Harry Truman, Quo Vadis?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
A famous passage in "Witness," by Whittaker Chambers, continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

Harry Truman had to confront this truth.

1. It has been one of those blessings of Providence that Harry Truman replaced the communist Henry Wallace as Roosevelt's vice president. Truman, a fine American.....yet he could not resist the 'communist disease' any more than many other fine Americans.

He was a President of the United States who denounced the Hiss case as a "red herring" and tolerated in his Cabinet such abettors of world communism as George C. Marshall and Dean Acheson.

a. "The conduct of President Truman in this case was particularly hard to understand. No one would question the tough-minded anti-Communism of the man who had so boldly initiated the program of Greek-Turkish aid and the Marshall Plan.... He denied outright the evidence in front of him and he stumped the 1948 political trail flailing away at 'the red herring'..." Richard Nixon on the Meaning of the Hiss Case

2. As was true of so may other Americans, Truman certainly didn't begin with such inclinations. What happened?

According to "The Man of Independence," an authorized Truman biography by Jonathan Daniels, it was Max Lowenthal, a crafty southpaw government lawyer, who first corrupted Truman's mind with Marxist prejudices against railroads, insurance companies, and "big business" generally. Lowenthal was counsel to a Senate Interstate Commerce Subcommittee. In 1936. Truman, an eager member of the subcommittee, fell under Lowenthal's spell. When Lowenthal proposed to take him to see Justice Louis D.
Brandeis, the country boy said he was "not used to meeting people like that," but he went anyway and became a disciple of "the great liberal," who held forth on the evils of the American economic system.
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 137.

a. Truman moved so far to the Left, that after his election, he received this salute from Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,: "The conceptions of the intellectual are at last beginning to catch up with the instincts of the Democratic politician."

Verifies exactly what Whittaker Chambers said, huh?

3. See how the following fits with Truman's defense of Alger Hiss.

On January 27, 1950, Representative Nixon of California made a speech in the House in which he quoted directly from a secret FBI memorandum on Soviet espionage in the United States, dated November 25, 1945. Nixon said this document was "circulated among several key government departments and was made available to the President" in November, 1945. The report was placed in the record of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on April 14, 1953. It identified thirty-seven government officials and employees as members of the Soviet espionage service. Among these were Alger Hiss, head of the Office of United Nations Affairs in the State Department; Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Lauchlin Currie, administrative assistant to the President.

4. This FBI report is one of the most significant documents in recent American history. It shows that as early as November, 1945, Truman had received evidence from the FBI that Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and many other officials of his administration were Soviet spies. As the Internal Security Sub committee reported on August 24, 1953, "these people stayed in their jobs, received promotions, and influenced policy for several years after impressive information had been marshaled."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 139

a. In January, 1946, Truman promoted White to the office of United States executive director of the International Monetary Fund. In the same month, Hiss went to London as senior adviser to the American delegation to the first session of the United Nations General Assembly.
A Page From the Truman Handbook - The Omega Letter

The above is a cautionary tale, and a most enlightening one....even the staunchest of Americans, at that time in our history, had more than they handle in standing up to the wave of communism that washed over the nation.

Had the powerful and popular Franklin Roosevelt not given his imprimatur to communists and communism, perhaps standing up to this abhorrent political policy would have been far easier.

Of course, this makes no excuse for the simpletons who endorse the aims and desires of communism even today.
5. As stated above, On January 27, 1950, Representative Nixon of California made a speech in the House in which he quoted directly from a secret FBI memorandum on Soviet espionage in the United States, dated November 25, 1945. In it, the FBI named Alger Hiss, head of the Office of United Nations Affairs in the State Department; Harry Dexter White, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Lauchlin Currie, administrative assistant to the President.

a. The investigation, originally by Canadian authorities, was passed on to the FBI. A United Press dispatch from Ottawa, dated June 29, 1953, attributed to Canadian officials the information that one hundred and sixty-three Americans were named in a notebook of one of the suspects arrested in the spy investigation. The names of these Americans were turned over to United States authorities.

b. Klaus Fuchs, Alan Nunn May, and David Greenglass, a United States army sergeant who worked as a machinist on the atomic bomb,were the principal sources of information obtained by the Soviet atomic spy ring. Leaders in the spy ring included Harry Gold, an American biochemist, who was sentenced to thirty years in prison in 1950, and the Rosenbergs, Julius and Ethel, who were executed in 1953.

