Good Old American Goodness: Donate to Help Rebuild Natalie Dubose's Cakes & More in Ferguson


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The animals destroyed her business. She had poured everything she had into it.

Hello, I'm Natalie Dubose of Ferguson, Missouri. I'm a small business owner with a cake shop and a bakery dream.
First, I would thank everyone for their warm wishes, empathy, and support during this crazy difficult time.
I would love to write more, and will try soon, but my business is so behind right now.
My shop, which had it's grand opening this summer was vandalized in the riots.
My main windows were smashed and bakery damaged. I'm beside myself, but with the holidays, can't stop working.
I'm very busy cleaning and trying to repair my business. I'm also trying to catchup on baking cakes for Thanksgiving!
I promise to update this later. I'm truly mixing batter right now. I began baking and selling cakes at local flea markets, slowly saving money to start my small business.
It was my dream and I'm working hard to accomplish that dream.
The outpouring of support on Twitter, Facebook, and in the media has been amazing. I was in tears.
It was suggested that I start this account by a new friend and here it is. I do need help to rebuild and create a website, so any donations would be a huge assistance.
I'm not sure where to find the money to repair my little bakery. But, even if you just stopped by to say hello. Thank You !!!!
I've never felt such love.
Thank You !!!

Natalie s Cakes and More Fund by Natalie Lcdubose - GoFundMe
$202,000 in one day, I'd say she's doing fine. Probably better than she was before.
It appears since Rush publicized it, she's DOUBLED her donations!

Good Old American Goodness: Donate to Help Rebuild Natalie Dubose's Cakes & More in Ferguson November 26, 2014
RUSH: If you would like to donate to Natalie Dubose, it's Now, what's happening here, it's up to $101,000 right now, and there are a lot of Tea Party sites that are promoting fundraising for her -- you know, these evil racist Republicans? Yeah. Yeah, Tea Party types.

what!? white republicans are racist and hate blacks, right? oh wait- look libs! WHAT SAY YOU LIBS?
It appears since Rush publicized it, she's DOUBLED her donations!

Good Old American Goodness: Donate to Help Rebuild Natalie Dubose's Cakes & More in Ferguson November 26, 2014
RUSH: If you would like to donate to Natalie Dubose, it's Now, what's happening here, it's up to $101,000 right now, and there are a lot of Tea Party sites that are promoting fundraising for her -- you know, these evil racist Republicans? Yeah. Yeah, Tea Party types.

what!? white republicans are racist and hate blacks, right? oh wait- look libs! WHAT SAY YOU LIBS?

Shit, they take from THEIR POCKET......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It appears since Rush publicized it, she's DOUBLED her donations!

Good Old American Goodness: Donate to Help Rebuild Natalie Dubose's Cakes & More in Ferguson November 26, 2014
RUSH: If you would like to donate to Natalie Dubose, it's Now, what's happening here, it's up to $101,000 right now, and there are a lot of Tea Party sites that are promoting fundraising for her -- you know, these evil racist Republicans? Yeah. Yeah, Tea Party types.

what!? white republicans are racist and hate blacks, right? oh wait- look libs! WHAT SAY YOU LIBS?
A liberal's generosity consists of wanting to give away money that belongs to someone else. They tend to keep their own.
lib free zone #21? I bet my last dollar 90% of the donations were from white republicans.
There's no question about that. Libs don't help ANYBODY (unless they use YOUR money).

So you get mad that liberals make broad generalizations about conservatives. But conservatives making broad generalizations of liberals? Totally okay and its 100% the truth.

Yeah no hypocrisy in that.
lib free zone #21? I bet my last dollar 90% of the donations were from white republicans.
There's no question about that. Libs don't help ANYBODY (unless they use YOUR money).

So you get mad that liberals make broad generalizations about conservatives. But conservatives making broad generalizations of liberals? Totally okay and its 100% the truth.

Yeah no hypocrisy in that.
Republicans reach into their OWN pockets to help others, Democrats reach into EVERYONE ELSE'S pockets to help others (if there's any left over after helping themselves). That's just a fact. Deal with it.
lib free zone #21? I bet my last dollar 90% of the donations were from white republicans.
There's no question about that. Libs don't help ANYBODY (unless they use YOUR money).

So you get mad that liberals make broad generalizations about conservatives. But conservatives making broad generalizations of liberals? Totally okay and its 100% the truth.

Yeah no hypocrisy in that.

has msnbc, jon stewart, colbert, obama, sharpton, jackson, the naacp etc.. set anything up? no- Rush ALONE will out donate all the libs in the entire country combined.
libs- the template is that rich white conservatives are greedy, evil, racist, selfish, homophobic etc etc etc.. the REALITY is we give more to charity, to churches, to the poor, to blacks, to minorities, to Ferguson etc than the libs could ever dream of. Libs are good with spreading the wealth (someone elses hard earned money) around.
lib free zone #21? I bet my last dollar 90% of the donations were from white republicans.
There's no question about that. Libs don't help ANYBODY (unless they use YOUR money).

So you get mad that liberals make broad generalizations about conservatives. But conservatives making broad generalizations of liberals? Totally okay and its 100% the truth.

Yeah no hypocrisy in that.
Republicans reach into their OWN pockets to help others, Democrats reach into EVERYONE ELSE'S pockets to help others (if there's any left over after helping themselves). That's just a fact. Deal with it.

remember this black lib?

William J. Jefferson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Whether they vote republican or Democrat God bless them for donating to this woman.

agree but libs need to take their medicine and see the light. Whites on the right DO CARE about others, regardless of race and political affiliation.

I'm not worried about white people. It's conservatives that bother me. I hope they learn to look passed race and political affiliation.

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