Has Obama Failed?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
There seems to be a growing acknowledgement that Obama has failed with independents. Those who support Romney already understood this. There is a considerable block of the electorate who still feel that Obama is a sort of Messiah, and are thus incapable of reconciling what everyone else has realized.
The people that I have spoken to personally who support obama recognize that he failed. They just think his intentions were good but forces beyond his control made him fail. They don't understand what leadership is or how it works. A leader finds a way. The general who is outgunned and outmanned doesn't sit around and let an opposing army roll over him. He strategizes, he finds another way. If a leader finds that his plan isn't working, he gets another plan! He doesn't stand around complaining that colleagues wouldn't agree with him and that's why the plan failed.
"He Returned The Executive Branch To Fiscal Responsibility After the Bush Debacle"

Couldn't make it any farther into the article.....laughing hysterically.

Hey, that's just what I did! I got that point and couldn't go on any more.
Yes, huge failure on almost every noteworthy promise.

Transparency of govt.
Protection for whistleblowers
Signing statement use
Closing gitmo
Ending Iraq on his promised timetable
Cutting the deficit by half
Lobbyists in the white house
The list is five miles long.

Yes, he managed to spend a lot of money on typical LOLberal pet projects that work to secure special interet group votes. That's about it.
He has failed in every aspect. I was always for Romney but this last three weeks has made it very easy for me to vote for Romney. If you sit down and relax and put all the facts on the table it is a no brainier.

The economy
Foreign policy
The deficit

Those are my top three categories and it is simple Romney s plan is better. It makes more sense to an objective person. Here it is in simple numbers. If a worker brings in $800.00 a week and put $300.00 towards bills and then puts $100.00 in the bank for savings every week this leaves you with $400.00. If every week you spent $410.00 from your fun money eventually the $100.00 you put in the bank will run out. That is what the Obama plan is doing to America killing our savings so we can borrow more
Has Obama Failed?


That's it? In 4 years he managed to "lead" the assassination of one known terrorist adn we're suppose to jump for joy?

Dig back in the crayon box and see if you can come out with something a little more substantial than something he did 3rd hand adn really deserves no credit for doing.
That's it? In 4 years he managed to "lead" the assassination of one known terrorist adn we're suppose to jump for joy?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]The Hunt For Bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

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There seems to be a growing acknowledgement that Obama has failed with independents. Those who support Romney already understood this. There is a considerable block of the electorate who still feel that Obama is a sort of Messiah, and are thus incapable of reconciling what everyone else has realized.

is mittens your messiah, or are you just going to vote for him?

rightwingnuts are so funny...

oh...and at least half the country is ok with the president.

facts are confusing, aren't they?
There seems to be a growing acknowledgement that Obama has failed with independents. Those who support Romney already understood this. There is a considerable block of the electorate who still feel that Obama is a sort of Messiah, and are thus incapable of reconciling what everyone else has realized.

is mittens your messiah, or are you just going to vote for him?

rightwingnuts are so funny...

oh...and at least half the country is ok with the president.

facts are confusing, aren't they?
The fact is Obama is largely a failure.There is nothing confusing about it. The there is an increasing realization and acknowledgement of this very thing - fact.

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