GOP Must Dump Jesus or Risk Irrelevance in ‘Post-Christian America-Salon

The right to freedom of religion is so central to American democracy that it was enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Left and their obsessive hatred for God, the US Constitution should be a red light for any and all Americans who love freedom.

Dafuck does any of that have to do with how a political party operates?
Oh look, it's the board jackazz.. Learn to read.. preferably a post so that your reply isn't met with cackling and ridicule dummy.

So you have no answer.

Here it is -- it has NOTHING to do with it. We are not a theocracy, therefore bible-thumping has no place in politics. That's puerile pandering, brought in by Jerry Falwell and his fellow travellers. It had no place in politics then, it has no place now, and it will have no place in the future. Religion is private, not political.

The whole point of the original article is that "GOP" has to drop that false association pandering, or risk becoming irrelevant. That's got absolute ZERO to do with the Constitution or anybody's "rights". It's got everything to do with whether the political party in question can find relevance or not.

YOU learn to read. It's right there in your own thread title.
It is too bad so many anitchrist jumped onto that hate bandwagon as tides do turn and the backlash of that turn may be paying a heavier price than many of those hate filled antichristers ever expected.

In Engrish?
Salon: GOP Must Dump Jesus in ‘Post-Christian America’

Anti-God leftist rag Salon demanding Americans deny their religious freedoms and beliefs.

Who cares? I hope the entire fucking GOP just implodes. You can call that fascism if you want but America would be waaayyyy better off.

America as you so stupidly use, was founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, you fucking idiot.. Now get lost before someone drops a house on you.
I don't give a flying shit if you are Christian. Nothing I said had anything to do with that.
As if anyone gives the first rotten damn what you do or don't care about dumbo..
Salon: GOP Must Dump Jesus in ‘Post-Christian America’

Anti-God leftist rag Salon demanding Americans deny their religious freedoms and beliefs.


Hey, LadyShitSlinger, maybe if you read the article and saw what it says rather than how Breitbart interprets it, we could take you a little more seriously.

The point is, the Christian Right has always been the tail that wags the GOP dog, but they scare the hell out of most Americans, who simply might like to go to Church on Sunday, but don't want the Church telling them how to live the rest of the time.

The rise of irreligion is the GOP’s real demographic crisis

But Cruz’s difficulties were no different than those faced by previous Christian Right presidential candidates; none has ever even gotten close to the nomination. Cruz’s failure to get the nomination even in the face of the GOP voters’ knowing that an orange buffoon would get it instead is a perfect window into trends that will set the pace of American politics for decades to come: Americans are moving away from Christianity, including people most likely to vote Republican.

While the process of secularization has been slower-moving in the U.S. compared to Europe, it is now proceeding rapidly. A 2014 study by Pew Research found that 23 percent of Americans say they’re “unaffiliated” with any religious tradition, up from 20 percent just three years earlier. The Public Religion Research Institute confirmed the statistic as well with a 2014 poll based on 50,000 interviews indicating that 23 percent of respondents were unaffiliated.
Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood. – John Adams, 1765

Liberty includes the right to freely worship as one chooses. The Intolerant God hating Left are never happy unless they are DEMANDING (FASCISM) their way or else.
With one unspoken caveat that few ever thought we would have to address til our time; we cannot be neutral toward religions or sects that are in favor of killing innocent people. Those people are NOT covered under the First Amendment any more than felons are covered under the Second Amendment.
The right to freedom of religion is so central to American democracy that it was enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Left and their obsessive hatred for God, the US Constitution should be a red light for any and all Americans who love freedom.

Dafuck does any of that have to do with how a political party operates?
Oh look, it's the board jackazz.. Learn to read.. preferably a post so that your reply isn't met with cackling and ridicule dummy.

So you have no answer.

Here it is -- it has NOTHING to do with it. We are not a theocracy, therefore bible-thumping has no place in politics. That's puerile pandering, brought in by Jerry Falwell and his fellow travellers. It had no place in politics then, it has no place now, and it will have no place in the future. Religion is private, not political.

The whole point of the original article is that "GOP" has to drop that false association pandering, or risk becoming irrelevant. That's got absolute ZERO to do with the Constitution or anybody's "rights". It's got everything to do with whether the political party in question can find relevance or not.

YOU learn to read. It's right there in your own thread title.
It is too bad so many anitchrist jumped onto that hate bandwagon as tides do turn and the backlash of that turn may be paying a heavier price than many of those hate filled antichristers ever expected.

