Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
We checked, and the recommendation is to vote Republican, because the country you save just might be your own.
It may be your last chance to vote Republican before the party splits and dissolves. Go for it.
No worries. Republicans in the states aren't the same as those in Washington. The formal name of our country is "The United States of America", not "America" (although lately we're not so united as in the past).
No worries. Republicans in the states aren't the same as those in Washington. The name of our country is "The United States of America", not "America".
Democrats don't like that, because it allows people too much freedom to live the way they want to, not as dictated from DNC central.
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
Naa, I'm pretty sure the lefty democrats transing kids will be on the wrong side of history. What a ghoulish disgusting and evil thing to do to score social credit points with the establishment. Might as well sacrifice them to Baal.
Unless you’re a woman...then the Republicans want the State to make your healthcare choices for you.
You did mean to say the STATES want to protect the lives of the unborn. You're really missing the mark this morning. It is clear that democrats really do not like freedom of choice, especially if you're a man who gets a woman pregnant.
Reaction score? Only complete losers like you magaturds give any importance to such things.
I never really thought about it till someone accused me of the same.
But looking at your score it shows that less than a 3rd of your posts get any reaction at all, and that usually means your posts are barely worth responding to.
My deal is many of my posts around holidays are pictorial in nature, and they're meant to look at, not talk about.
But looking at your score.....well it shows that people think you're a complete asshole not worthy of a response.
Heck, I'd be willing to believe most of USMB has you on ignore cuz you're such an asshole.

I never really thought about it till someone accused me of the same.
But looking at your score it shows that less than a 3rd of your posts get any reaction at all, and that usually means your posts are barely worth responding to.
My deal is many of my posts around holidays are pictorial in nature, and they're meant to look at, not talk about.
But looking at your score.....well it shows that people think you're a complete asshole not worthy of a response.
Heck, I'd be willing to believe most of USMB has you on ignore cuz you're such an asshole.

View attachment 946742
And? :dunno:
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
We see what Democrat policies have done over the last four years. That's why Biden has high disapproval numbers and 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. Your day of reckoning is coming in November where you will have to soberly look at your party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that you have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history.
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?

My hope is that the American people will make it clear that the GOP is wrong about everything in the 2024 election - that is if the Justice system completely fails to do its job.

However, being on the 'wrong side of history' depends on who gets to write history.

Unfortunately, many times civilizations evolve to a point then de-evolves. This usually happens when affluent spoiled brats get really, really stupid (MAGA).

If Trump is the GOP nominee for 2024, the American people's choice will be whether to continue the American enlightenment or to degenerate into a new dark age.

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