GOP Up A Tree, 47% All Remain Tax Free!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So In Equal Treatment, USA, the Debt Ceiling has been raised for at least a year. The tax refunds will be paid out, timely. . .or so. The Republican federal shut-down is still on the impact books.

Senate passes debt-ceiling plan in blow to tea party -

Because the United States will borrow, essentially--the world credit market is stable at least, and for the time-being. The real missing point at Tea Party GOP is that the economies of the planet are credit-market based. The emerging markets are finding out how that impacts their current prospects. Europe had to try to figure that out in the last four years. The GOP took what TARP money there was, and sent it off to the already, prosperous rich. That was before even any of all that.

Only an Ivy League educated, Wall Street Banking Industry, could fail to keep track of all the worthless paper--maybe going into the century after this one.

What happens in the land of the ancient Sumer Civilization--actually did not stay there. Like some ancient Steve McQueen movie, the fixed percentage usury creeps, and leaps, and glides, and slides, across the sand, in every land, in codes of any hand--and even set in stone(?): It's thought a gift of gods(?). Well. . . .goddesses(?)!

Were there to be an anarchy, then the Torah prohibition of usury charges within the congregation--would extend to the planet, unless it would be modified. The Code of Hammurabi had already noted the consequence of usury. The household could sell itself into indentured slavery for a fixed term. That would be for settlement of debts. The Code of Moses was certain tribes specific. The Greek influence in the New Testament codes noted the problem in Matthew 25:14-30, KJV or Cathollic Editions.

As surely as "capitalism" has excesses, then in Matthew 20:1-16, there was a remedy already proposed. "Capitalism" was not a concept. In history, the arithmetic remedy was left there to die. It came back to in the Obama-Biden, Make-Work-Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit. Boehner, et. al., took that away. It had previously tried a comeback. The Clintons had started with the per child, income tax credit in the tax codes. The Liberal Democrats had raised and indexed the personal exemptions, and standard deduction, in the 1986 Income tax reform. Reagan was expanding the deficit. The already prosperous defense-industry income levels would prosper. The remedy-free expansion was failing under Bush I, Term I.

Mostly the stupid GOP, Tea Party--of Harvard educated, Senator Ted Cruz types--can only see that the federal government keeps running out of money. The concept of bringing some in goes way past reasoning, at the Tea Party. The concept of expanding the prosperous market goes way past reasoning, at the Tea Party GOP.

Borrowing and debt is an ancient computing, human problem. The remedy proposed 2000 years ago was intended--in computing--to include the lower income sector as a part of the functioning market. Now in credit-world, that would be said, way far simpler to show. Instead, the Ivy League can't find the worthless mortgages, even now.

Anyone can guess the problem(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Teaching is clearly not possible, at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort! Some would say that: Actually. . .it's really on their permanent records! Mostly, no one does. . . .so state(?)! Doing, they seem to know a great deal about, and even sell it!)
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