6. The fact that Truman had American interests at heart was understood.
In June, 1953, Senator McCarthy announced that his investigating committee might call former President Truman and ask him whether the list of names of Americans involved in the Canadian spy investigation was turned over to the FBI.

McCarthy later said he had been authoritatively advised that Truman withheld no information from the FBI and therefore would not call him to testify.
A famous passage in "Witness," by Whittaker Chambers, continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

Harry Truman had to confront this truth.

Keep trying. This doesn't work.
A famous passage in "Witness," by Whittaker Chambers, continually bears remembering: "You don't understand the class structure of American society," said Smetana, "or you would not ask such a question. In the United States, the working class are Democrats. The middle class are Republicans. The upper class are Communists."

Harry Truman had to confront this truth.

Keep trying. This doesn't work.

Why is it your posts are never any more incisive than a thumb print?

Put a little effort into it.

Oh....I get it.

You just can't think of anything to counter the facts with......

....and the 'thumb print' is one step up from grinding your teeth.

Stay with it, Jakal.....throughout the day, I'll build this thread to show how Truman reversed Roosevelt's obsequiousness to Joseph Stalin.

......if you dare.
The Truman biographers analyze him too deeply. Truman was just a high school graduate former clothing store owner who was in way over his head. He was hand picked by the crooked democrat establishment simply because he was a dummy and the movers and shakers could push him around. The liberal media created a fake legacy for Truman like they did for all the democrat administrations in the 20th century.
The Truman biographers analyze him too deeply. Truman was just a high school graduate former clothing store owner who was in way over his head. He was hand picked by the crooked democrat establishment simply because he was a dummy and the movers and shakers could push him around. The liberal media created a fake legacy for Truman like they did for all the democrat administrations in the 20th century.

While a great deal of that is true, Truman showed the strength and insight necessary to try to reverse some of the damage done by Roosevelt.

In a President, vision is more important than what might be considered high IQ.


“I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”

― William F. Buckley Jr.
7. It is actually possible to see into Truman's psyche, based on events as President.

Having served under the Rooseveltian Stalin appeasement policies, Truman had to learn quickly. Even so, baby steps can be observed. On May 23, 1945 (he became President on April 12, 1945), Truman sent Harry Hopkins, Averill Harriman, and Charles Bolen to see Stalin to smooth out some problems developing with Stalin...e.g., Army intelligence was finding out the truth about Stalin's massacres in the Katyn Forest.

At the same time, Truman sent the dunce, Joseph Davies, to Churchill to tell him that he, Truman, would continue to appease Stalin.

But Truman was beginning to show the good judgment he became known for...and thus, the incipient Cold War was beginning.

a. Education continued for Truman: June 4, 1945, in a 15-minute meeting with General Carter W. Clarke, and Colonel Ernest Gibson, of Army intelligence, Truman was first informed about army codebreakers working on secret cables sent from Moscow to Washington- the Venona decrypts. "Sacred Secrets: How Soviet Intelligence Operations Changed American History," p. 111, Leona Schecter and Jerrold Schecter
8. Even as President, this is what Truman was up against:

February 26, 1946, the Washington Star, reported that Americans were named in the Canadian spy investigation, that FBI Director Hoover wanted to arrest them, and that the State Department had prevented such action on the ground that it would prejudice relations with the Soviet Union.

On April 18, 1946, Representative Dondero made the same charge in the House and said Hoover was the source of his information. "I discussed this matter with J. Edgar Hoover for one hour," Dondero said. "The President authorized these arrests to bemade, and the arrests were forbidden by the State Department."
Manly, p. 140-141

a. The case cannot be made more clearly that even the strongest Americans found it difficult to act with imperturbability. The prevailing attitude in Washington at this time was that friendly relations with the Russians must be preserved at any price, even at the cost of providing a privileged sanctuary in the government for American traitors who were spying for the Kremlin.

Even the late James Forrestal, who was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations with the courage to express doubt that Stalin could be trusted, was afraid that the FBI, by acting precipitately against the spies in the notorious Amerasia case, would offend the Russians.
Ibid. p.142.

So....even when Truman was convinced by the evidence that there were Soviet spies in his administration.....and he was willing to work against Stalin's wishes.....the strength of the Soviets, here, in America, was too great.
8. Even as President, this is what Truman was up against:

February 26, 1946, the Washington Star, reported that Americans were named in the Canadian spy investigation, that FBI Director Hoover wanted to arrest them, and that the State Department had prevented such action on the ground that it would prejudice relations with the Soviet Union.

