Guns Aren't The Threat, Blacks w. or without Guns Are


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you had been watching the media these days, particularly MSNBC and CNN you'd think that Chris Dorner was a hero. They cheered Django and half cheered a black renegade cop that was out in the public seeking retribution.

Why would the media in all practicality support murder?

Well, it depends who was committing the murders.

This is all part of the left's Social Justice. It seems the real threat that everyone in the media is ignoring is the increase in Black on White violence. The media looks the other way whenever possible when a thug kills a white or another black but they focus in like Parana's whenever a white mental patient is involved. They had to reluctantly pay attention when an angry psychopathic cop who just happened to be a black man spouting a manifesto supporting Obama and the media went around Southern California murdering people. It's a pretty pathetic display of their constant double-standards and their outright hypocrisy when they call for tighter controls on guns......but the only control seems to fall on law-abiding citizens. Meanwhile the largest source of violence in America percentage-wise is black kids running around taking out their media driven anger on white society.


While in the newspapers or on television you will not be informed about it in a form that makes sense, a growing cancer of racially-based violence is metastasizing in our cities. Moreover, unless you were to see these outrages first hand or in media outside the mainstream organs, you would know nothing of it --- for it is being withheld from you. For reasons that we may want to speculate on, the news media have made an overt decision to avert your eyes away from the stone cold reality that a spectrum of young black men and women, motivated by race, rage, or entertainment, are increasingly committing crimes against life and property by the medium of flash mob violence.

From Oregon and Washington to New Jersey, packs of youth are targeting markets, shoe stores, county fairs, beach walks, and city parks in conducting brazen crimes by overwhelming police and security who find themselves increasingly unable to counter the element of surprise and viciousness that goes hand in hand with this phenomenon. As a result of this, brutal beatings of whites and Asians have become commonplace occurrences, resulting in public facilities being closed down to traffic as roving hordes materialize and vanish into the night like specters. And yet, the 900 pound gorilla in the room (that no one will dare look in the eye) is that there is an unassailable racial component involved. Furthermore, in the interest of multicultural harmony, cities which have long been in the clutches of Democratic political machines have lulled themselves to become anxiously oblivious to the mayhem. Because of this, those molders of opinion have taken to calling a serpent a stallion in hopes that the world, in turn, would also close its eyes.


Colin Flaherty is an award winning writer whose work has been published in more than 1000 places around the globe, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Miami Herald, Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, Time magazine, and others.

He is the author of "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It."

Thomas Sowell: "Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - National Review.


Articles: A Blind Pendulum

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Loved Django. Great movie. Love Jaime Foxx too.

The OP sounds like another thinly veiled argument supporting the idea that the right to bear arms should be limited to the right of white men to bear arms.

Racist garbage.
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Why blame it on race? The media sensationalizes violence, start with that and hold the press accountable not race.

Far from suppressing news about lynchings, newspapers embraced them, providing abundant, even graphic, coverage of vigilante violence. As Clark (1964) observes in a book on the southern country editor, "many editors did not spare their readers' sensibilities. Whatever their motives, they (editors) wrote full, detailed accounts. Turning through many volumes for the period from 1875 to 1920 is somewhat like walking through a chamber of horrors" (p. 228).

Newspapers in every region of the country provided graphic coverage of lynchings, especially those that occurred in their area. "When discussing a lynching in their particular area," notes Wright (1990) in a study of racial violence in Kentucky, "local newspapers gave all of the grisly details and, significantly, would often point out that the lynching was not the first one that had happened in their area" (p. 5). Major newspapers or metropolitan dailies sometimes described lynchings that occurred outside their geographical area. For example, the February 2, 1893 issue of The New York Times, under the headline "ANOTHER NEGRO BURNED," described the grisly details of the lynching of Henry Smith in Paris, Texas. Readers learned that Smith was placed on a 10 feet-high scaffold and was tortured for 50 minutes by red-hot irons thrust against his body, after which he was set on fire and transformed from a human being to charred human remains.

It is next to impossible to locate a newspaper article that does not identify the victim as a Negro or that refrains from suggesting that the accused was guilty of the crime and therefore deserving of punishment. For example, The New Orleans Picayune described an African-American who was lynched in Hammond, Louisiana for robbery as a "big, burly negro" and a "Black wretch" (Logan, 1965, p. 298).

The Press and Lynchings of African Americans
Loved Django. Great movie. Love Jaime Foxx too.

The OP sounds like another thinly veiled argument supporting the idea the right to bear arms should be limited to the right of white men to bear arms.

Racist garbage.

My wife is black.

She had a shooting happen across the street from her office.

A bunch of black kids getting high and raising hell.

It happens more often with blacks than whites, but you wouldn't know it from watching the news.
Loved Django. Great movie. Love Jaime Foxx too.

The OP sounds like another thinly veiled argument supporting the idea the right to bear arms should be limited to the right of white men to bear arms.

Racist garbage.

My wife is black.

She had a shooting happen across the street from her office.

A bunch of black kids getting high and raising hell.

It happens more often with blacks than whites, but you wouldn't know it from watching the news.

Anecdotal evidence of a shooting across the street from your black wife's office. Hmm, if your wife is black, then everything you say about blacks must be true and there is no way your motivations are racist.

Nice try.
cool... another racist thread!


You're suffering from "Whiteman's Guilt".

Instead of whining about how badly blacks have it you might want to open your motherfucken eyes for once, bitch.

I've been hearing it first-hand for 35 years. It's never gonna end till they want it to end and they don't. Now we have a president that gives their beef legitimacy........government sponsored racism. A license to kill so to speak. Social Justice. Reparations. Whatever they want to call it.
You RW loons don't even attempt to cover your racism anymore. And everyone says the Tea Party is dead...:tongue:
Loved Django. Great movie. Love Jaime Foxx too.

The OP sounds like another thinly veiled argument supporting the idea the right to bear arms should be limited to the right of white men to bear arms.

Racist garbage.

My wife is black.

She had a shooting happen across the street from her office.

A bunch of black kids getting high and raising hell.

It happens more often with blacks than whites, but you wouldn't know it from watching the news.

Anecdotal evidence of a shooting across the street from your black wife's office. Hmm, if your wife is black, then everything you say about blacks must be true and there is no way your motivations are racist.

Nice try.

Best way to discover how things are is live with them. Try raising them. Take a walk in their shoes.

Personally I think a snot-nosed newbie punk like you hasn't lived life yet. If you had you wouldn't talk the way you do. That is unless you're a sock that got banned for being an asshole.
cool... another racist thread!


You're suffering from "Whiteman's Guilt".

Instead of whining about how badly blacks have it you might want to open your motherfucken eyes for once, bitch.

I've been hearing it first-hand for 35 years. It's never gonna end till they want it to end and they don't. Now we have a president that gives their beef legitimacy........government sponsored racism. A license to kill so to speak. Social Justice. Reparations. Whatever they want to call it.

Well, I don't know any black person who's received the cell phone Obama promised them.

Government sponsored racism. How does that work exactly?

Social justice. Is that a bad thing?

Reparations. Show me the proof.

Weiß oder schwarz oder braun, es spielt keine Rolle, Sie sind alle gleich wertlos und kann die gleiche Menge an Arbeit in einem meiner Gulags zu produzieren ..... shnitsl

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