Happiness in Islam

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”
The message hold true even for Christians and Jews. Do you agree?

what "message"? "Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship" <<---that is the threat of a sociopath. Stalin said just about the same thing to the KULAKS of UKRAINE and -----do not leave ADOLF out of the mix......he promised his worshippers------SPRINGTIME. Of course all of them did their best to CREATE hardship for those who did not kiss the asses of he who issued the "reminders"
I am a gay, cross dressing, guy whose uses toilet paper with my right hand. Will Happiness in Islam work for me?
The answer is "No!". A good Moslem does not use toilet paper. Only water and finger tips.
Butt I pick my nose with the fingers of my left hand.

Point is Happiness in Islam will only work if one marches lock step with the edicts of some arcane belief system.
I am a gay, cross dressing, guy whose uses toilet paper with my right hand. Will Happiness in Islam work for me?

I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand
Moo ham head, piss be upon him, was a false "profit". The moongod he called allah is as phony as the cult.

Islime is a cancer on the earth and if there was any supernatural inspiration involved it was from lucifer himself.

Islime is a cult. A cult of slavery, conquest and death. The world will not know true peace until the last muzbot converts to any other belief, and Mecca is once again a Jewish city.

Put that in your hookha and smoke it.
Moo ham head, piss be upon him, was a false "profit". The moongod he called allah is as phony as the cult.

Islime is a cancer on the earth and if there was any supernatural inspiration involved it was from lucifer himself.

Islime is a cult. A cult of slavery, conquest and death. The world will not know true peace until the last muzbot converts to any other belief, and Mecca is once again a Jewish city.

Put that in your hookha and smoke it.

mecca was not actually a jewish city-----it was Very cosmopolitan-------it had Christians, Zoroastrians and possibly hindus----and whatevah was the Arabian religion at that time-------something about rocks. Yathrib
was a jewish city until the rapist invaded, murdered, raped, pillaged and to add insult
to injury, had his own rotting carcass planted
therein-----and as a further insult------his followers changed the name of the place to
I am lucky----I am left handed------HOWEVER----I also tend to hold a fork in
my left hand and when in the company of persons from the middle east------I have to REMIND myself to hold my wine glass in my right hand

Why? Hold it with your left and give the muzbot the finger with the right if he has a problem.

Fuck these people.

although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus
Moo ham head, piss be upon him, was a false "profit". The moongod he called allah is as phony as the cult.

Islime is a cancer on the earth and if there was any supernatural inspiration involved it was from lucifer himself.

Islime is a cult. A cult of slavery, conquest and death. The world will not know true peace until the last muzbot converts to any other belief, and Mecca is once again a Jewish city.

Put that in your hookha and smoke it.

Not much difference between Islam and Judaism. Same thing really.
although hubby was born in a shariah shit hole------he is (ahumdiallah) not a muzbot. The right hand thing is pervasive thruout the midde east AND the Indian sub-
continent. When I eat my chappatis-----I do it with my right hand too-----so as not to annoy the hindus

I can respect that.

I can even respect wearing head gear whilst in their countries, or whatever cultural norms they have, in their country. "When in Rome..." as the saying went.

I REFUSE to cater to any one else's sensitivities in my country.

Moo ham head, piss be upon him, was a false "profit". The moongod he called allah is as phony as the cult.

Islime is a cancer on the earth and if there was any supernatural inspiration involved it was from lucifer himself.

Islime is a cult. A cult of slavery, conquest and death. The world will not know true peace until the last muzbot converts to any other belief, and Mecca is once again a Jewish city.

Put that in your hookha and smoke it.

Not much difference between Islam and Judaism. Same thing really.

very very different------in fact, Christianity is more "like" Judaism than is islam. For the shallow minded----the fact that both muslims and jews do not eat pork is THE BIGGIE-------in fact it is trivial. Important to persons with trivial forebrains. As to matters of brutality-----islam apes important aspects of Christianity such as the FILTH of (st) Constantine and Justin-----the disgusting "canon"
Moo ham head, piss be upon him, was a false "profit". The moongod he called allah is as phony as the cult.

Islime is a cancer on the earth and if there was any supernatural inspiration involved it was from lucifer himself.

Islime is a cult. A cult of slavery, conquest and death. The world will not know true peace until the last muzbot converts to any other belief, and Mecca is once again a Jewish city.

Put that in your hookha and smoke it.

Not much difference between Islam and Judaism. Same thing really.

very very different------in fact, Christianity is more "like" Judaism than is islam. For the shallow minded----the fact that both muslims and jews do not eat pork is THE BIGGIE-------in fact it is trivial. Important to persons with trivial forebrains. As to matters of brutality-----islam apes important aspects of Christianity such as the FILTH of (st) Constantine and Justin-----the disgusting "canon"

No , we eat ham, we are not kosher, and we have the Holy Trinity, Judaism and Muslim , are very same, and Islam learned everything from Judaism, Rabbis even helped write the Koran.