On April 18, 1946, Representative Dondero made the same charge in the House and said Hoover was the source of his information. "I discussed this matter with J. Edgar Hoover for one hour," Dondero said. "The President authorized these arrests to bemade, and the arrests were forbidden by the State Department."
Manly, p. 140-141

a. The case cannot be made more clearly that even the strongest Americans found it difficult to act with imperturbability. The prevailing attitude in Washington at this time was that friendly relations with the Russians must be preserved at any price, even at the cost of providing a privileged sanctuary in the government for American traitors who were spying for the Kremlin.

Even the late James Forrestal, who was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations with the courage to express doubt that Stalin could be trusted, was afraid that the FBI, by acting precipitately against the spies in the notorious Amerasia case, would offend the Russians.
Ibid. p.142.

So....even when Truman was convinced by the evidence that there were Soviet spies in his administration.....and he was willing to work against Stalin's wishes.....the strength of the Soviets, here, in America, was too great.

Are you retarded?...
" The upper class are Communists"
You hold by this, therefore Reagan was a Communist.
YOU quoted it and endorse it.

You NEVER see the context of any of your tunnel vision stupidity.
8. Even as President, this is what Truman was up against:

February 26, 1946, the Washington Star, reported that Americans were named in the Canadian spy investigation, that FBI Director Hoover wanted to arrest them, and that the State Department had prevented such action on the ground that it would prejudice relations with the Soviet Union.

On April 18, 1946, Representative Dondero made the same charge in the House and said Hoover was the source of his information. "I discussed this matter with J. Edgar Hoover for one hour," Dondero said. "The President authorized these arrests to bemade, and the arrests were forbidden by the State Department."
Manly, p. 140-141

a. The case cannot be made more clearly that even the strongest Americans found it difficult to act with imperturbability. The prevailing attitude in Washington at this time was that friendly relations with the Russians must be preserved at any price, even at the cost of providing a privileged sanctuary in the government for American traitors who were spying for the Kremlin.

Even the late James Forrestal, who was one of the few officials in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations with the courage to express doubt that Stalin could be trusted, was afraid that the FBI, by acting precipitately against the spies in the notorious Amerasia case, would offend the Russians.
Ibid. p.142.

So....even when Truman was convinced by the evidence that there were Soviet spies in his administration.....and he was willing to work against Stalin's wishes.....the strength of the Soviets, here, in America, was too great.

Are you retarded?...
" The upper class are Communists"
You hold by this, therefore Reagan was a Communist.
YOU quoted it and endorse it.

You NEVER see the context of any of your tunnel vision stupidity.


You didn't say that you interpreted it as saying such...you actually claimed that I said it.

Here...let's put up what you actually wrote:
"At least we now know that Reagan was a Communist.
YOU said it, not ME."

So.....I didn't say that....did I, you dope.

That's been proven to be a lie.

So, you admit that you are a lying sack of sewage?

I'm curious....does every single individual that whose path you darken immediately call you a lying sack of sewage....in one way or another.....or does it take them some time before the appellation is advanced?

I was soooooo hoping that you'd ram your foot down your throat!

…I'm always so disappointed when a liar’s pants don’t actually catch on fire.
The Truman biographers analyze him too deeply. Truman was just a high school graduate former clothing store owner who was in way over his head. He was hand picked by the crooked democrat establishment simply because he was a dummy and the movers and shakers could push him around. The liberal media created a fake legacy for Truman like they did for all the democrat administrations in the 20th century.

While a great deal of that is true, Truman showed the strength and insight necessary to try to reverse some of the damage done by Roosevelt.

In a President, vision is more important than what might be considered high IQ.


“I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.”

― William F. Buckley Jr.

You can measure I.Q. but "vision" is subject to speculation. Truman was a capitalist for sure but he didn't have a clue about the international threat of communism. When House democrats created HUAC Truman went along with it and later on went along with the media and blamed a single republican senator when the anti-communist era went sour.
NATO, Marshall Plan, formation of Israel, Berlin Airlift, Korea, fought striking railroad, mining, and steel unions here in the states.

Truman sure sounded like one of Uncle Joe's minions.
Israel is just Stalin's(from the grave even) way of another progrom like the tsars to get rid of the Jews in the USSR.

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