In Engrish?

good luck with that
Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood. – John Adams, 1765

Liberty includes the right to freely worship as one chooses. The Intolerant God hating Left are never happy unless they are DEMANDING (FASCISM) their way or else.
With one unspoken caveat that few ever thought we would have to address til our time; we cannot be neutral toward religions or sects that are in favor of killing innocent people. Those people are NOT covered under the First Amendment any more than felons are covered under the Second Amendment.

so cruz's liaison to the religious right isn't protected by the first amendment because he supports the murder of doctors who perform abortions?
With one unspoken caveat that few ever thought we would have to address til our time; we cannot be neutral toward religions or sects that are in favor of killing innocent people. Those people are NOT covered under the First Amendment any more than felons are covered under the Second Amendment.

Our problem with the Middle East is not that their belief in a Sky Pixie is any worse than OUR belief in a sky pixie.

We've murdered a lot more 'innocent" Muslims than they have "innocent" Christians.

They aren't at war with us because Mohammed or Jesus is the True Prophet/Messiah.

They are at war with us because we regularly invade, occupy or bomb their countries.

There is a great French Film called "The Battle for Algiers" where a rebel leader is captured and the journalists ask him why they put bombs in women's baskets, and he replies, "Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We'd gladly trade our baskets for your planes."
With one unspoken caveat that few ever thought we would have to address til our time; we cannot be neutral toward religions or sects that are in favor of killing innocent people. Those people are NOT covered under the First Amendment any more than felons are covered under the Second Amendment.
Passive resistance to play along with another cult (LGBT) is a religious freedom. That's an example of an enforceable Constitutional Right. Killing your daughter because she won't marry the old guy you hand selected for her....that's an example of an UNenforceable religious practice.

It's very easy. Where others would come to physical harm, a religious edict is "ancient and inapplicable" (that doesn't include someone threatening suicide because you won't bake them a cake). Refusing to bake someone a cake, take photos or cater to them in other ways promoting a "gay marriage", or to adopt a child to a motherless or fatherless life...those are religious edicts that are "current and applicable".
Passive resistance to play along with another cult (LGBT) is a religious freedom. That's an example of an enforceable Constitutional Right. Killing your daughter because she won't marry the old guy you hand selected for her....that's an example of an UNenforceable religious practice.

Enforceable by who? The government can and should suppress honor killings and other murders of that nature which are totally different from acts of self defense,etc.

It's very easy. Where others would come to physical harm, a religious edict is "ancient and inapplicable" (that doesn't include someone threatening suicide because you won't bake them a cake).

Where others would come to physical harm, not talking about harmless practices like circumcision, the law should ban it no matter if it is religious or ancient or tooty fruity.

Refusing to bake someone a cake, take photos or cater to them in other ways promoting a "gay marriage", or to adopt a child to a motherless or fatherless life...those are religious edicts that are "current and applicable".

And should be protected by the First Amendment.

Glad you can see the difference, lol.
I never cared for Salon and on this I think it's another one where they have no clue. As a Republican the trouble I see, or more so hear from the many sermon podcasts I listen to over the course of a week, is that too many of our policies seem to me rooted in the Old Testament rather than the New. Quite common in recent talks by Christian pastors of various denominations and of mega-churches they have emphasized the need to build bridges and not walls. They don't mention candidates or political parties and don't harp on what the government should or should not do but rather concentrate on the personal practices of individuals and the means in fulfilling a life centered on Jesus.
With one unspoken caveat that few ever thought we would have to address til our time; we cannot be neutral toward religions or sects that are in favor of killing innocent people. Those people are NOT covered under the First Amendment any more than felons are covered under the Second Amendment.
So those Americans saying 'bomb them all and let god sort it out' should be prosecuted?
Salon: GOP Must Dump Jesus in ‘Post-Christian America’

Anti-God leftist rag Salon demanding Americans deny their religious freedoms and beliefs.


Well, I typically disagree with Salon. But not this time.

After the elections Americans' religious rights will be unaffected.

So I am unable to understand why religious conservatives demand that presidential candidates undergo a religious litmus test. My advise to the religious conservatives in this election where our right to bear arms is at stake is to PRIORITIZE.



Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood. – John Adams, 1765

Liberty includes the right to freely worship as one chooses. The Intolerant God hating Left are never happy unless they are DEMANDING (FASCISM) their way or else.
One has the right not too choose a religion also...
Passive resistance to play along with another cult (LGBT) is a religious freedom. That's an example of an enforceable Constitutional Right. Killing your daughter because she won't marry the old guy you hand selected for her....that's an example of an UNenforceable religious practice.

That is in no way a "religious" practice.
Salon: GOP Must Dump Jesus in ‘Post-Christian America’

Anti-God leftist rag Salon demanding Americans deny their religious freedoms and beliefs.

What they are referring to is the fact Republicans want gays dead. In fact, Cruz was the only GOP presidential candidate who attended kill the gays rallies and then apologized. I've posted many links. We all know it's true.

Here is a short list of White Christian Pastors who have called for gay extermination:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

The whole list took about 5 minutes to put together. So how many more are there? Hundreds? Thousands?

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