Biden's Border Wall - Full Analysis

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

I will get right to the point. I think this is all b.s. and political. Yes, Biden wants to be seen as doing something in the face of this historically massive illegal breach of our southern border. The mayors and governors are getting pissed because it is effecting them politically in a very negative way. It is also easy for everyone to understand that Biden's Border Situation is one of the gravest threats to America's national security in history. It's like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor all rolled up into one threat, multiplied by 100 on account of it being self-inflicted. There are many, many valid and compelling reasons to hate the Biden regime. But in my opinion, the border takes the cake. He is literally giving our nation away.

Border Walls, Generally: Contrary to what those on the left say, a border wall has never been intended as a total fix of the immigration system. It is a TOOL for border enforcement. If you do not understand this simple, objectively true concept, then you are disqualified from the debate. The left has for years refused to fund border enforcement without some make-believe "comprehensive immigration reform", in which they want to grandfather in a lot of illegal aliens already here, ahead of legitimate and legal immigrants, inter alia. This has been going on since Clinton was president (and probably before that).

On a certain level, the Dem's approach makes sense. They want immigration reform, and the GOP wants enforcement. Why would they give on enforcement if they do not getting something on reform in return? The obvious problem with this, of course, if that border security invokes national security. Essentially. the Dems are willing to compromise our national security to satisfy their political desire to have what they call "immigration reform". I mean, reform could be as simple as enforcing existing laws and dismissing outright all asylum applications not filed in the correct country.

The Politics of Biden Building a Wall: I guarantee you that the Dems have got something figured out. They will reverse course and build a wall while saying that they never said they would not build a wall, we are just too stupid to understand their policy nuance. Further, the wall they build probably will not be effective. Biden will probably build it like 3 feet high or something stupid like that. But even if he builds a real wall, it is supposed to be rather limited in length. At best, it may slow illegal immigration and give him and the mayors and governors some political cover. Moreover, they will probably built some sort of poisonous pill in this project that they think the GOP will object to, thereby allowing the Dems to turn around in 2024 and accuse us of being the open border party.

My Take: Yes, we need to have a long, long, and very high, electrified and guarded wall on our southern border. No American can logically refute this. All opposition is emotive based. What Biden has announced, though logically contorted and inconsistent, is a step in the right direction. However, I have reservations. I question if their plan is legitimate or just a nod for political cover. I also am curious about the political angles the Dems are going to use on this, because you know they have already considered these ad nauseum. Finally, this should be recognized for what it is: An admission by the Dems that border walls have great utility as a tool for border security. As such, how will they square this with prior statements from Biden and other Democrats? I cannot conceive of any credible way for them to do this. Judging from the WH spokeslesbian today, they cannot figure out any credible way to do it either.
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All the media outlets that said walls are racist need to give their opinions on this one.
I wonder how they will spin this. Will they say there is something different about this surge justifying the racist fences? Will they say it is just the gaffe prone old man? Will they just come out and say, "Holy shit. We had to do something so that the populace, Demo and GOP, do not rise up against us and haul our asses off to the gallows!!!"

I will get right to the point. I think this is all b.s. and political. Yes, Biden wants to be seen as doing something in the face of this historically massive illegal breach of our southern border. The mayors and governors are getting pissed because it is effecting them politically in a very negative way. It is also easy for everyone to understand that Biden's Border Situation is one of the gravest threats to America's national security in history. It's like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor all rolled up into one threat, multiplied by 100 on account of it being self-inflicted. There are many, many valid and compelling reasons to hate the Biden regime. But in my opinion, the border takes the cake. He is literally giving our nation away.

Border Walls, Generally: Contrary to what those on the left say, a border wall has never been intended as a total fix of the immigration system. It is a TOOL for border enforcement. If you do not understand this simple, objectively true concept, then you are disqualified from the debate. The left has for years refused to fund border enforcement without some make-believe "comprehensive immigration reform", in which they want to grandfather in a lot of illegal aliens already here, ahead of legitimate and legal immigrants, inter alia. This has been going on since Clinton was president (and probably before that).

On a certain level, the Dem's approach makes sense. They want immigration reform, and the GOP wants enforcement. Why would they give on enforcement if they do not getting something on reform in return? The obvious problem with this, of course, if that border security invokes national security. Essentially. the Dems are willing to compromise our national security to satisfy their political desire to have what they call "immigration reform". I mean, reform could be as simple as enforcing existing laws and dismissing outright all asylum applications not filed in the correct country.

The Politics of Biden Building a Wall: I guarantee you that the Dems have got something figured out. They will reverse course and build a wall while saying that they never said they would not build a wall, we are just too stupid to understand their policy nuance. Further, the wall they build probably will not be effective. Biden will probably build it like 3 feet high or something stupid like that. But even if he builds a real wall, it is supposed to be rather limited in length. At best, it may slow illegal immigration and give him and the mayors and governors some political cover. Moreover, they will probably built some sort of poisonous pill in this project that they think the GOP will object to, thereby allowing the Dems to turn around in 2024 and accuse us of being the open border party.

My Take: Yes, we need to have a long, long, and very high, electrified and guarded wall on our southern border. No American can logically refute this. All opposition is emotive based. What Biden has announced, though logically contorted and inconsistent, is a step in the right direction. However, I have reservations. I question if their plan is legitimate or just a nod for political cover. I also am curious about the political angles the Dems are going to use on this, because you know they have already considered these ad nauseum. Finally, this should be recognized for what it is: An admission by the Dems that border walls have great utility as a tool for border security. As such, how will they square this with prior statements from Biden and other Democrats? I cannot conceive of any credible way for them to do this. Judging from the WH spokeslesbian today, they cannot figure out any credible way to do it either.
For every border apprehension of Mexicans and Central Americans, there are 30 visa overstays.

A wall would mostly be a boondoggle. It would have zero impact on our economy.

In recent years, immigrants from countries outside of Mexico and Central America accounted for almost 90% of overstays, and in 2017, there were more than 30 overstays for every border apprehension for these countries.

What we need is immigration reform. Badly.

But there is a batshit crazy wing of the GOP which does not get it.
I think it's time to review some of the comments on walls from our lefty posters...

Let's start with one of the most reliable Biden cultists on the board, Mac1958:

Like many who fell for the con, she was all about the wall. She put up with all the behaviors because she wanted to hide behind the wall.

When she finally saw that part of the con, the rest of the con just melted away.

From what I can tell, the most important element of this intense, emotional attachment they have with him is the wall. He found the one thing that scares them the most and he absolutely leaned into it. So they'll put up with pretty much anything, as long as they retain hope that the wall will be built.

These nationalist authoritarians have always known how to tap into that frustration and paranoia, and he really nailed it.
I think it's time to review some of the comments on walls from our lefty posters...

Another loyal Biden cultist, rightwinger:

We don’t have to literally tear it down

We can do like Republicans are doing with Obamacare
Just defund the wall. Cut down on maintenance. Stop repairing breaches. Reassign border guards to more important positions.

Then do a study to show the wall is ineffective and remove it

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