to act. Take the power away from the EPA types. We are dying 3 years sooner because of dirty air.
Ashtabula Ohio view.png

quotes from OP link: https://archive.ph/w9xnS

Too often, they’re leaving young children behind. Czup’s taken to bringing a PlayStation 5 and buying candy before services — anything to distract.

“How long until this is me?” the funeral director wondered, noting his stress-filled 18-hour days and unhealthy diet.

Ashtabula’s problems are Ohio’s problems — and in large part, America’s problems.
That dirty air only hangs over red states huh? Lol

What a dumb thread
No in fact I bet the biggest global polluters are in blue states. Cali, NY, MI. Wherever manufacturing is. OH is RED. Where does our pollution go? Those poor people. This reminds me of what's going on in Montana

Montana Pipeline Suit Dropped After Agency Withdraws Approval​

  • Project would have harmed Arctic grayling, groups said
  • Wildlife agency withdrew approval for pipeline Sept. 13
Environmental groups and the US Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to dismiss claims brought over a permanent water-diversion pipeline in the Red Rock Lakes Wilderness in Montana, after the agency withdrew its approval for the project.
That dirty air only hangs over red states huh? Lol

What a dumb thread... not to mention the source is a leftist loon site behind a paywall

Please Ms. Troll -- the dirty air comment is not in the OP or what the thread is about. The only thing appearing to be stupid here, is your post.

We try. and paywalls are not bad. It's how we get access to real news.

"Ashtabula’s problems stand out compared with two nearby counties — Erie, Pa., and Chautauqua, N.Y. All three communities, which ring picturesque Lake Erie and are a short drive from each other, have struggled economically in recent decades as industrial jobs withered — conditions that contribute toward rising midlife mortality, research shows. None is a success story when it comes to health. But Ashtabula residents are much more likely to die young, especially from smoking, diabetes-related complications or motor vehicle accidents, than people living in its sister counties in Pennsylvania and New York, states that have adopted more stringent public health measures."
"Many of those early deaths can be traced to decisions made years ago by local and state lawmakers over whether to implement cigarette taxes, invest in public health or tighten seat-belt regulations
So, basically, letting people make their own choices.
Of course thats bad to a statist.

Refute a claim:

from OP link:

[ when Ashtabula residents died of covid at far higher rates than people in Chautauqua and Erie.

The differences around Lake Erie reflect a steady national shift in how public health decisions are being made and who’s making them.

State lawmakers gained autonomy over how to spend federal safety net dollars following Republican President Ronald Reagan’s push to empower the states in the 1980s. Those investments began to diverge sharply along red and blue lines, with conservative lawmakers often balking at public health initiatives they said cost too much or overstepped. Today, people in the South and Midwest, regions largely controlled by Republican state legislators, have increasingly higher chances of dying prematurely compared with those in the more Democratic Northeast and West, according to The Post’s analysis of death rates. ] --

go ahead. I'm a rootin and a tootin fer ya -- refute a claim.
The article clearly states:

"Many of those early deaths can be traced to decisions made years ago by local and state lawmakers over whether to implement cigarette taxes, invest in public health or tighten seat-belt regulations, among other policies, an examination by The Washington Post found. States’ politics — and their resulting policies — are shaving years off American lives."


"Americans are more likely to die before age 65 than residents of similar nations, despite living in a country that spends substantially more per person on health care than its peers."

Obesity is one of the top killers of Americans. It causes diabetes, heart disease, and a slew of other problems. Blacks have the highest rate of obesity (over 40%), followed by Hispanics, Inuits, whites, and the lowest is among Asians and I'll guarantee you the vast majority of that group are Filipinos.

Blacks, Hispanics, and southern whites consume a shit ton of sugar and highly caloric fried foods. Asians consume almost none of that on a daily basis. There are just as many fat blacks and Hispanics in Maryland as there are in Mississippi. This is not a "red state" problem; it's a cultural problem. I spent a month down in Mexico two years ago and they have a large rate of obesity there too. I had the most challenging time trying to find energy drinks and just bottles of iced tea that weren't loaded with sugar.

This has nothing to do with "investing in public health" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. It has to do with people being too damn lazy to take care of themselves and then blaming the government as an excuse instead of accepting personal responsibility. Poor people can eat healthy too. It's just easier to throw a box of Mac N Cheese on the stove instead of taking the time to get off your fat ass and actually cook for your family.
Obesity is one of the top killers of Americans. It causes diabetes, heart disease, and a slew of other problems. Blacks have the highest rate of obesity (over 40%), followed by Hispanics, Inuits, whites, and the lowest is among Asians and I'll guarantee you the vast majority of that group are Filipinos.

Blacks, Hispanics, and southern whites consume a shit ton of sugar and highly caloric fried foods. Asians consume almost none of that on a daily basis. There are just as many fat blacks and Hispanics in Maryland as there are in Mississippi. This is not a "red state" problem; it's a cultural problem. I spent a month down in Mexico two years ago and they have a large rate of obesity there too. I had the most challenging time trying to find energy drinks and just bottles of iced tea that weren't loaded with sugar.

This has nothing to do with "investing in public health" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. It has to do with people being too damn lazy to take care of themselves and then blaming the government as an excuse instead of accepting personal responsibility. Poor people can eat healthy too. It's just easier to throw a box of Mac N Cheese on the stove instead of taking the time to get off your fat ass and actually cook for your family.

Hmm, have you investigated all of Asia or Africa too? The article simply states -- it's about America and the policies of Americans.

from OP link:

[ The differences in state policies directly correlate to those years lost, said Jennifer Karas Montez, director of the Center for Aging and Policy Studies at Syracuse University and author of several papers that describe the connection between politics and life expectancy.

Ohio sticks out — for all the wrong reasons. Roughly 1 in 5 Ohioans will die before they turn 65, according to Montez’s analysis using the state’s 2019 death rates. The state, whose legislature has been increasingly dominated by Republicans, has plummeted nationally when it comes to life expectancy rates, moving from middle of the pack to the bottom fifth of states during the last 50 years, The Post found. Ohioans have a similar life expectancy to residents of Slovakia and Ecuador, relatively poor countries. ]

So while your deflection is appreciated by some here, it's actually off topic -- America.

How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives​


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