Group of "people" beat a 61 year old woman with a pot and stole her walker and money.

funded chief prosecutors in Dimm shitholes and in some cases combined with defund police Dimm mayors.
A recipe for CHAOS.
They found civil process to revoke gun rights without a criminal conviction is more effective when it includes red flag laws, service of process in court, mental health civil commitments, restraining orders, and antipsychotic drugs, neuroleptics, and forced administration of major tranquilizers, and daily floggings on restrained inmates.
The victims lose their gun rights forever, under Bloomberg's gun control laws, and the medications make them more docile and compliant to lawfully delivered beatings and intimidation.
No, i made no excuses and it was in the news for weeks. Lying isnt going to help you here. A fact is a fact.
Bullshit, all we heard was he was mentally ill. Never was he called a savage, feral animal, thug, etc. all the usual names you right wing, racist love to plaster on black folks and it damn sure wasn't in the news for weeks.
Bullshit, all we heard was he was mentally ill. Never was he called a savage, feral animal, thug, etc. all the usual names you right wing, racist love to plaster on black folks and it damn sure wasn't in the news for weeks.
Well he obviously was mentally ill. He wasnt a thug, he was crazy. Those are two entirely different kinds of people. A thug is a career criminal with a rap sheet, while this dude was some crazy guy who snapped, who im all for executing by the way.
Well he obviously was mentally ill. He wasnt a thug, he was crazy.
That's the co op you want to use.
Those are two entirely different kinds of people. A thug is a career criminal with a rap sheet, while this dude was some crazy guy who snapped, who im all for executing by the way.
BS the only difference is the color of their skin, you racist assclowns label every black man a thug and you don't have a clue what his arrest record is.
That's the co op you want to use.

BS the only difference is the color of their skin, you racist assclowns label every black man a thug and you don't have a clue what his arrest record is.
When a group of people beat down an old woman, i dont need to see their rap sheets in order to know they are thugs. :cuckoo:
Fricking Amish are getting way out of hand. we need to ban Christians, then everything will be fine.
Why has there been such a skyrocket in violent crimes across this country, since Xiden and the dems took power?

That was the entire Democratic Party platform, promoting violent hate crimes, that's why.
Come on Dumb Dudley, Trayvon was walking and talking on his cellphone he didn't start stalking Zimmerman's coward ass, he didn't call the police telling them he didn't know what this coward's deal was.
all true..but maybe he should of called the police instead of attacked him.

very tragic
Come on Dumb Dudley, Trayvon was walking and talking on his cellphone he didn't start stalking Zimmerman's coward ass, he didn't call the police telling them he didn't know what this coward's deal was.

You've already been handed your ass on your lies dozens of times, dumbass. The fact that you keep repeating them anyway just shows how dope fries brains.

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