We happily had Roman and Greek input in our Christianity.
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Happiness is a feeling that resides in the heart. It is characterized by peace of mind, tranquility, a sense of well-being, and a relaxed disposition. It comes as a result of proper behavior, both inward and outward, and is inspired by strong faith. This is attested to by the Qur’ân and Sunnah.
Allah says:
- Whoever works righteousness as a believer, whether male or female, We will give a good life.

- Then, whoever follows My guidance shall neither go astray nor be distressed. But whoever turns away from My reminder will have a life of hardship.

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.”
Isn't happiness beating your wives?

I am a gay, cross dressing, guy whose uses toilet paper with my right hand. Will Happiness in Islam work for me?
Yes, just not the version applied by murderous assholes who use religion as a mask to push their desire of domination and prejudice. Same applies to all religions, including atheism.

Not much difference between Islam and Judaism. Same thing really.[/QUOTE]

very very different------in fact, Christianity is more "like" Judaism than is islam. For the shallow minded----the fact that both muslims and jews do not eat pork is THE BIGGIE-------in fact it is trivial. Important to persons with trivial forebrains. As to matters of brutality-----islam apes important aspects of Christianity such as the FILTH of (st) Constantine and Justin-----the disgusting "canon"[/QUOTE]

penny>>>>No , we eat ham, we are not kosher, and we have the Holy Trinity, Judaism and Muslim , are very same, and Islam learned everything from Judaism, Rabbis even helped write the Koran.

rosie>>> penny-dear, try to write in English. To What does "no" refer ? From where did you learn that eating ham is a "RELIGION"? What does "are very same" mean? "islam learned everything from Judaism"?? like what? Islam does not include the "kosher" laws. There are dietary restrictions in almost all human societies.
Christians learned the Nuremburg laws from
Constantine and Justin (romans) Romans learned crucifixtion from Greeks and Persians. Can you name the rabbis who wrote the Koran-----and the language in which they wrote it? Muslims learned crucifixion from the Christians and most of shariah law

We happily had Roman and Greek input in our Christianity.[/QUOTE]
The message hold true even for Christians and Jews. Do you agree?
what "message"?
Happiness, Ms.Rossi ... happiness. Have you heard of it?

Of course-----I encountered muslims ----I learned WAY BACK ----like almost 50 years that HAPPINESS is being a muslim----and almost HAPPINESS is being lucky enough to live in a land RULED by muslims. Years after I learned that, encountered hubby----His family---ie is parents had the great joy of living in a land ruled by muslims. Hubby was born during their escape. He does not remember being born------and never really experienced the JOY of living in a land ruled by muslims------but he did learn lots about it from his parents and other relatives----and friends.
Happiness, Ms.Rossi ... happiness. Have you heard of it?

Of course-----I encountered muslims ----I learned WAY BACK ----like almost 50 years that HAPPINESS is being a muslim----and almost HAPPINESS is being lucky enough to live in a land RULED by muslims. Years after I learned that, encountered hubby----His family---ie is parents had the great joy of living in a land ruled by muslims. Hubby was born during their escape. He does not remember being born------and never really experienced the JOY of living in a land ruled by muslims------but he did learn lots about it from his parents and other relatives----and friends.
You missed my point entirely. The OP talks about achieving 'Happiness' through Islam, insinuating that Islam is the ONLY way of succeeding. I merely stated (through a feigned question) that 'happiness' is purported to be attainable through both Christianity and Judaism as well. I wanted to know if the OP was willing to acknowledge that fact.
Happiness, Ms.Rossi ... happiness. Have you heard of it?

Of course-----I encountered muslims ----I learned WAY BACK ----like almost 50 years that HAPPINESS is being a muslim----and almost HAPPINESS is being lucky enough to live in a land RULED by muslims. Years after I learned that, encountered hubby----His family---ie is parents had the great joy of living in a land ruled by muslims. Hubby was born during their escape. He does not remember being born------and never really experienced the JOY of living in a land ruled by muslims------but he did learn lots about it from his parents and other relatives----and friends.
You missed my point entirely. The OP talks about achieving 'Happiness' through Islam, insinuating that Islam is the ONLY way of succeeding. I merely stated (through a feigned question) that 'happiness' is purported to be attainable through both Christianity and Judaism as well. I wanted to know if the OP was willing to acknowledge that fact.

I understood your point------I tried to provide you with the standard MUSLIM POV. There is more (so sorry) Since hubby was born in a shariah shit hole-------and we live in a very diverse city-----sometimes he runs into
muslims from that very same shit hole. When each IDs his background-----the muslim INVARIABLY states something like

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