Governor Kristi Noem Goes to War with Jan 6 Committee.

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2018
The National Archives should not be held at-fault.

They were obeying a lawful subpoena for original copies of the records, correct?

What happens to those records after being turned-over intact - lawfully - is not the business of the Archives, yes?

That gets the Archives off-the-hook, I do believe... :laugh:


The Select Committee on the January 6, 2021 Insurrection had a lawful purpose for obtaining those records.

If the Committee chose to make such Archive -supplied records part of the Public Record of the work of the Committee, then...

The Committee members (and by extension, those staff working at the direction of the Committee) quite probably have some kind of legal Immunity in this...

That (probably) gets the Committee off-the-hook as well, although I am not absolutely certain...


The subpoena and the standing of the Committee probably don't give the Gubner a legal leg to stand on in the final analysis...

I will concede that if it was done intentionally as a veiled 'spanking' of such visitors, then it was wrong, and should be investigated and sanctioned somehow.
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The National Archives should not be held at-fault.
No, you are correct, it is someone on the Jan. 6 committee, or a staffer, that either did this on purpose, or did not give a shit enough about these folks privacy, to make sure to dot their "i's," and cross their "t's." If it had been political allies, I am positive this mistake would not have been made. They clearly just did not care about these folks. We see how folks snipe at eachother on this board. . . they wouldn't give a crap about the other side's cyber security, unless there were real consequences if they screwed up.


That the opposition folks were responsible for this, should probably all have it marked on their permanent record that they did this, if they are still serving in the bureaucracy in D.C., they should immediately be fired, and probably put on criminal probation, and, if there is any data breach or criminal use of this data, the person that did it, should probably be fined, for each incident that occurs here after.

At the point they can no longer pay the fine, they should have to serve time, IMO.

It will be the only way to prevent the competing partisan and corporate factions from committing obvious cyber crimes on each other, for political and economic gain.
I find it hard to believe that those requesting the SS numbers did not have to sign off when they obtained them.

It's a criminal act to mishandle SS numbers. It's also a act subject to civil court redress.

That said it's up to DOJ on the criminal end of things so I'd not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

I also believe that they may be subject to criminal action in a state court depending on the state laws in the state where the governors were outed....Most states have laws concerning the illegal disclosure of SS numbers.
You're off topic. Go derail some other thread.
Actually you are correct about this. I will stick to the topic. Above I noted if someone did this (release SSN's etc)and if it is illegal they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Do you agree?
Who in the hell released the Social Security numbers of Governor Noem and her husband and kids? Democrats are the nastiest scummy asswipes on the planet.
The answer Kristi is simple. Nazi governments do Nazi things.
The National Archives should not be held at-fault.

They were obeying a lawful subpoena for original copies of the records, correct?

What happens to those records after being turned-over intact - lawfully - is not the business of the Archives, yes?

That gets the Archives off-the-hook, I do believe... :laugh:


The Select Committee on the January 6, 2021 Insurrection had a lawful purpose for obtaining those records.

If the Committee chose to make such Archive -supplied records part of the Public Record of the work of the Committee, then...

The Committee members (and by extension, those staff working at the direction of the Committee) quite probably have some kind of legal Immunity in this...

That (probably) gets the Committee off-the-hook as well, although I am not absolutely certain...


The subpoena and the standing of the Committee probably don't give the Gubner a legal leg to stand on in the final analysis...

I will concede that if it was done intentionally as a veiled 'spanking' of such visitors, then it was wrong, and should be investigated and sanctioned somehow.
Noem is not exactly the that far to the right. One day, Progs will get their karma though. Progs are so shallow after initial venom and violence.
Actually you are correct about this. I will stick to the topic. Above I noted if someone did this (release SSN's etc)and if it is illegal they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Do you agree?
Of course.
Who in the hell released the Social Security numbers of Governor Noem and her husband and kids? Democrats are the nastiest scummy asswipes on the planet.
They need to be charged and locked up.
Noem is not exactly the that far to the right. One day, Progs will get their karma though. Progs are so shallow after initial venom and violence.
Yes. I agree that Progs can be venomous and intolerant, mirroring the worst to be found on the opposite end of the political spectrum.

Formerly, I would have said that the difference is that Progs are Whiney Bitches, however, given MAGA bleating about the 2020 election, well.,..
Who in the hell released the Social Security numbers of Governor Noem and her husband and kids? Democrats are the nastiest scummy asswipes on the planet.
Yup. Democrats also spent years claiming they needed Trump's tax returns, even though Trump had no legal responsibility to release the returns. So, what happens to Trump's tax returns, which should not have been even released to the House and then the House should have kept them private? They actually vote to make Trump's tax returns public, even though the law states that people have the right to keep their tax returns private. And, what has happened after every single investigation Democrats have done on Trump? Things were leaked to the press.

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